Women Complain They Are "Tired" Even While They Do And Give Absolutely 0%

Isn't it quite some irony!?

They just want to ride off the coat-tails of the fact that Men are the ones who are Tired and Fed up.

Women are such Entitled Bums!


  1. It's always the women with no job who criticise mens occupations the most. The unemployed women are always the ones demanding a man makes 100K a year. It's almost guaranteed when they are fat and black.

    The other day a woman shamed me for being a waste collector and when I asked her what job she has, she replied "none of your business", which says it all. I then engaged further with this specimen and she said female privilege doesn't exist, that I am a white man, married men live longer, and the usual shaming of broke men despite being broke herself and living off of the taxpayer.

    Imagine how much more free time and money we would have if parasites like her weren't given any financial assistance from the government.

    1. @Kyle, Every freaking time... Women with no job and/or who are perpetually broke. Because if they had their own money, why would they be concerned about a Man's finances? Men don't typically worry about a broke female, but now we have too because not only do they expect you to pay everything for them, they may have accrued credit card debt and student loans that they expect "you" to pay off. I was once in a relationship with a girl like that, I found out she racked up $20,000 in Credit Cards and also used her Student loans to live a "good life" without the intention of paying them back, but thought I would be the "sucker" to come to her financial rescue.

    2. @PSA it is always the broke ones. It also shows how evil women are. I am a broke man yet I never even think about taking money from women because I accept personal responsibility for my life choices and know it's not fair.

      However I am aware that instead of sticking to man made morals, I should try to get as much money from women as I can because they do it to men with no shame.

      A good thing I corrected is that I no longer spend money on women. Even if I know it will ruin my chances of getting laid, I value equality more aswell as the value of having financial security even if money is manageable made. Why am I broke you may ask? Because I don't work many hours a week and due to my reasonable freedom, although still not fully freedom, I finish in the late morning and live everyday like it's a Saturday and have experiences. The world is very limited with the experiences I can have but it's better than sitting in my bedroom playing video games all day like most of gen Z.

      I also once dated a woman who was in £5,000 credit card debt. She had feminist views and a bad relationship with her father. Unfortunately I was very green back then and I drove her around, took her on dates, and took her away on vacation for a week which cost me £400. I deeply regret it. She asked me to buy her the latest iPhone which was the 13 at the time and said she will give me the money back but I declined as I recognised she was using me for money. It wasn't worth the risk not enabling the audacity on her end to ask for such a huge favour.

      After that I cut out all financial assistance in anyway and just used her for sex for a few months before having an argument and things ended. I am guilty of using social media to check what she is up to and she now has a boyfriend who seems to be an absolute soy simp. It's a tragedy to see a weak man is enabling her and she is handed everything just for being born into the female container. Worst thing is she probably thinks she is oppressed because she is a woman!

    3. @Kyle, Women by and large always a Net Negative for a Man. It never becomes a Net Positive with them even if they are willing to put out. The thing is, Women usually spend so much time admiring the power of their pussy, that it wouldn't be possible to have a good sexual experience because they are not out for the "pleasure", as they see the tool between their legs as a utility towards getting utility.

      Man-made Morals can never win, and especially because Man-Made Morals are based on 3-Dimensional and even sometimes One-Dimensional and Linear ideas. That's why most people will always see a good deed as a good deed, and a bad deed as a bad deed. Never looking at motivations behind the deeds.

      In the times we live in, we must destroy a lot, that's the only good or moral thing to do.

  2. You should stop using "!?" in very other blog post, it makes you appear like a panicked woman.


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