How The Berlin Wall was a period of time when Punks were actually against the Establishment, not for it.

In actuality even to this date, the Fall of the Berlin Wall is actually recognized as the last successful mobilization of a truly genuine rebellion and resistance movement that has actually occurred in Modern History, whereas anything new has really just been imitation or somehow controlled or orchestrated in some kind of fashion.

What you will understand in months and years to come, is that because most people today are NPC's, even if they "hate" the current system by any stretch of the imagination or go broke, the thing is they will never band together with others in mutual interest even with their status of becoming underdogs or downtrodden by their own government, because as a rule, NPC's do not respect anyone who is not a status symbol and especially if that person is a "nobody" in society. Even if that "nobody" happens to be an ultra cool system.

So it pretty much is explanatory why there will not be a revolution, because of that fact.

People are way too selfish, greedy and concerneed with their own self-interest, money and well-being, and so this type of environment is not harmonious with one that plants the seeds of revolution.

In a best case scenario with them, they will play the act or pretend to be some sort of ally or defender of a cause, up until they have pilfered what they want in terms of resources from someone or something in a rebellion movement.

When we had more pure humans walking on earth even as soon as a few decades ago, the downtrodden underclasses were capable to unite, and they did so in a selfless manner and did not think "less" of other other comrades who shared their misfortunes.

Today it's no longer the same though. People secretly disrespect anyone who is not poor and even someone who is not like some big fat cat that owns insane amounts of properties and businesses and is a monopolizer.

The actual starting formations of both the Punk and Post-Punk / Goth scenes, were actually generally apolitical, but most of them were Anti-Communist until the infiltration had begun, but it also varied in the Subculture scenes based on the country.

Today in 2024, the Punk and Goth scene is only a shadow of its former self, and if anything they serve more as Big fronts for Corporatism, Communism, and Big Government. 3 Things when the Punk and Goth scene started off with staunchly being in opposition to, and also promoting "DIY" lifestyles.

Moderrn Punks and Goths want "Safe Spaces". Punks love to claim they have no political affiliations while maintaining a Leftist stance. It would at least be more plausible if they identified as Anarchists!

Since many Punks have historically been Anarchists.

The Modern Punk and Goth scene also appear to be much more if anything now about being a "cover" group for promoting everything LGBTQ and Anti-White.

Almost nothing to do with the Music, if at all. After the 90's, there have been few surviving True Punks, and the Goth scene hasn't favored too well either since then.

Go talk to a Modern Goth or Punk, and they are now listening to what, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Chappell Roan and Hip-Hop Music!

What disgusts me even more is that somehow Emo music has also overshadowed the entire Goth scene!

As you can see, in our modern world, things like True Friendship, Romance, Cameraderie and Alliances no longer exist. But people still pretend as if it all exists. They'll play the act.


  1. Bill Cooper said the same thing decades ago, the sheeple will not be able to free themselves because they are liars, hypocrites and have too many agendas of their own:

    Modern white people, especially in Western countries/Anglosphere are completely fake and artificial, there is no real friendship or camaraderie anymore, which is explained perfectly in the two videos below (you might have to use a VPN to view the videos if you live in a cucked country): - I DON'T PROTECT WOMEN FROM RAPE (PART 2) - world war cunt

    1. @Alex, Yes, it's exactly true. Can you believe it, almost everyone on Earth at this time absolutely has no clue just how tolerant of evil and corruption most of the populations will behave in more months and years to come. This is why you often hear from them as if things aren't all that bad, or they act like sooner or later people will rise up. But that will not happen.

      As time presses on, a lot of people are going to see just how dark and impotent most of mankind really is.

      Most people, since they are NPC's, will never respect someone who is poor or downtrodden. Even if the NPC in question is also poor and downtrodden. They never overlook these facts about someone, so they would not possibly unite with others against evil people at the top, and that is all how the Dystopia will be fully unleashed.

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