Are All Pure Humans Subject To Gangstalking?

Yes, without exception, if you are a Pure Human, you are automatically "documented" by Governments and Special Firms, particularly Intelligence Agencies, who watch and monitor you and have Hired Networks of Gangstalking Agents.

The UK Government and its Royal Houses and Military Apparatuses are particularly known, along with influences in the Vatican for the execution of Global networks of Gangstalkers.

The thing is, however, depending on your "priority" level or coding in the system, or your own circumstances, you could go and live an entire lifetime without realizing you are being Gangstalked.

Gangstalking is a program that had been released after World War II with the intention of terrorizing and ruining the lives of Pure Humans, without them realizing it, so this is not something that has always been the case exactly throughout Human History.

You should not take seriously most people who talk about Gangstalking, because a lot of them are just mentally ill schizoids who think everything is a conspiracy or they just notice meaningless patterns but then sum it up as all being "against them" even when it may not be.

You could actually be living out your entire life without ever coming to know you are being gangstalked, but the key is that you will often notice that you are completely isolated and left out of society and happenings, and this will not only begin in your childhood, but will be prevalent throughout your life.

People will always be absnormally suspicious of you and watchful of you, including City Workers or even someone like a Postal Worker, and while they wouldn't think twice of someone for example watching a bird in a tree or feeding a bird for anyone else, they will notice "you" watching a tree and begin to question what you are doing, and if you feed a bird at a park, you may be accused that you were "throwing rocks" at the birds when it was bread.

I've also been accused of smoking Marijuana in public by a police officer once who didn't even look like a police officer, when I don't even smoke at all. And the officer did not want to accept it.

There are things like this that will routinely occur in your life, including people who group together randomly, whether at school or other environments to suddenly sabotage you in some sort of a way.

It can even be in an attempt to get you fired at your job.

Another surefire sign that you are experiencing gangstalking in a very covert manner, is that when you suddenly meet New people, that while they may seem excited or interested to know you upon first meeting, the next time or after a few times of meeting or hanging out they begin acting very distant, cold and bizarre around you, especially as if they do not want to be associated with you.

This is because they have been "informed" by someone about you, and this can even happen to you if the person doesn't even know your name or where you reside or anything else about you.

You will notice constant recurrent themes of specific types of conspiracies that are made against you, or even attempts to frame you for something you never did, or a place you never were.

Now, understand, this is not to say that people every day in some form or another are also not "framed" and defamed or lied about by other individuals, so the act of that alone does not imply gangstalking.

What makes it gangstalking is when there is an orchestrated group who is informed or directed by others in a heirarchy somewhere, to spread lies and hate campaigns against you, in a most malicious and especially a discreet manner.

If you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, even all relationship experiences, will be very difficult in this world if they even happen at all, because sooner or later someone through these advanced networks will try to inform or somehow get your significant other to turn against you.

However, this can also still happen and many times still does, in situations that do not involve gangstalking, also.

Pure Humans are absolutely subject to gangstalking without exception, and it cannot be stopped.

If you have children who are Pure Humans, they too will also face gangstalking.


  1. How common is postpartum depression? It is very common now because of diet and the type of programming the world is on right now. Can it be avoided in some way? What do you think about that?

  2. they mistake you for someone who smokes marijuana because you are probably weak and pathetic with negative canthalt tilt. me having traits of a narcissist in jewish and english gematria and abusing gh subliminals people don't even approach me and some directly suspect me to be some sort of terrorist or affiliated with some government organization or someone with schizophrenia like traits. also because once I went to a hospital with my father to see my grandmother and a person from the psychiatry department approached me naturally

  3. you're just a pathetic, cheap goy loser while I myself have the eyes of the devil and a totally artificial physiognomy almost like Breivik. now they will put you in jail for drug possession and you will be raped by a black monkey die insect dung hahahaha and you dirty Jews die too because with the will of hatred, narcissism and fascism no one can stop me!

  4. my parents are just two goyim slaves of the system and their lives have no meaning to me. anyway I love them because I was still a baby pacifier for them but having supreme physical perfection and supreme hatred of narcissism I'm almost unbeatable you on the other hand get put in jail for the failed rods while goatis is simply in nature wasting time. this is the punishment you deserve for your cheap humanitarianism fuck you along with the Jews, Nazism and your bullshit bullshit of being good humans. you disgust me, you're revolting, you wouldn't even have the courage to kick a Jewish child's skull until it shatters to pieces. I feel sorry for you, you shit Hitler would have put you in a concentration camp and goatis like in prison to see the total cosmic void. but when myk hyn's wrath falls on mankind it will be the end for you humans disgusting insects buahahhahahaahha


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