A Message To All The Neanderthal-Brained Losers with "Height Obsession"

The online Trend / Memes with Height Obsession.

For one, it has to be predominantly Gen Z who holds this obsession, because Millenials are already presently well past the years of their prime and any kind of potential new growth.

What I want to say, is all you little "turds" who think that your diet is going to be the be-all, end-all to your "Heightmaxxing" as you losers also call it, will do little to no effect, and the differences of any would hardly be even worth it.

I see some of you retards beginning to turn your own inner self-loathing to begin blaming your parents, and even in the most ignorant fashion to blame your own "Shorter" mothers, because your autistic brains are so obsessed with this that you can't even stop to think rationally to recognize that Women of ALL races, tend to usually be shorter, at least considerably shorter than the Male counterparts of that race, and that nature designed it this way.

It's not "bad genetics", and being short for a people does not always translate to bad genetics either, unless they have a condition known as Dwarfism, or Stubbly features / Stunted Growth, as is notable in Jews and some other peoples.

Some of these autistic losers are trying to completely deny Scientific and Biological Facts about Growth, because most growth will occur by the time someone is in their Mid-Teens, and it tapers off and is near complete by the time of about 20-21. Almost all growth and especially height growth has reached its potential by this time, and no amount of dietary influences will change it.

In fact, diet is not always the determining factor of height either. Your genetics also play a role in how much the diet may impact whether you even grow an extra inch or two as a result of eating better.

The difference between someone who eats better versus one who doesn't, will play more of a role in the quality of their bone density and form / development, as opposed to overall "height" which is already determined in the genetics, for the most part.

I see very disturbing trends emerging with these Gen Z kids over the most stupid, senseless stuff, things that people do not talk or think about in the real world.

And almost all of them are heavy video game addicts and watch a lot of anime or hen tai.

Complete inability to think for themselves, and this is the Gen Z "boys" we are talking about.

Even while Gen Z girls are just as messed up, even more in most cases! It's no wonder why the girls want absolutely nothing to do with Gen Z boys!

Most Gen Z boys are mentally ill with serious issues, and it falls in line with the fact that this is also the generation that has the most NPC's overalll, but especially with the boys being equal to the girls in being an NPC. Gen Z also has the highest amount of autistic specimens.

You guys are a bunch of unwanted faggot ass losers, and I mean BIG TIME, SORE, SORRY  ASS LOSERS!

Every single last one of you, and your nonsense of calling guys Chads, Chad-Lites, or Chadpreets.

This stuff is so autistic and childish, you will never grow up out of your mommy's basements!

I have never ONCE in my life heard someone in public, even people whom I discuss issues with about our society with at our meetings or whoever attended them in the past, EVER refer to someone as a "Chad" or being "Red-pilled".

These losers who talk this way, never get any sunlight on their bodies, and wonder why they have acne.

They are the same losers who constantly blame Women for wanting a Man to be attractive, and consider liking for someone's "Looks" to be superficial, yet at the same time in another breath, constantly demonstrate how much they want to look and be attractive, and because they have ugly faces or bodies and horrific personalities, they think the next best thing that will make them "Wanted" by the ladies, is improving or maximizing their "height", even when it's almost impossible to do this!

They are taking out their aggression from being a loser by inability to use reason or to accept science and biological facts, and they are acquiescing to Women's Demands through online Memes and TikTok, when at NO TIME in history have Most Men been over 6 Feet Tall.

Go ahead, try and become 6 Feet Tall! Because when the culling time comes, it only means we will have an easier time taking your bodies down, since you will have more flesh and bone that can be targeted, Smart ones!!!

What we also can tell about these "Gen Z" specimens, is that if they ever use the word "Chad" to refer to other Men, that automatically means they are ugly, maybe a 5 or average at best, probably more like a 3 or lower with deformities, since they view all Attractive Men as "Chads".

So that means you are already a coping loser in your own marinade bowl of misery!

We can also know that if they have a severe obsession with height, there are even Men who are even up to 6'2", complaining that they are 6'2", we can know that these Men are considered "unwanted" by Females, and they think putting on some height or if they had the chance, would somehow make them "desirable".

The fact is, is that, YOU MEN were NOT desirable! And you never will be, not even if you get height lengthening surgery!

Keep it up, losers! Your generation is becoming known as the Generation of "Pariahs", because everything you think and do in life is wrong!

You even think skin creams will prevent you from aging quicker, since you also deny and cannot see the forest for the trees in the fact that aging is ALSO determined MOSTLY from Genetics to begin with! Even at that, a good diet would have a much more drastic improvement effect on one slowing aging, than the same diet having an effect on how "Tall" you will grow, you fucking morons!

Your generation has ruined so many things for us Elders, you hate good music, you hate civility and order, you promote cancel culture, you have SERIOUS jealousy and IDENTITY issues among your generation, you're obsessed with labels, you're obsessed with social media and celebrities and clout, you are obsessed with gender bending and creating all sorts of new "identities" you go by in this, you hate responsibility, you hate commitments, you believe in eating out every single day rather than buying and cooking fresh food, you don't want to learn any skills, and you think the world somehow OWES YOU SOMETHING!


No Generation in history lived the way you do, nor did anyone ever think the way you do, and with such the negative-orientation you all have, never in world history!

It is my hope that older generations will soon put you in your place, and even exterminate most of you from this earth, because hardly any of you should have ever been born, and I wish your mothers aborted your sorry asses! Pathetic Loser Filth!


  1. Gen z is pathetic! They have this obsession with height it’s really annoying. And it’s hilarious how they say they want a masculine tall dominant women with sharp male facial features so they can have “chad “children. I cringed and when I read that my eyes opened and my mouth opened slightly I was in shock. They are low testosterone fags! This shit is insane and disgusting. They all watch anime porn 😂 and have a transgender obsession! They all want a dominate girlfriend they say!oh and the girls watch it the most especially the black girls they love anime porn. Anime porn is pathetic and people who watch it are extremely awkward. They always put their 2 fingers in the air to say hi like an anime character it’s so cringe man. It’s like this ✌🏻😂ahaha.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, It's getting worse with them by the day, honestly... I find them and their mentality, to be very very disturbing, and I say that very seriously...

      These people are some messed up people who are a major threat to society.

      And the level of aggression I see in them of their parents, okay, I don't know their parents from a hole in the wall, and maybe their parents are scum, but, aside from that, they are looking to blame their parents for how they fed them or whom they married and had them with if they did not get the "tallness" they desired.

      How can someone who is 5'11" or 6'2" still be upset with their "height" and think they need to be 6'4" or 6'5"!?

      This is madness! Absolute insanity and sickness!

      Do black girls really get into the anime or anime porn too!? I never would have known!

    2. They think 5’9 is short but apparently now being 6’2 isn’t enough 6’4 is the new ideal. It’s crazy! Yeah I’ve seen 2 black girls with anime porn shirts out in public but I asked my cousin about his school he’s 15 and he tells me the girls watch anime porn in class they are usually black watching it. I’ve looked it up and it says Hispanics watch the most anime porn that was a shocker… I would have guessed whites.I do think a lot of white males watch anime porn though.

    3. @JunkieAmerican I always assumed it was East Asians the most obsessed with Anime and Blacks the least.

    4. @kyle I thought that too! But Hispanics and blacks watch the most anime porn I’ve read and it’s true! but I know alot of whites watch anime porn..and East Asians..I have these new Dominican neighbors and the girls window was wide open the other day I saw her bedroom through my backyard. and there was anime everywhere in her room. Every race from gen z seems to watch anime porn.

    5. @JunkieAmerican their over obsession with being 6ft+ will backfire when they end up alone in their 30s and beyond. Then again, most of Gen Z and Alpha will be alone when they get older because they are so done with life.

    6. @rey they are so done with life it’s so humid right now where I live and I see people wearing big jackets and baggy clothes.Gen z and alpha have very bad skin all this social media has tricked people into think gen z has good skin when they have the worst skin in history and are the worst looking ever. It’s crazy because they don’t even know what beauty looks like they claim anyone is.Now they think 5’9 is short..

  2. Oh yeah the people who say chad and Stacy have to be very ugly or something because they call any guy chad wtf is this shit. These people are insane this is why I stay the hell away from these anime porn watchers. They always wear hoodies and sometimes even smell like shit. They don’t take care of themselves, they play video games watch anime porn and go to bed that’s very pathetic and those anime porn watchers all have the same look hoodies,anime backpacks, anime hair, hair in their face, and cartoon tattoos.

    1. The Chad, Tyrone, and Stacy obsession has really gotten out of hand. You also have them use terms like "Chadpreet" which is an Indian/South Asian "Chad" and "Chang" which is an East Asian "Chad". The ones with YouTube channels don't even show their faces, which is understandable in the sense that having a very deformed face is off putting.

      But yeah, they need to stop with this obsession and realize that the real "blackpill" is finding out how these people they obsess over would look without filters and bright lights.

    2. @rey yeah this shit is ridiculous and they spread lies saying chad and stay sleep around! They can fuck off! They don’t talk about the ugly 2/10 and 3/10 men sleeping around with these 2/10 ugly prostitute and ugky stipper women! They don’t show their face because I know they are a 3 or something there is no way they aren’t a 3.Weat waffles claimed he was an 8 an 8 my ass! I would say he’s average or so a4..

    3. Wheat Waffles will never be an 8. Perhaps in India or Pakistan, he would come close. He'll always be a 4-5/10 guy.

  3. The height thing is ridiculous. Gen Z thinks you have to be 6'6 otherwise women won't be attracted to you. In my experience as a 5'11 man, only one woman has said I was too short. That woman was an extremely toxic overweight feminist woman so that says it all. Normal women just want their men to be a normal height between 5'7 - 6'0.

    Face matters so much more than height. I see short good looking men getting women all the time. Meanwhile tall ugly men are worrying about their height not being tall enough.

    Gen Z loves to be a victim, especially the women and the non white races. They love to talk about how their life is over because they don't have "white privilege" or "male privilege". Their lack of critical thinking shows as the truth is White Men have the least privilege! However I still understand that as a white man, the world owes me nothing. Meanwhile these Gen Z black women want to make a tiktok video on how someone was racist because they didn't pay them enough attention, but pay them attention and they will claim, under the same breath, that paying them attention is also racist.

    They will do the bare minimum in life and claim they are broke because of the gender and race paygap, meanwhile white men are out there doing backbreaking jobs to support society, jobs that require a high pay otherwise no one would do them.

    If anything, the fact that women and non white people are underrepresented in laborious jobs are a sign of their privilege as their life circumstances have not given them enough pressure to pursue these trades.

    1. @Kyle, That's what it seems to be. The days of anything or anyone below 6'5", that is now getting deemed as "short" or "undesirable" based on what I've been seeing. That's how insane these freaks really are. Almost nobody is over 6'4", only a very very small segment of the population is.

      And yes, plenty of short people are getting laid, routinely, and this is observable in the "real world".

      This is why I stress that nobody should take the perceptions of the online world seriously. And with this height thing, it's only a very VERY small segment of the Online community, both of Men and Women, who promote it or are into it.

      Outside in the real world, it would be difficult to find that reality play out.

      Are there going to be some Women who naturally prefer Tall Men!? Absolutely! But they have never been a sizeable demographic, either that, or it's just more that a Woman prefer a guy that is just taller than she, but necessarily 6 Feet Tall.

      >If anything, the fact that women and non white people are underrepresented in laborious jobs are a sign of their privilege as their life circumstances have not given them enough pressure to pursue these trades.<

      PRECISELY the correct way of looking at it!

  4. Although most of your critiques about zoomers are correct, you fail to take into account how screwed their initial conditions in life are, with factors such as: disfunctional families, social atomization, lack of economic opportunities, disfunctional sexual dynamics, universally corrupt institutions, doom-like expectations with regards to the future, etc. Of course, this doesn't completely excuse their degeneracy and lack of virtue, but you also can't expect trees to grow healthily in a desert.

    1. @Read Plato, I have addressed all of those attributes about Gen Z countless times. Yes, they were dealt a bad hand, came from dysfunctional families and mostly single mothers, and all the other unfortunate situations. But the determining factor about them is that did not make a choice to make the best of it or try to build out from it. That is was a responsible generation would do.

      Almost all of them are NPC's and total losers.

  5. The whole height thing is ridiculous. These folks think that being 5'10" is short and that you need to be 6'2" to get a girlfriend. Then all of a sudden, they will say that you need to be 6'6" to get girls. Sooner or later, they're gonna say that anything under 7 ft is too short for relationships. It's ridiculous!

    I initially fell for that madness, but then realized that being 6ft+ isn't what it's meant to be. Because where I live, I've seen guys my height (5'6") or only slightly taller that are in relationships. Whether those relationships are genuine, it's hard to say (they likely aren't) but this experience I've witnessed many times goes to show how ridiculous this 6ft+ obsession is and nothing more than a facade.

    It isn't just a Gen Z thing, but Gen Alpha is obsessed with this shit too. These folks make me sick!

  6. This is undoubtedly an experiment, when I see 1.55 cm women with 1.80 cm men it seems like a joke. Also that somehow women fall in love with height is something ridiculous, the logical thing is that a person wants someone of their height or a few centimeters of difference that are irrelevant, how are they supposed to kiss or look at each other, this makes me Reflect on what you have said a lot here about the fact that the vast majority of women are npcs, they are no longer looking for a partner but rather a slave or someone to brag about to their other pathetic npcs.


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