Understanding How Caucasians Will Easily Permit Their Own Countries To Be Overtaken


For many many years, in fact decades, I have sat and watched how Caucasian people act, and it's not even just in America either, but also in Germany, because the Caucasians for many years, have been eager and desperate to give help always to others who do not need it or do not deserve it, while depriving those who really do need help.

In Caucasians, I have found a people more than ever who are with the least vested interes to know, understand or accept the real life story of someone before passing judgment and action.

They already decide what they will do and just assume the best of someone, or anyone.

Even in today's Germany, there are so many German Nations both inside and outside of the country, who are eager to give the German living standard and way of life to "Foreigners".

Many of these German Agents, are even young "Digital Nomads" as they are called, who come to other countries to study or work as teachers / professors or part of some kind of International Program, and nearly all of them are guaranteed a Visa.

But even in the US, For example, there were some immigrant waves from Syria after some recent events there, and also from the Ukraine war once it broke out in recent years, and I saw handfuls of Americans who were screaming at the top of their lungs how much they are ready to help feed, clothe and house these immigrants, and they were even organizing both public and online meeting groups that went down to every detail of how and where they would obtain items and essentials for these immigrants, even down to gloves, mittens, children's clothing and things like tooshbrushes, razors and deodorant.

Even willing to offer empty rooms in their houses as "Shelter" for free, for these immigrants.

People they don't even know, never met before.

You have to understand, as difficult as it might be, that the urge to do this for others, all stems from a place of self-loathing and insecurity. A people that doesn't respect themselves, or their own kin.

This is the story of Caucasians, most particularly since 1945.

The amount of disgust I have seen in this behavior is absolutely insane, and yet at the same time, they would not actually help out a person who genuinely needed it, even if after learning their life story.

This guy must be living under a rock (he is an NPC anyway) to not realize that the Homeless have behaved this way many many years, without even politeness but actual entitlement to handouts by bumming from others.

As a rule, I generally never give any money to homeless people, not in this era we live in, because it is generally bad form, unless you really know the person. I have maybe only given out a few dollars to known homeless in my lifetime a handful of times in exceptional circumstances.

Other than that, I am against it.

This Man, Jack Morgan, is an example of how done for the Caucasian Race is, because there are even people among Whites, who are numerous in numbers, who think like he does and are all that willing to fork over money to someone.

They are living far behind the times. Too many Caucasians are afraid to be seen as assholes, or uncaring or otherwise indifferent. And this will inevitibly lead to their takeover and being totally conquered.

And this Jack Morgan also perfectly illustrates what I have long expressed about Caucasians being unable to connect with their own inner primal self, outside of what you are programmed to believe that is right.

I do blame Men for getting involved in video games and only resorting to "online connections", because of this, they have a lack of raw connection to the real world and things that go on it, for a guy like this should know these things and exercise caution. As a Man, you should never be playing video games, even as tempting as it might be as an escape. Video games will only turn your brain to mush, make you lazy, unmotivated, and erode your Masculinity.

There are many people in this world who will be ready to eat Western people up for breakfast, by taking advantage of their generosity like this, and interestingly enough, another example of that was also illustrated when Goatis did a recent review on a guy who got catfished online:

These guys are numerous in our society now, and they are willing to pay their way for everything, and as perfectly illustrated by Goatis, the guy even still wanted to believe that this girl was "real" and wasn't "scamming him". I notice a lot of White people are like this, and even if they have a friend or Woman they married who ended up being a parasite in their life, they still want to suggest that they are not a "bad person".

This is what I mean about how the West has not a chance for hope, and no energies focused on giving help and credit to those who deserve it. It's only the parasites who are getting everything, and even getting worship and praise by the other NPC's.

These so-called "Nice Men" are the pure examples of why people like these who have scruples, will allow those without scruples, to get away with almost anything and will not raise a fight.

While I am ready along with others who share my anger to unite in anger, hatred and violence, we have specimens like these who want to tosuggest that people need to stop and think before they act and look for "alternative solutions" and are already eager to make negotiations with the enemy, or only see the "positive things" in others.

This is where the New Age Brainwashing has taken us.

Never forget too, that in America, part of their beliefs about "Freedom" is that these people are willing to fight for the rights of their enemies or people who they don't even agree with their beliefs or ideas, since that's the idea of "Freedom" in their minds.

They believe that as "Christians", that they are obligated to be this way, and to "love they neighbor / foe" and to pray for them, in that they might one day find "Christ". "Forgive them for they know not what they do."


  1. Video games are a big thing within gen z I just realized how much they spend on this shit and its thousands of dollars worth of keyboards and all kind of stupid crap.

  2. "I saw handfuls of Americans who were screaming at the top of their lungs how much they are ready to help feed, clothe and house these immigrants, and they were even organizing both public and online meeting groups that went down to every detail of how and where they would obtain items and essentials for these immigrants, even down to gloves, mittens, children's clothing and things like tooshbrushes, razors and deodorant."

    Soon enough Caucasians will find out that that generosity will not only not be reciprocated, but they will be abused and beaten just because they're "white".

    This is why I believe going to a non white country, as tempting as it is, will be a HUGE mistake. When the USA falls the people will in all likelihood take out a lifetime of resentment on the nearest white person.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The women question alone was enough to demoralize me into not caring about the future of european descended people.

  5. The pathological altruism of whites is one of the main reasons they are being destroyed. Altruism can be a great thing, but only amongst your own people; it's not supposed to be extended to foreign races that hate you and want to destroy you....

    "Never forget too, that in America, part of their beliefs about "Freedom" is that these people are willing to fight for the rights of their enemies or people who they don't even agree with their beliefs or ideas, since that's the idea of "Freedom" in their minds."

    This never made any sense to me, why on Earth would someone fight for the benefit of their enemy? Only modern whites come up with these retarded ideas...

    1. @Alex, very astute as usual. Of course, the whole idea behind altruism is supposed to only be within a given tribe or people who are "like one another". What whites seem to do is have an affinity for other people and want to give other people everything.

      The people from all the countries of the British Isles love to do this, here in America, and the degree of which I see them do it, is so annoying and enraging.

      This is how bored and empty and soulless they are, so they instead want to spend countless hours and efforts towards admiring others, especially Non-Europeans.

  6. Italian cuisine is the best in the world. imagine if I take advice from a loser suspected of having thrown acid in the face of his ex-partner through a friend of his by mistake and who on top of that only recommends eating raw meat all your life. (when eating meat cooked rare is better, healthier and also faster). You're sorry he talks about rights and freedoms then choose someone who doesn't even know how to choose people who aren't too dangerous to tell you. I mean come on who the fuck wants to eat raw meat all their life when Italian food is the best in the world and you also have more caloric supplement. someone who spends his existence in the midst of nature (irrational for Hegel). I mean, does your goatis whose ass you kiss so much at least know that the discovery of fire was the most important in human history? this guy doesn't know how to choose friends and doesn't want to work and goes asking for money like a bum on YouTube and marches around criticizing bodybuilders just for views. you talk about being strong and then criticize extreme bodybuilders okay lol. Italian cuisine is the best in the world. imagine if I take advice from a loser suspected of having thrown acid in the face of his ex-partner through a friend of his by mistake and who on top of that only recommends eating raw meat all your life. (when eating meat cooked rare is better, healthier and also faster). You're sorry he talks about rights and freedoms then choose someone who doesn't even know how to choose people who aren't too dangerous to tell you. I mean come on who the fuck wants to eat raw meat all their life when Italian food is the best in the world and you also have more caloric supplement. someone who spends his existence in the midst of nature (irrational for Hegel). I mean, does your goatis whose ass you kiss so much at least know that the discovery of fire was the most important in human history? this guy doesn't know how to choose friends and doesn't want to work and goes asking for money like a bum on YouTube and marches around criticizing bodybuilders just for views. you talk about being strong and then criticize extreme bodybuilders okay lol. I think that your dear Hitler would have already put this clown who has no idea what kind of people he hangs out with in a concentration camp (at least you probably do since you talk about gangstalking and stuff like that)

    1. @TristanLouisino949, Only someone with Bi-polar / Schizophrenia jumps from topic, bringing up an aimless topic like Italian Cuisine one moment, without connection, and then suddenly trying to bridge it to some "Acid Attack".

      This is a sign that you suffer from unbelievable mental illness, and it's the theme I noticed from you all along from posting here, because you're all over the place, trying to conjure up a whole bunch of topics but nothing ever really goes anywhere or connects.

      This is a trait of Jewish and Slavic people, and I suspect you must have either DNA types in you as well.

      You are not appreciated here.

    2. Also, for the record of anyone else who witnesses these comments and exchanges from TristanLouisino949, I would like to remind you to never forget that Jews play a very common role at trying to pretend they are not Jewish and also despise the Jews, to make "allies" with Aryans. A lot of Sephardic Jews who hide under Greek, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese surnames have tendencies to do this, so always keep an eye out for these heebs. I once had a Ukrainian Jew doing this to me some while back as well.

  7. then there was also the video of a borderline nigger with even a tooth gap (lmao) throwing heavy insults about every unimaginable thing and you want me to believe like a Nazi that this is a valid character? https://youtu.be/2IlcQDRCOOQ?si=Kv7iJKvAiAwErSi3 you can clearly see at 1:06:23

    1. @TristanLouisino949 Stop being racist, and Italian cuisine sucks.


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