Are Bad Genetics Often Associated With Toxic Character In Humans?

Yes, in most cases. It depends specifically what the ailment or physiological indicator is, because the Eyes, even the shape of the Nose, Ears, Chin and Jaw or other body indicators are a telltale sign of Character, even Criminal and Undesirable Traits.

For example, the classic "Flat Foot", this is a characteristic of all Jews and Witches by Blood.

Teacup Ears which protrude is also a sign of criminals, especially those with the club nose, and sometimes the hook nose, not to be confused with the Quiline nose.

Other traits for example such as an Overbite or an Underbite and a Weak Chin are often indicative of Subhumans.

There are genetic traits which might make someone's hips or other bones larger than normal, or say maybe abnormal pattern of growth of facial hair, sometimes this can be strictly hormonal but if otherwise genetically inherited, it's not necessarily a sign of a predatory trait, whereas other traits "can be". You or someone might have an eye deficiency, or perhaps some genetic issues with the skin or growth anomalies, but these are not always indicative of predatory and/or criminal traits in the scope of bad genetics.

Getting back to the "bite", While we often see classic "underbite" and "overbite" features in some Jaws, this is almost an exclusive Trait of Jews and some Autistic People, and what we find interesting in our own Genetic studies and observations is that this trait expresses very strongly in Sephardic Jews or anyone of Mediterranean Descent or from the Levant region who has admixture with Jews.

It is an extremely predatory trait, and it often is coupled with an oversized lower lip, or lip protrusion with the Jaw, which also looks insanely unattractive.

Many Hispanic Women who have Jewish ancestry, and so many do, if even 1% or 2% from the days of the Conquistadors, their Spaniard or Mixed Meso-American bloodlines had been permanently tainted by Jewish ancestry.

You can see an example below in the photo of the girl on our Left, and despite how good genetics appear otherwise, the underbite absolutely makes someone look so hideous and monstrous, and it's no accident because monsters develop this trait. For record, the majority of the Women in this photo are of Jewish ancestry, if even a Mongrelized Jew. It is amazing because the girl otherwise would look extremely attractive, but how just "one" negative genetic trait in the face is absolutely enough to completely make me disgusted with her. Intuitively, I always sense something evil from people with bad genetics.

For example, if you see someone who has Down Syndrome or who is Mentally Retarded, if you notice or feel something very negative radiating from their eyes that does not seem or feel normal, this means you have heightened psychic and intuitive awareness, which a lot of people lack. I get very horrible vibes from those monsters.

In cases where bad genetics become inherited but otherwise better genetics exist within a family, it often almost always comes from someone within the family tree in the ancestry line who procreated maybe unknowingly with someone who had bad genetics, or even in some cases may have bred with another Hominid type from many thousands of years ago. It does happen.

When you observe most Hispanics and Mediterranean people and see this type of "Jaw" and "Lip" you will begin to realize how numerous these are in numbers. The Hispanic Girl in Black, who has Sephardic Ancestry, who would other pass for an 8 or even a 9, becomes a 2 or a 3 with that hideous demonic Jaw and protruding larger lower lip:

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  2. I heard of flat food I thought that was weird! It means someone’s a witch!? Say is someone’s mom or dad had flatfoot can they pass their witch genes down to their child? I’m really interested in this! Do witches reincarnate? And can someone be a half witch?

    1. @JunkieAmerica, Yes it does, probably not spoken or known much about since it would be rare to witness it unless you see someone walking barefoot maybe at the beach or what not. Or if you otherwise especially get to see the underside of their foot, but it's been known for many centuries.

      I am not sure what you mean by half witch!? Do you mean by blood or someone who is not a Witch by blood but who still practices the craft?

      On the former, one is either a witch or they aren't if by blood, and on the latter, the answer would be Yes, but they do not have the same power and hive ability like Bloodline Witches have with other Witches.

    2. @psa by half Witch I meant by one of the parents having witch blood that means the child is a witch too?What groups are usually witches Romanians ?Germans ? Irish?

    3. @JunkieAmerican, Yes even if they are half racially mixed, they are still a "Full Witch" from whichever the bloodline was that it came over from, but it is much more frequently carried down in a Matrilineal manner, so through the Mother usually...

      Witches exist within all races, but they are most common among Jews and the Celts, but also a lot of Italians, Greeks and Hispanics are involved in Witchcraft too, hence the whole big stigma with the "evil eye" protection amulets, or with the Italians they use the horn. There are some sects in African countries also who have long lineages of witches and sorcerors.

    4. @psa do witches reincarnate? If they wished something does it come true for them ? I have been looking into this because I heard happy birthday song is something to do with Witchery especially when they blow out the candles.

    5. @JunkieAmerican, They can, because Demonic Lineages also do reincarnate. I don't know about the Happy Birthday song bit, that's the first time I've heard of that.

  3. I'm not doubting physiognomy per se, but I would be interested in knowing how you interpret the many (I have the impression that it is most) cases of beautiful people having degenerate characters, with easy examples of this being beautiful white women being attention whores, promiscious, prostitutes, etc. and handsome white man just enjoying a hedonistic life without caring about politics and philosophy and the negative social consequences of his actions (such as handsome men who sleep with many different women, thus destroying the possibility of family formation within his community).

  4. The quality of diet and the way it is consumed also plays an important role in the development of proper posture among people, regardless of their race.

    Besides, the health of the upper respiratory system and consistency in breathing through the nose, thus keeping your tongue properly on the roof of the mouth, is crucial in having a symmetrical face.

    Yeah, I know, it still doesn't change anything on the matter that there exists a predetermined genetic factor that shapes unique taxonomy among the races and that some people out there with exclusively inherited genetic anomalies will hardly benefit from any adequate diet or training, but it just goes to show you that even if you come relatively from a healthy family and if you were exposed to junk/soft diet and unhealthy conditions of the decaying- modern world, you might as well suffer similar condition as those who are originally a product of involutive seed.

    After all, matrix settings, in their ability, are doing everything to make a sub-human out of you in one way or another.
    It all depends on your will to overcome the current entropy.

    This is why malignant extraterrestrial activities should not be excluded from the consideration that in the life of the average human exists implantation of bodies with the technology from 4D.

    The exploitation of the life force from the bones, such as monoatomic gold -Vril, eventually leads to lower vibration and stagnation of the spine - which is previously affected through consciousness, which is foremost responsible for proper breathing and posture in humans, not mere muscles.

    What I mean by that is that there are a lot of factors that can make you appear more involuted than you actually are but which certainly do not come from your true genetic inheritance.
    Moreover, your DNA at this point of existence is hijacked and modified for the worse, whether you are attractive or not.
    The same destiny awaits all, and it is far from "colorful".

  5. It's called the science of physiognomy, that was used in ancient Greece.


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