Even as Much as I know most People are Losers, Sometimes Even I underestimate the Depth of their Loserness!

Granted, there are only two means by which one can "know" or understand the depths of anything...

These means are by either the Intuitive Factulities, or Intellectual Faculties (i.e. the mind).

And even as much as I am well learned on these aspects, even about certain Individuals, sometimes I am even taken aback by just how even greater a loser can be when I meet one.

I got into a discussion with someone who bought out some business recently, and while I know this savage is one of the "dregs" of society, and I know he hasn't much of a life, I couldn't help but to mentally stand in astonishment how much of an even greater loser he actually was.

We're literally discussing and debating about Avocados, Steaks and Women and Donalod Trump, of all things... And the thing is these topics came up as a result of this Organic Portal "gleaning from me", because he SPECIFICALLY even knew down to a specific company which carries shitty Avocados, and somehow tried to "upsell" the idea of them being good quality, and even downplayed a "good" company I knew which selled Premium steaks and mentioned things which make no sense whatsoever.

The guy contradicted himself so much, I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing, because I knew a few details about this guy personally that he does not know, and he was even admitting to me in one breath about how he feels burdened by his current "engagement" of who he is seeing, only to flip it over to make it seem how great she is, even though she is actually obese, tatted, and a typical loser as well.

To makes matters worse, the topic of the upcoming Election came up, and once again, I know how much there are for losers in this world, there are so many losers, and Americans absolutely take the cake along with British people as being some of the biggest losers on the Earth.

That being said, the topic of "Trump" came up, and I actually do not like to reveal my full opinion on the manner, at least at first until I test the waters or really know whether or not someone can have an intellectual conservation about Trump, because the thing is, if you speak Anti-Trump sentiment for any reason, you automatically are categorized as a "Liberal / Leftist".

Without any second opinion given...

So, I kept suggesting how Trump isn't going to do much, if anything at all.

I even stated during the last election to most people that Trump was mostly an impotent / worthless figure, and at best, the only value he serves is the "idea" of him being in Office.

Think about that! And yes, that is an extremely petty thing, but truth be told, that's the only power Trump has whatsoever. He's just a figurehead.

Anyways, what disturbs me is how much people in this country, and even in Europe are banking on this "Trump" to solve their problems and fix what Biden exacerbated, even through Trump was still part of the same platform!

What I heard from this savage's mouth in his challenge to my argument, is that he has hopes that at least Trump might be able to "set the stage" in a better direction for even the GUY AFTER HIM!

For those of you who've followed me for a while, do you remember how many times I've lamented over Americans who constantly are obsessed with not their future or reality now, but keep banking on the next 4 years!?

4 Years from, A LOT OF THINGS CAN CHANGE, and almost always for the worst, and here we have this fucking moron who is even more focused on the potential Trump could bring for the next "4 Years" after his provisional re-election!!!

Dude, It's going to be close to 2030 by then! You will be out sitting on your broke ass from not fighting a revolution and banking on close to 6 years passing for some Politician to rescue your business and what, quell inflation!?

You think Trump actually has that kind of power!? Get real Man, read a fucking book!

To make matters worse, I checked further into this guy, and although I knew he was English, one thing that pisses me off is that a lot of English these days tend to be racially mixed with Celts, so what I discovered on his surname was that he "might" also have been Irish, and personally he looks Irish to be, however, if not, hecomes from a pure-blood Saxon lineage and is a pathological liar!

If he is indeed a Saxon, but then again it would be the same of any Irishman, it would definitely explain his lack of cultural sophistication on any level! Because literally, he contradicated himself on pretty much everything, and admitted in the most profusely insane and psychotic ways how much of a loser he is, and that he supports things that belong to loserdom, while shaming the people who like to win at life.

On top of it, he works 80 hours per week and goes to the gym and tried to flex that on me!

I would say that the Trump Supporters this time around are even way, WAY more delusional off-their-rocker, compared to how things were back in 2015.

None of them seem bothered by Trump's incompetence on any issue whatsoever.


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