Germany has become a wasteland on the level of the United States and United Kingdom

Germany eared a reputation it never had prior to 2020. It has become a Wasteland, much like America and the United Kingdom.

A country that is no longer identifiable in what it wants to be or who it is, and whereby Non-Germans live the real dream, whereas Germans themselves do not.

Interestingly enough, these 3 Nations have been the highest contendors of shaping the future in the last 2 centuries, without any possible rival, but Germany never really made it past 2nd place, and is relegated to third position in this regard, at least from the effects that Two World Wars had on it.

It lost its ability for Hegemony attempts by 1945 in either circumstance.

Germany used to be somewhat of a better country than even the United States even in more recent years aside from the Immigration issues, however with certain less freedoms, nevertheless, even by both official and unofficial metrics, Germany has lost that reputation between 2020 and 2024.

The population of Germany is lost beyond even remotely being able to sort itself out.

In 2024, I am nearly lost for words with Germany's position and status today.

It is almost impossible to even have a slight sense of hope for how cringey the effect of that is, considering how the reality is there right now.

I want to terminate everything that exists in Germany the way it operates there and refuse anything to flourish in the Nation thatdoes not adhere and in some way prove full and total obedience to Prussian values, and while the rest goes heartlessly exterminated, allowed to wither away like a flower that does not deserve to exist.

There is something in me that provides me an immense sense of relief and pleasure to watch things including people that I despise suffer a humiliating death and to become reduced to nothing.

This would mean a much smaller Germany, with a vastly smaller population and economy. Nevertheless, that is still Germany's future no matter what the scenario.

Even the best and brightest we find in Germany today, do not have anywhere tnear the social might and willingness to carry out the necessary actions and violence to secure the Nation's future.

My disgust in Germans who despise the way we think and don't agree to it and instead pledge their allegiance to Democratic ideas and values, makes me believe that we should strip these Germans of any civil rights, including their German surname, and if they are to be left alive they should be deserted and stranded in some Island by Helicoptor drop, possibly somewhere in Africa or Asia, or elsewhere, left to their own devices. I have no sympathy for them, and this is on the level of how I see them.

Many Germans want to fight with Christian values, or want to use old and dated tactics, which even would have seemed laughable in 1914, even as a Christian Nation then.

You would have been laughed at as a gullible loser to think a such thing as "peaceful resistance" could be a real thing, whereas this is now the "norm" all across not just Germany but even Europe as a whole, because the populations are drugged up with Democracy.

Europeans can no longer boast about their cities being safer than American cities, since this is not the case any more.

The only pure thoughts and ambition that a pure-blooded German has in his heart today, is Hatred and the Desire to Kill and Enslave Many.

Yet there are so very few of us now.

And yet there is so much in this world that honestly should not even exist, the people who should not be alive or breeding, are alive and breeding. Which points to the fact that this universe is an artificial creation and is being ruled purposely by beings to ensure that the most despicable way of life and beings reign supreme.

This world has nothing left for it. There is no energy or anything being invested towards anything which would go in the right direction. Not a single thing. Since the 1990's, almost anything of value in the world has been laid to waste totally. Yet all the energy, priority and investment is given to everything and everyone that is degenerate and poisonous.

Even New Age Ideas alone, surely spell the doom of the Caucasian Race.


  1. the era of the crusades against the sandniggers was better at least they too were valiant fighters and it was fun instead we only have the left that wants to fill us with misery and the third world that is already hostile to themselves

  2. Your furher with his triangle hand symbols like merkel.... Can you blame germans? They cant get over their trauma from being beaten. You arent gods dawggy just a race of humans, stop being so fucking hard on yourselves. We gave you one slice of bread for ten pow's we burned everything. We shot your horses and schoolchildren from airplanes.They probably dont want to be german anymore because the trauma is so thick, didnt you have a war for thirty years? I cant scratch the surface of the historical trauma. You live in amerika.. be humble. Yes its a master race but try to be objective. Or whatever im just a halfbreed subhuman idiot right i could never understand how superior you are because you will always know better in your mind and im a nerd too right? With freckles?

    1. @Ty, Do you really think that you freckled scum will not have payback for what you've done!? It is awfully ironic how much you believe that you are in the position of righteousness, over someone like me or even Germans. Without Germans, you would never have had anything to begin with, and not even that slice of bread.

  3. Do you know this song? My great-grandpa used to listen to it, it reminded him of Germany, which he missed.

    I just listened to it and it also made me think of how different music is today.

    But yes, Germans have gone through an unbearable amount of trauma, which they don't get credit for.

    1. @T345 Yes, that's an essential German Military March, and a great piece. It is often traditionally played at Funerals for most German Leaders throughout history with Military Honors.


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