Why Now Is The Best Time To Detach From Modern Technology / Use Older Technology

The rapid change in the way things are evolving with technology, compatibility interfaces, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Cloud Services, and other information sharing that is done across all kinds of platforms and devices, without any kind of clear consent to your own privacy measures, is a very major point of concern, and it's something I've been seeing worsen in about the last 15 or so years.

In the beginning stages, it wasn't entirely intolerable, but still with the knowledge that it would only continue to get far worse.

The thing is, I'm becoming a Complete Dinosaur with these platforms and devices, even just as the other day I learned that I was texting someone photos who could not receive them, because my phone or something is too old or not compatible with their device.

Other things are increasingly getting ridiculous like this, as I can't even properly browse or use certain features on forums and find it becoming increasingly frustrating to bridge applications over, and there is always something that needs some sort of an update, and multiple stupid verifications.

My account lockouts on all kinds of websites are also increasing more and more.

I was once locked out from one of my accounts, because my phone did not share something with the updated "Cloudflare" verification, and it kept saying my credentials "couldn't be verified" and I made too many login attempts, so my account is locked.

I'm absolutely fucking sick of this shit.

In the last few years, I even have decided that what I currently own, I am insistent to keep it this way and will retire these devices without upgrading them, or if I have to replace them with new units of the same exact kind from years ago, that I will do that before ever stepping up to what is currently coming out.

I do not like how these things work at all.

I also really dislike how things must be done now also with going to certain concerts or events, where much of the coordination or some organizing might take place through third party applications, and I had one situation where I was forced to sign up to one and I found out immediately, that before I could ever have the option to show what I wish to be displayed to other users, all information was shared, and I had to immediately disable that.

If I become less and less relevant in the Internet / Online world and with Applications in due time, so be it, and it seems that by 2025-2026 that this will more and more be the case.

The problem is a lot of people don't see anything wrong with the modern devices or how they perform and share data, because they love the "conveniences" and "integration" and particularly as it feeds into their Narcissistic and Egocentric activities / interests.

The Apps, even Operating Systems of all modern computers and phones or other technologies such as in your car, are not designed "as-is" for a general user to adapt it to how they want or become acclimated.

It is instead designed to appeal to Narcissistics and people who do not think, and want everything to just somehow automatically "function" with the expected or anticipated Human responses.

I have gradually watched the change of the function and performance over many years, and am disgusted how this stuff is programmed this way and implemented, and it also absolutely promotes even worse, detached behavior in people, including with how quick a video clip can be integrated into Instagram, TikTok or other websites from their phones.

I used to like using the phones or certain applications for simple, practical uses, but now you cannot do that any longer, and these devices assume you will use them like every other NPC, and that you need to have your quick arsenal of "Emoticons" to make more "life-like" impressions with other Human Beings who you are not face to face with.

The older technology was so much better, despite any limitations or even if it has slower performance with some things.

This new shit will only make you more of a slave, and expose you to far more risks, including getting hacked or your information compromised, along with planting Corporations even further into your personal life to monitor all of your habits and what you do everywhere.

What I do not like about these technologies too, and especially with AI, is that the "premise" by which they function, is on the basis that "trust" is automatically assumed on any level with any third party in the transaction or other function, and that this no longer judged on the Human level say by "you" in the interaction with the other person, and that many applications can be set up in a way where someone can take advantage of the other party, financially or otherwise in some cases, and whereby all disputes are managed in an automated manner, and where you have less and less recourse.

As I've foreseen many years ago, in the future Human Beings would no longer establish either friendships, business agreements, transactions or other activities on the basis of common / mutual interest, establishment of rapport with others and the normal means, instead an "App" and a "Rating" will be associated with it.

In addition to that, these apps must remind you as well to call the person by their designated gender "pro-nouns" as well.

All Older Technology is Timeless, and it does what it's intended to do. The only problem is, using them on the Internet will become more and more difficult to maintain, and I'm seeing how much more aggressice Tech Companies are getting at trying to block certain functions or applications prior to a certain date or release.

I also dislike everything with the QR codes, and the fact that many Food Establishments are mandating Online Ordering. The more people comply with this, and they absolutely will, the more enslavement will be brought upon them, and whereby people who don't comply or go along with it will be weeded out.

I've been to several establishments since "COVID", particularly in Boston but also other cities and venues, who will not allow you to order food or purchase or a ticket or something except through an Online Application or Interface, and I find that to be utter bullshit.

I'm looked at as the "pathetic one" for not already having these Apps or Phones or being integrated with these things by the general public and people around.

In the future, almost all Human Interactions will largely be based on these Phones, Apps and Devices, and you are simply an "outcast" if you don't have them, or are not up to date.

I get constant criticism from others, and while nobody should be forced to go into personal details about why or why not that someone does not have something, people lack any kind of understanding for your personal reasons, or even why you might be acclimated to older technology.

This is actually another very big reason why I am totally fed up with this world and the people in it.

You are almost "not permitted" to be who you are and live how you want, even in this manner!

Otherwise, people do not want to associate with you on any level! You are suspicious!

These das, the only "Newer" Technologies of anything that even slightly interest me in any way, are anything to do with improved Video Recording Technologies and TV's / Filming that comes in much higher resolution capabilities, especially as 8K is slowly emerging, but even that is emerging too slow for my own tastes, as 4K resolution has barely even reached the mainstream emergence than 1080p had achieved for it's time when Full HD became a thing.


  1. I have been thinking of getting rid of my iPhone and replacing it with a dumb phone. A basic phone that just engaged in texts and mobile phone calls. I waste a lot of time chasing dopamine online so this could really help.

    However I am sure it will make life a lot harder. But for once I will actually have to use my skills to get by. Such as asking someone for directions instead of Google Maps, or going into the bank instead of using a banking app. Using cash instead of contactless pay.

    Unfortunately going technology free would mean I wouldn't be able to access this blog or Goatis' videos on YouTube and Telegram. But imagine the freedom and peace of mind living in a way that isn't involving any smart technology. My instincts tell me that this is a very good idea. I just have the fear of missing out when it comes to this blog. Also my addictive brain won't appreciate the lack of dopamine from no longer scrolling but it is for the better.

    1. @kyle I’ve had the same phone for years and years it still looks brand new I was also thinking about getting a flip phone once my phone doesn’t support 4g anymore I will never have a phone again.

      Giving up my devices isn’t too hard for me I never had TikTok or all this social media I only have YouTube which I’m basically almost done with now because everyone on there are becoming dumber and dumber it’s all ran by gen alpha kids now so they ruined YouTube I did have Snapchat once so I can text my neighbors who didn’t have a phone but had a tablet.

      I think quitting is the best thing gen alpha runs the internet all these cringe words you see are what the say when you see someone say” based” they are gen alpha or young gen z that’s their slang I have no idea what that means but I know they are gen alpha no one older says “based”

    2. @JunkieAmerican oh boy! "Based" is another overused term being used. Even I got caught into that trap and used it occasionally before finding out that it's just as stupid as using terms like "Chad" and "Stacy".

      I'm really thinking about giving up social media for real aside from maybe YouTube. I wish I didn't come across it in the first place. I've been on Facebook for ten years, but I'm planning on deleting it in the future.

  2. I don't have internet connection anymore-just use the library everyday to check emails and can use WiFi to download vids onto a cheap tablet then watch and delete--opens up loads of time I used to waste binge watching crap that I would forget I ever watched 5 minutes later. Another thing is to download a podcast/long video then convert it to MP3 then upload it to an old ipod or MP3 player to listen to whenever you feel like it.

  3. Oh we did a song about all this shit as well. Sorry.. https://xmass1.bandcamp.com/track/digital-supermeat


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