A Disgusting Creepy PUA Grifter By The Name Of "Stirling Cooper" Tries Deceiving Young Men About Attracting Women


I'm surprised I hadn't heard of this guy until now, but after seeing this video recommendation on my feed, I had to take a look, and my god what a downright lying bag of shit this guy is in selling his snake-oil!

For starters, he is not even attractive whatsoever! He is downright ugly, even though there aren't necessarily the worst set of genetics out there, he does have a sloped forehead , receding hairline and a less flattering skull shape, he is certainly "not" gifted in the looks department, and yet is trying to convince you that as a Man gets older, that he gets more Women.

It's not true, and it's just if anything that Women use and string along the Older Men for money because they are the ones who usually have it.

You don't "attract" more Women as an older Man!

Now if you notice early on in the video, he begins talking about how a guy has "wasted his life" or mostly references "financial" reasons for not attracting a Woman, but then just randomly throws in only ONE example of something relating to looks as the reason, such as being overweight or having a belly, only to go back to suggesting how a Man needs to build up his value / financial situation.

What's pretty certain about this guy, is that he isn't getting "any" whatsoever, but I am sure he tries to wine and dine many Women, or like most Men, a lot of Men will tell you of the countless stories of Women they've had, but in actuality they just hired escorts.

What this guy is selling is sophistry, and it's always sophistry that gets points across to sell people bogus ideas, trends or movements, because it retrains and rewires peoples brain to think in the opposite version of what they are thinking!

EVERY MAN AND WOMAN on earth, knows that Women only want YOUNGER MEN.

Even Older Women, want YOUNGER MEN. Nice Skin, Fit Bodies, and Colored Hair.

Women do not like Bald Men, another capitalist Lie.

Sure, maybe he is having sex with more younger Women than ever in his life... Because he's financially paying for them... The side of the story he omits.

Of course you are getting more pussy now bud! Because you were unwanted in your youth by Women, and did not have money then. Now you have all the money to buy escorts, so yes, on that claim alone, you can claim you are getting more ass! But your ommission here is key!

He also works as a pornstar. Pornstars he sleeps with, aren't necessarily desiring to have sex with him! It's all about money!

No Women out there could possibly desire this guy. He is absolutely ugly and offputting beyond belief, and trying to convince younger Men in their teens and twenties, that somehow he is more desired by Women than they are!

Cry me a river you pathetic tool!

Can any of you believe that this creep thinks he is somehow handsome and more desirable at his age!? Honestly, there's still a part of me that in disbelief that he actually possibly believes in this himself, he has to be trying to sell this snake-oil, because it's just as ridiculous as Women who are obese who think they are 10's and that it's a privilege for a Man to have her in their life!

If I looked as bad as this guy, I would never even dream of having a lady in my life and would be forced to accept my fate.


  1. "There is also an aspect about how human coupling works, because the decision or bonding process actually occurs on other dimensional levels first, in the ether, even before it actually begins in real-time here on this physical dimension / plane."

    What you mentioned in another text, do you mean that it is already planned for everyone in advance with whom they will be in this world as a couple, or does that only apply to NPCs and not pure humans?

    1. @blood, Essentially Attraction actually is an Energetic thing behind the scenes, so what happens is it only manifests as an "echo" into the physical reality immediately in the form of when someone smiles or takes notice to someone. That's maybe the best way I can put it, but with NPC's, since they are reliant off of a script, there is an order inside of the script that already "pre-destines" their connection with someone, usually another NPC or something and this occurs on the Etheric level.

      This is why if you take notice to many couples you might see, their relationships might make actually NO SENSE at all, yet they will stick together regardless, no matter how ugly and unattractive or parasitic and pointless everything all is.

      It's just another part of destroying the Human Species and to permit NPCs to propagate further.

    2. Now that you mention couples, it sounds familiar to me with a cousin I have, he has a girlfriend, they've been together for like 3 years and they haven't had kids, but I can tell how she's in heat or somehow she's impatient with that subject, while my cousin is only obsessed with the gym and wants to be some kind of bodybuilder or something, the woman is 32 years old and he is 25 years old, whenever I see them, sometimes they pretend to be close but it seems very forced, plus 3 years and not a single child, at least in my opinion if I were with a person that I am completely in love with it would be difficult for me not to have children with that person, I mean, it's logical. And yes, in a certain way I have noticed that many couples only seem to be together for company but there is no sincere attraction, I suppose that when they have children it is something that is inherited in the children, and it is a tragedy.

    3. @blood, The great disgrace about everything is that if you are a Pure Human in this world, even if very attractive, your ability hold and keep a girlfriend will be extremely difficult and against your odds at every step of the way, whereas for Demonic types or NPC's, they will tend to have longer relationships even if full of drama. I am so so glad I never had children, never regretted it a moment in my life, and I'll be honest with you, especially since the COVID and other nonsense we've been dealt with the last few years, I get chills down my spine being "spooked" from the idea if I ever had children in this reality with how much I wouldn't be able to deal with it given the current situations of things and where they are headed.

      The NPC's absolutely LIVE for breeding, they have a pathological desire to make sure that their "kind" continues to breed and take over the rest of species. They are weeds.

  2. I've seen several videos of this guy, to me he seems like a human-demonic version, I don't know if I'm right? He brags a lot about his skills in bed and that is what makes women die for him, the few women I've seen him with are all horrible and used, the guy sometimes gives advice about sexuality, but it is always in some way about how a man should try hard and never how a woman should do the same, basically that a man should give all his sexual energy to women.

    1. @blood Most definitely... Looks like one, and he fits the bill with his lifestyle and advice... Interestingly enough, you can see in one of his interviews such as here, where he even starts off talking about how many "guys" even hit him up or hit on him, and when prodded about the whole thing of getting more established in the sex industry usually involving a lot of homosexual sex, you can tell by his answer and his body language that he is absolutely lying and trying to "over-compensate", a tell-tale sign of how Liars try to hide their tracks:


      What's even more surprising is that he's only around 38 years or something, and he looks like in his 50's! It's hard to believe he's an actual pornstar, he doesn't look like one. I'm much older than him and don't look anywhere near his age and with a receding hairline and wrinkles like he does!

      Yes, most people who boast about bedroom skills, don't have them. Just the same as how a nice person will never tell you or go around boasting that they are "nice".

      The fact that someone like this Stirling Cooper has such popularity and influence, goes to show how lacking there is of real Male Role Models for Men.

    2. Interesting, he touches his nose when he talks about homosexuals, something very typical of liars.

  3. I heard about this guy! He promotes being bald and what not as you can tell by his shaved head. I wonder if deep down, he's insecure about it because back in the 70s and 80s you would see a lot of balding men that just kept their hair as is without resorting to shaving it off.

    1. @Rey's World, Isn't it so ironic and blatantly insane how Sophists pretty much tell you a lie in your face, when the exact opposite is the truth!?

      For example, there is the Media Trend of claiming that Bald or Balding Men are "HIGHLY MASCULINE" and "HIGH TESTOSTERONE" even though it's proven Scientifically and even by the Medical Boards themselves that hair loss / recession is actually on of the greater signs of Testosterone Decline in Males!?

      We are in a clown world where people are told that Water is Hot like Fire, and that Fire is Wet.

      And they gaslight and make anyone out to look like they are a lunatic when you suggest they are wrong!

    2. @PSA oh, the high testosterone thing regarding bald/balding men! It's such a massive cope, perhaps one of the biggest copes that's pushed by the masses.

      Along with men that are ugly or short, bald men tend to compensate so much for their lack of head hair by going to the gym, growing a massive beard, getting tattoos, and styling themselves a certain way. There are also many bald clones walking around and it's annoying.

    3. @PSA and another thing, I've heard guys on forums like Reddit saying they got women despite being bald. If that's even true, it's mostly likely ugly women or some sort of degenerate woman that they got because they wouldn't have any options otherwise.

  4. that pua has a good looking face but his ratio and skull are somewhat deformed and he is bald with strange body proportions. i mean nothing against you but he is not that different respect andrew tate. some stuff are truth while other are completely and totally garbage and he need to costantly lie to the goyim and women on youtube to keep a sorta of "credibility"

    1. Your comment tells us a lot about your own genetics!

  5. I will never understand the point of extreme or normal bodybuilding anyway. I would only do it if people were afraid of me but given that people are full of NPCs in front of the phone with their matrix scripted lives and without for me the possibility of sending people to die in war to kill all the dirty shitty Jews it's definitely a waste of time and I should just focus on ingesting organic matter and fueling my hatred


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