Such a Sad, Sad, Empty People, Americans Are

This has always been a reflective topic for me, growing up in such an Alien country, and having lived out my entire life in this foreign culture, which isn't even a real culture.

The suffocating atmosphere of how robotic and programmed Americans are, and to the extent that they identify with their careers or keeping up with the Joneses and not having any real uniqueness or passion amongst themselves, and lacking authenticity just never has failed to startle me, even as much as I am used to it.

For them, it seems like nothing, as they are used to this way of life.

For me, it's like biting into a bitter vegetable and I cannot pretend I don't taste the lingering bitterness.

One example of this is someone recently who had taken note of some things in my surroundings which I actually don't maintain or at least some of the other circumstances behind something aren't exactly what they seem as.

And, a person recently who has come to be involved in my life, for about a year now, has been having a 'secret competition" or race with me, at least in their mind, but I hadn't figured this out until recently since they keep pointing out things I have or that I'm seen with versus their own circumstances.

It's like, wow... Really!?!? Are we going to compare countertops and floor designs too and who has the latest model of something!?

Everything I do or don't do is held in suspicion with this person or they feel as though they need to catch up with me, and I actually am a bit creeped out by it because some of the things they mentioned to me I don't even actively think about or tend too.

Instead of building up natural rapport like normal, cultured people do and just naturally bringing up a subject out of curiosity, this is how American people are.

I really do not envy the American lifestyles, how the "Joneses" live.

Probably one of the Worst circumstances of a competition type of thing, where I'm not even involved, and yet the other person thinks I am involved and am trying to show off.

Imagine that!?

There is absolutely no way even in hell that you could even begin to reach common ground with these people to either build any kind of understanding or a connection, even if the intent is to be no more than acquaintances.

It makes the environment very uncomfortable to be around...

Never forget that Americans also judge you based on the phone you own, and what kind of car you drive.

Nothing else exists to them.

It's no wonder why America is such a lonely, anti-social place with extreme mental illnesses, drug problems and family issues. This is it.

Another thing that always irks me about Americans is how they refer to foreigners in the way they communicate. They just proves themselves to be so ignorant. Doesn't matter who it is, it could be a White European they are talking too.

They just simply are such insane hypocrites who lack any level of sophistication and fail to identify correctly with other Human beings.

Americans are so distinctly ignorant, they can't even properly pronounce "Arab" or "Islam" either, which I find to be strange, because all other cultures can, even if it's in their own dialect or accent.


  1. Yep and Americans ruined the whole world! Especially blacks with their disgusting black American ghetto culture! They really have ruined everything this country makes me sick and ghetto black culture makes me sick to my stomach. They have ruined everything.

    Another thing I’ve noticed about North Americans now is they all have the same house design it’s all modern white and looks terrible at least to me. They think your house is poor and dirty if it’s wood furniture and wood walls! My house was only made in the 1970s and it’s considered old!? Ugh can’t keep up with these people. I would prefer an older home made in the 1920s because it obviously last longer if it was standing strong for this long and homes in the 1920s have more character to me. The homes now look terrible too futuristic I hate it! Speaking of futuristic I have been seeing teslas everywhere recently have you seen the new Tesla car? Isn’t it freaky!?

    1. @JunkieAmerican, They really have. They have also spread the conditions they made in America, as a wasteland, to the rest of the world. I almost don't see the rest of the world as various "countries", but I do see various ethnicities only.

      Most people I have interacted with in other countries, even have the same talking points and reflexes as Americans do, sadly, even many "Germans" nowadays, and it's from the American Influence. It enrages me.

      People are absolutely stupid, and as far as houses go, the older it's built, the better. Newer homes will deteriorate a lot faster, are made with cheaper wood and materials, and are prone to insect and rodent infestations and roof leaks, along with having loads of toxic chemicals that were not exactly in older homes, except for Lead and Asbestos.

      I also have noticed Teslas are everywhere, and I have a love-hate relationship with those cars. I was in one the other day in fact, and while they have a futuristic Look and Feel to them with how they drive, there are some very disturbing flaws about the vehicles that make them unsafe and unhealthy even compared to other cars.

  2. yes, but do you know that I'm still someone who views your blog and your only friend in here? we may be human shit but we remain in fact that we have the same enemy, the Jews


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