Delusional Schizophrenic Girl Tries To Convince Others They Can Step Into "5D"


A typical New-Ager, and what gets me is how many years these Hippie Nerds promote all this gobbedly-gook, utopian ideas, of "transcending" or rising to the "5th Dimension' and raising one's Awareness into a Higher Vibration.

Most of the people who promote this nonsense are Demons, or are possessed in some way by them, or are NPC's who experimented with Mushrooms or Ayahuasca, and other Psychedelics.

There is no such thing as "entering the 5th Dimension" and there is no such thing as the Earth merging with the 5th Dimension.

What's even more telling about these clowns, if they can't even describe what the 5th Dimension is, but they tell you what is "not there".

As Usual with thes Bogus Spiritual Gurus, if they always talk about "Light" and "Oneness", and they talk about how we will be uniting with everyone, including the degenerate and unloved scum of this "3D Realm".

In addition of course, to make it seem all that more mystical, they try to make it seem like it's because of God or the "Divine" that you even stumbled on their channel or video!

Even though it's either only by chance, or as a result of AI Algorithms.

In addition, you cannot choose to step into different "timelines", unless one is a Walk-in.

All walk-ins are evil scum experiments.

Walk-ins like this girl, have the objective of trying to program humanity with the Narcissistic Beliefs and Ideas which pave the way for an evem more toxic and dystopian future.

They spread their message on social media with a voice that endorses total strangers, convincing them that they are good and connected to the "Divine" and that they have a "Birth Rite", and that they deserve all these kinds of things.

Meanwhile, I am quite Sure the Right Wing believes that Trump really isalready President and has been all this time, just that people don't know it, and that in actuality, Trump is playing 360D Chess with the "Deep State".

This is Mankind in 2024.



  1. It's a terrible state to see, people can no longer look at reality for what it is because it is unbearable. They have to have their copes and then shame you for not believing in them.

    Humanity cannot accept that we have been lied to, death is bad, life is bad and, we are slaves.

    1. @Kyle, For sure.

      One thing I've noticed as a common theme in Hollywood Movie influences, is they try to hype up the fear of death. If you look at most Movie Scenes, especially in Horror or Thriller Movies, they really hype up the avoidance of death at all costs.

      People's fear of death is overrated, but I can understand that one may "fear" the way they might die, but...

      The movies program people to also make it seem that clinging to life at all costs, even in an Apocalyptic type of Movie where only scant survivors remain, would be all that much more worth it than "dying".

      If you notice, most people who "survive" or view survivalism and adaptation as the best thing or evolutionary, always think they are somehow "winning" over the people that died, in whatever conflict or tragedy it is.

      A lot of preppers also boast about how they will "survive and thrive" where others fail, even though their coming "survival" will be short-lived and full of torment.

      It's a no-win situation either way, no matter how one looks at it, but to survive in a situation of suffering is far worse.

      I'm really fed up with this world, and it's just more of a trap to invest or cling to it stronger.

    2. @PSA your response reminded me of this video:

    3. @Read Plato, Interesting...

      The thing that is insane with most Preppers, and while I'm not against it, and it's good to have a "food stock" to hold one over especially in a transitory time, assuming they can get to a "better situation" in a crises, some of these Preppers are literally "prepping" only for the bad times and living horribly in the present. They all think the are going to 15+ years of food supplies, and a lot of the meal supply things they buy, or even "seed products" they think they will grow are just junk denatured / grain food which will not even sustain you for more than 6 months, and even then you will be really sick from it.

      Most of the Preppers I know are extremely "ego-centric" and "paranoid freaks", and they criticize anyone and everyone from spending any money on anything to enjoy life in the moment, as if they should only be spending 99% of their time and money topping off their prepping supplies.

      I know of one guy, who has literally been renting out "storage facilities" to stack them with Pancake Mix, since he has a theory that Pancake Mix is most ideal for a survival scenario needing a quick, cheap easy fix along with it's shelf life. And while I can see he has a point in that, because yes, it's a prepared mix, whereas you could not just use plain wheat flour, nobody can live off of it, and it's nuts to stockpile like that, especially with Storage units!

      It's also good for someone to have stockpiled Guns and Ammo, but the thing is it's not a question of "if" but a question of "when" they will be overpowered by others, if they are going to be eventually be overpowered by running out.

      Even some of the most prepared individuals out in the really rural areas, unless they are super lucky, probably will not live more than 3-6 months anyways when Mad Max plays out and things get real.

    4. @Read Plato, Also on another note, the guy in the video mentioned the "My Patriot Supply", and that happens to be one of the most common brands of those type of meal systems for storage... Tests were actually done on the actual "contents" irrespective of the claims of its nutrition, and the ingredients are not only highly toxic, but have been found with all kinds of contaminants, and were nearly totally denatured and hardly any nutrition levels in it that are worth even suggesting it could be lived off of.

      The other thing most Preppers are very ignorant of, is contigency plans. On one hand, they act as if they plan for every type of contigency, but on another hand, almost all of their prepping and plans, rarely ever take into consideration a real scenario if they had to flee there area and abandon anything they "built up". Even their "bug out bags" are not going to suffice.

    5. @PSA I hate watching horror films and they have religious propaganda behind them, especially Christianity. I have noticed they cling onto life but I have always felt like that's because they understand the suffering that would happen should a demonic entity attack them!

      I do wonder if horrors are predictive programming. I have had a few strange dreams.What lies in our demonic world?

    6. @PSA- "The movies program people to also make it seem that clinging to life at all costs, even in an Apocalyptic type of Movie where only scant survivors remain, would be all that much more worth it than "dying"."

      The Road is one such movie. Probably the worst I've ever seen. I wouldn't just just us both in that situation.

      I have no "bug out plan". If it gets to the point I will just go to my grave.

    7. @Here for the apocalypse. Yeah Man, I don't blame you... The only real purpose or sake of prepping or having any contingency plans if one does at all, is to bridge someone over from a hellish situation, to a slightly less hellish situation if they have a better opportunity or to buy time to decide how / what they will do when shit hits the fan.

      But it's just absolutely insane to think one will have a 10-20 year living plan to live in a bunker off of canned goods, MREs and other bulk stored goods, or even to think one will be able to grow food and survive. The health issues will catch up with them long before the time passes that they will even get around to consuming those many years of that stuff.

    8. @Kyle, Yeah I mean all movies are entertainment, and I don't watch many movies at all, especially these days, I liked all the older classics, especially Horror films. Horror is always my favorite genre, even if it has religious programming and what not, but yeah for the sake of any predictive programming and other propaganda in it, at least we can see through it or it stands out so obvious for what they are trying to portray. I never get sick of the old classics like Halloween I * II, the original "Psycho", Resident Evil and even the Blair Witch II actually. There are many other series I also enjoyed, along with many Vampire / Zombie movies. But a lot of stuff nowadays is just a repeat of many older films, and there's too much CGI and AI being used.

  2. I have argued with peppers in the past about the "Bug out bag." surely it's pointless to have one unless it is being carried 24/7,even when taking out the trash or going to post a letter. Which of course, is ridiculous. The fail to appreciate the point.

  3. I wonder how many peppers have serious sleep disorders from waking up in the middle of the night in a panic and having to get up and spend half an hour checking that they are sure everything is still in their "Bug out bag" like someone who has to wash their hands 100 times a day

    1. @HUMAN PASTE, Yep. Some of them are really outrageously Neurotic and Paranoid, and judgmental of others in a way that isn't normal. It is of course Human Nature to judge others, but basically the "nutty" Preppers will judge anyone who is out there enjoying life, all as a projection because they have been "sacrificing" for their preps and it's a projection of their misery and boredom because they are not living well in the moment.

  4. @PSA Have you seen the Christian 'profit' who supposedly 'predicted' the Trump shooting 4 months ago? Here's a video of him, it starts at 27:20, the shooting part starts at 29:45

    Clearly, the religious things in this vision didn't happen like Trump falling to the floor and worshipping the lord, except for the shooting.

    I wonder if some messages to this 'profit' get channeled through religious symbolism. Or maybe it's just their tactic of being vague in case they are wrong.

    He might just have gotten lucky and accidentally predicted a somewhat predictable thing.

    I've always wondered if these Christian 'profits' were lying and making stuff up, hallucinating, or being given a message from another force.

    1. @T345, Interesting, no I haven't seen or heard of this guy before predicting the Trump shooting, but even in general I'm just not surprised whatsoever that it happened. The thing is a lot of these events are already "scripted" ahead of time, but then when something "biblical" gets mentioned, the gullible followers of Christianity will act like it's "prophecy being fulfilled" LOL.

      Even with what many questions are still not clearly answered about the event, what probably happened or is the likely scenario is that the "kid" was recruited by them, and seen as "cannon fodder", either to be eliminated in the act, or transported elsewhere to survive under a different identity after it, but they probably were watching him and saw he was a prime candidate for doing it since he did not like Trump or Republicans.

      With Christianity as with all Abrahamic Faiths, there is always a strong connection between "Prophets" and "Profits".

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