A Summary of why the Irish, Scottish and all Celts are Scum and Dangerous

The Irish and Scots or whatever other names they hide under in host nations, are able to cleverly disguise their intentions to others, because they often try to court and appeal to Foreigners. They have done this even from their Ancient Mesopotamian influences and others around Asia.

But behind your back, the Irish and Scots are always telling lies and destroying the Nation's best. They are uncivilized.

Even the English despised this about them, because the English were essentially also on the receiving end of the malicious nature of these people, and it represented a threat for England's civilization.

In America, only the much earlier settlers from Europe, including the English, Germans and Dutch, despised the Irish and knew what danger they represented.

It is a myth that "religious differences" were the main cause of the hatred of them, because the thing is, many English in America were protestants in early times, and the so-called "Irish" or Scots-Irish who came over identifies as "Irish" yet brought their Presbyterian creed with them.

At first, the Irish and Scots (one worse than the other) may seem like a likeable people to the uninformed individuals or people about their true nature. And often, it is through alcohol and drinking that they get on other people's side, or their ability to use sarcastic wit and jokes, but it is actually a reflection of the fact that they are a self-loathing people. Yet another tribe of the Israelites.

The Celts can never be trusted as a whole, because they lie about everything, and they also have the strong tendency to lie that they are of all these ethnicities, which they aren't.

A tragedy for Germans, is that Germans over time, some tribes more than others, have become mixed with them, or German territories known today used to have the Celts from former times, even dating far before the arrival of the Greeks and Romans.

The American takeover of Germany in 1945 also ensured that Celtic genes would feven further pollute the German gene pools.

The problem with Celts, is that they are a race which is envious and hateful of all other races.

They always have the intentions to destroy other races or influences which are not Celtic, and replace it with their ways.

After the American Civil War, the Celtic way became dominant over the Nordic way, and ever since, any semblance of Nordic elements or influence, even up to German Intellectualism and Military Culture, had also taken a strog beating.

I see a very dark future for Europeans who wish to be Jew-aware, or who are aware of the Jews but deny the Celtic problem and do not know that the Celts are actually just a hidden lineage of the Jews who belong to the Tribe of Esau.

Nevertheless, it does not matter what on believes or wishes to believe, because the truth will absolutely come out of this.

The Scottish are even worse than the Irish, but both are more or less close relatives.

What amazes me about these people is how absolutely friendly, cordial and everything that they can put on as a facade, while simultaneously working behind your back to ruin your reputation and even their networks of espionage, and connections they have within the government not just only in the United States, but especially throughout the UK not just in Ireland or Scotland, as they have the Unionists who are loyal to the Crown.

There are some races in this world which absolutely destroy everything they touch, and turn everything that isn't the way they are, into what they are. Celtic peoples, including Albanians, seem to be very skilled in this arena.

A lot of the modern wars we have, and other national struggles in the West, are largely due to the Celts, who time after time, also cooperate with Oriental Jews, even though they do not always get along.

The Celtic Race, but particularly the Ulster Scots who came from Northern Ireland is extremely dominant not only in the American gene pool, but in all affairs of Politics, Governance and Daily Life, or so-called "American Way Of Life".

So long as the Celts have a stranglehold on a Nation, that Nation will never be able to express a higher ambition, and it is also for the same reason to this date why the on-going issues that exist for many years have never been resolved, even though plenty of lip service is given to it.

I wish more people understood the problem with the Celts, but I see that most will not relate or understand it, even to their own detriment.


  1. Notice how all Celtic identity is 'revival' /made up in the past few decades or piggybacking off of the contributions of other European neighbors, like completely taking credit for 'building' America, and the technological advancements of other groups.

    Well I can't blame them, there isn't much to be proud of, their genetic line for the past 500+ years has probably been a bunch of laborers and alcoholics, and their whole identity is based on fighting the English. But outside of that, what is there? Sure, maybe Uncle Joe had a quick wit and personality but who cares, so does every other group.

    Even the term scots-irish, was made up about 40 years ago. They always make up identities for themselves to sound more interesting- like part native, black Irish, some Spanish in the family, etc.

    I've now seen British men telling people they are Vikings- and self-identifying with their Viking side lol. Just ANYTHING but British. Or autistic white American girls role-playing a 'Celtic princess'...

    My GG was colonial American, and her cousins came to her funeral yapping about how they were black irish, which my GG never said in her lifetime. It's like they 'found out' and decided they were. Despite the fact that no one in their family tree is from Ireland LOL.

    Apparently, a lot of British-descent Americans tell their kids they are black-Irish if they have dark features. The story goes that a Spanish ship crashed in Ireland during the Spanish armada and now a bunch of Irish people are dark since they are related to the Spanish.

    I've seen online comments from actual Irish people saying they never heard of it, and it's just American bllsht.

  2. james marcus resident evil zero description? i mean im my self italian american and i have stuff related to narcissism related to jew gematria... but i would never be a friend with a jew and i don't have any jewish dna. how did you explain this? maybe you should to consider that not all the celtic looking people are so evil even if resident evil franchise has very looking celtic people and they seems like the most dangerous kind of white people themself

  3. British people are scummy, in general. I've lived in the UK for over 20 years and the vast majority of English people I've met are liars, backstabbers, manipulators and hypocrites. I've also met some middle age, feminist Irish bitches in the workplace and they were also extremely rude and hypocritical. I visited Scotland a few times, and with one exception (stupid cop), the majority of the people seemed a lot more civil than the English....The British in general are very dangerous and have contributed to messing up the rest of Europe. The majority of them are proponents of everything that is vile such as feminism, political correctness, race mixing, open borders e.t.c.

    The following blogs have more information on the dangers of the British/Anglosaxons:



    1. @Alex, Excellent comment! Such the truth, they have always been that way, I hate ALL the races of the British Isles, they are all scum, it's known as "Hibernia" for a reason. Those lands are represented by a Lion, not an Eagle or Phoenix like Aryan Nations.

      Very glad to see you are fully aware of these facts!

    2. I've learned from 20 years of horrible experiences dealing with these subhumans. The funny thing is, even though they use a lion as their symbol, most English people's faces actually resemble pigs instead...

    3. Lmao. Are you German descent?
      I can't imagine living in the UK for 20 years by choice.

      I lived there for a while and it made me very depressed, and the people were often draining and bad-tempered.

      As much as I can't stand Americans, I feel less drained and scrutinized than among the Brits.

      Literally anything you say that is slightly different than them they'll bully you for it and act like they're so funny. A lot of them are trashy and drag down people, especially if someone is successful or acts different than the rest. They also have barely any deep culture.

      The lion could represent the British elite which are a different ethnicity than the commoners lol.

      The interesting or chill British people I met were rarely from average brit stock, although I met some people I got along with who were, but they still weren't completely average.

      I imagine a British person getting red in their chubby face shouting at me that they'll kill me, while their mouth is full of fries and their beer belly hanging out, then they laugh at their joke because their soooo funny. Then they take sip of their pint.

      Also, I really hate British humor, I don't understand why it has any sort of reputation for being funny. The only people who've got to think that are british people.

    4. I'm not of German descent, I'm from the Balkans originally; but the family moved to the UK when I was child, that's how I ended up in this shithole for so long. Now I'm making plans to move elsewhere within the next couple of years.

      The British people in general and especially the English are lowlife scum, they are the biggest liars, hypocrites and backstabbers I ever met. They are seething with envy and jealousy when it comes to other western nations; they always make a snide remark when it comes to mainland Europeans or even Americans, while their shithole island is being flooded with millions of negroes and Muslims who are raping and impregnating their daughters...

      'The interesting or chill British people I met were rarely from average brit stock, although I met some people I got along with who were, but they still weren't completely average.'

      There seems to be a lot genetic diversity in the UK, for example someone like Henry Cavill looks nothing like the average British person. Sean Connery also looking very different from the average pig faced British man....

    5. The British are some of the most self-loathing types you will ever meet in life. That's why they are always using sarcasm and jokes as a way of coping with their ill fate of all the things that are bestowed amongst them. It's also a very immature way of how they deal with their own problems and insecurities.

      I would go on to say that all the peoples of the British Isles, English or otherwise, are backstabbers, they are known to be two-faced, and it's one thing I despise so mightily about them. Most other races of people, whether European or not, even if they don't like you, will at least largely be more or less "indifferent" to you, but the people from the British Isles will constantly make a fuss and talk to others about you, especially anyone who is not "them".

      The comments here are definitely very reflective and accurate as to how the people of those Islands are. Such a miserable people, that the only blessing they can find is to go to the local pub for a "pint".

      There are a few great Musical Acts that have come out of there, but even with that, the Pub Culture even permeates their musical lyrics too. It's unreal how much they are all the same out there.


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