A Christian Cuck Who Is Having "Trouble" Accepting Women's Demonic Behavior And Men's Warnings About Marriage

I've gotten into arguments with this pathetic cucked loser, but he is such a milktoast loser and hypocrite and liar, it makes me sick.

You can see how insecure and confused this little prick is, especially with how he is hesitant and even sounds like Biden at times trying to form "words".

Blinded by his own religious propaganda nonsense that he cannot trust other Men's words!

I'm going to tell you guys a quick little story about some girl I briefly dated many year ago.

I can't remember how the heck the conversation came up between us, but, I was on vacation with this girl and rented a hotel for us, and we were getting in the mood. She was straddled right on top of me, with really nice tight jeans that show her crotch.

In any case, I don't know how it happened, but the topic of "marriage" came up, I think either it she or I may have brought up a joke about marriage, but then it somehow took a turn for a "serious" conversation while she is on top of me, and it ended up going sour really quick, as basically it was "revealed" that I actually had no interest in marriage whatsoever.

You should've seen how quickly with such disgust, shock and horror she had, and then we were arguing about it, zipped her jeans up as fast as she could and bolted for the door with a "No, don't touch me, get away from me!" attitude. Needless to say, things did not work out.

And she was not the only one I've gotten into arguments with about not ever desiring Marriage. I've been poked and prodded by many Women who want to know if I've ever been "married" or have the desire to "marry", and this is absolutely the "size up" your finances or how much of a "sucker" you'd be willing to be to part with your finances.

Another trick girls will pull is "So how come you're not Married!?"

This is really a "stab-in-the-back" type of question, however, because Women will ask it out of trying to seem like they are "complimenting" you, as if you should be married if you aren't, but it's really just a manipulative way they are trying to grab information from you and also to judge you based on your reaction, because a Man is more likely to tell the truth about his marital history (or none) when the question is posed that way. It's because of the context.

I also had a different girl from Eastern Europe who once went into a fit with me because I didn't want marriage, and how could I not want marriage, and she was trying to shame / guilt me about it, and I couldn't care less.

Also, the story I brought up from time to time about the girl I had to escape to the Airport in a European country to get back to the US, that loser also tried to use a clever story plot to trick me into thinking I need to Marry her.

All of my experiences have shown me, just how very desperate most Men have actually been, at least in times past, to Marry a Woman!

But, as far as recent times, Men are completely ditching Marriage, and this Christian cuck still just doesn't get it, and he also thinks it's the Women who don't want relationships with Men.

There are far more Men now who want NOTHING to do with Women, no relationships and no marriage!

Honestly, I don't think this guy has ever had sex in his life or even has felt up a Woman's breasts, because when I listen to what he discusses, he seems so naive and out of touch with reality, especially for his age, to be completely unaware of so many things that even most Men discover early on in life.

He probably is waiting for what he thinks will be that "Perfect Virgin Christian Girl!"

Afterall, the look on the guy's face in the thumbnail is seriously telling with how much a loser he is!

He is majorly depressed and having a hard time coping.


  1. Women can only offer pussy. Anything else they don't do as they refuse to pay their way. Even if they pay their way it's a dangerous game as once you marry them, that is changing, the word certain doesn't justify how quickly these "50/50" bitches will change their tone.

    To the women out there: I don't need you to cook as I like raw food or a professional chef to cook my food at a luxury restaurant that is guaranteed without combative behaviour, I will do my own washing thanks to the washing machine provided by our elites which you have no clue about, I do not desire children as my thought process has come to the realisation that Earth is a slave planet. But keep living for Cardi B or the woke movement about how women are oppressed in this 'amazing' world!

    We will not marry you, you deserve to be treated exactly like a man just like how your childish mind has always wanted to!

    The simps are the most worthless NPCs out there. A real man gains more pleasure in self respect, turning down women and not simping for pussy than he ever will in a sexual encounter with a woman.

    1. @Kyle, Correct, and if no Man wants their pussy or won't let himself be controlled by it, Women have absolutely nothing to offer, and become immediately powerless.

      Always remember there are only 2 actual factors that give Women power:

      1. Her pussy or at least the ability to leverage pussy over Men. If Men refuse to permit that, she cannot use her pussy as power. The best way Men can starve Women from pussy power, is to refuse to be a Provider, Refuse to pay for any porn or any strip clubs and never pay for sex or anything sexual.

      2. Both Legal and Public Protections, including Laws and the Security State that Protects Women. If there is little to no Laws or Legal incentive or imperative for Women, whereby she is not allowed to call "rape" or "sexual harassment" and if there are no such things such as the Welfare state like Alimony or Child Support, Women lose all their power. These things should not exist whatsoever.

  2. Seeing the case of Wade Wilson and the group of fans he has, it came to mind when you commented that today genetics is in the background for women in general, they care more about reproducing with damaged lineages or the question that npcs they reproduce among themselves.


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