Today's Metal Song...

I really regret not keeping up with the Music Blog we also had published on Wordpress, but my motivation along with the overall stress of shit in society lately has made me very unenthusiastic with keeping it up, but in any case, I will post these things from time to time here.

On the other hand, this DOES give great Motivation to go out and "BURN A WITCH!"



  2. is better the italian version of yu gi oh opening lmao

  3. black metal is degenerate like nordic paganism and satanism duality hatred. the only metal band i really liked is called "stands with fists" that only truly enbody with postal and resident evil franchise what i truly think about these psychotic retarded species called "humanity"

    1. @TristanLouisino949, We are not Christians here, and are Anti-Christian. You should know that. The most Satanic religion on earth, is definitely Chrisitanity. And Christianity is entirely the opposite of Nordic Values.

    2. @PSA what is your opinion on Islam? I have heard that religion is very dangerous for Europe and white people. However would women be put in their place if Islam took over Europe and implemented Sharia law? Whilst we don't want to hope for a Caucasian suicide, unfortunately White Men are pathetic these days and won't be putting women in their place anytime soon. I feel like Christianity is a poison that makes men huge simps for women.

  4. this video capture the real essence of me. I mean looking at the piece of shit police officer stopping me for no reason when i was walking alone the night, dominatrix bdsm nazi sex shit, egoz israel soldier jews piece of shit, christians and satanists, everyone etc i just feel a little bit psychotic hahahaah raw raw and blooodyyy self mutilation i do extreme i don't have a coscience raw and bloodyyy kill kill kill kill everyone hahahahaha

    1. @TristanLouisino949, Why are you posting such autistic garbage like that!? It's just all the more proof that video games warp young Men's minds. I'm going to be honest with you, you haven't been liked from the get-go here by myself or anyone else who comments. You have schizophrenia and appear to be very autistic and all over the place, and at the same time have been leaving a lot of troll comments. I don't trust a word of yours, and your subversive nonsense.

    2. autism? you don't have any idea that autism doesn't even exist. maybe you are right about schizophrenia buy you never pay attention why i refer to "postal and resident evil" is not a coincidence also becouse if you put resident evil in jew gematria he give the same numerology of code of fascist theocracy and the full name of yeshua aka jesus (yahushua hamashiach). the reason why I mentioned resident evil is because the protagonists are Nordic Celtic or Keltic in appearance which is the same as postal a misanthropic video game of fascists and psychopathic elements inherent to overcoming today's Christianity and Satanism but what dear German Nordcuck you don't get there as you are gripped by fears about the Jews instead of actually killing the Jews (to tell you I also have the real escape from the matrix data on the holocaust which is a scam and it is a channel in Italian to tell you) only because I refer to two video games misanthropic fascist psychopaths this doesn't make me autistic or necessarily your enemy but then again what should I expect from someone follow varg vikernes and doesn't understand shit about epigenetics and is convinced that Italians are Jews lmao when they are from Khazaria and fascism is the supreme ideology to save the goyim and destroy Judaism. But do you even know that the Nazis practiced Nazi bdsm sex and are some related to the same dirty Jews? myk hyn the demon of the void is always one step ahead of the ignorant goyim slaves and evil jews who killed the poor jesus our savior. you say I'm autistic and schizophrenic when you don't even know what fascism and Judaism are and you're standing in front of black metal to tell yourself. but did you at least know that hitler's wife was himself a jew and that the nine chamber kabbalah is a gnostic tool of the traitorous jews used even by the chosen goyim? too much ignorance varg vikernes and euronymous luckily I saved myself simply by relying on myself and the duce the italian dictator. VINCERE E VINCEREMOOO

    3. You better show me respect you little shit since if we ended up one day at the academy or working together I might be the only person you could count on you little Nazi who is passionate about Romanian girls. since we carry the same symbol especially on my personal umbrella jacket. Now if you don't mind I'll start training at home again

    4. TristanLouisino949, I don't respect Losers and Nazi Haters. You seem to have a fetishistic obsession with Nazis. You're not an ally, and you demonstrate all the characteristics of people who cause problems and are just degenerate trashbags. Your autism stinks up to the high heavens, and I highly suspect you have Tourette's syndrome.

    5. hahaha nazi hater when you got your ass kicked during the Second World War and you betrayed us Italians and we let you get away with it. If I were really a nazi hater I would have already put you underground in no time since you will be a stunted failure who listens to Nordic bullshit from depressed Satanist teenagers. You should thank me if I found you because you pity me so much that I wouldn't even touch you and probably at this moment I would be the only person to be friends with a squalid and self-centered person like you who claims to know who the real "humans" are, literally nonsense. blah blah npc blah blah america bad blah blah, blah blah hitler was good etc lol but instead of just throwing shit at bad people at least look at your own flaws to tell yourself it's been a long time since someone reported your blog and put you in jail for incitement to hatred and I can assure you that I wouldn't report you badly because I know that you are a pathetic German cuck case with a big head who is there in his depression and secret BDSM shit. You should at least thank me for feeding the contents of your blog for free, you piece of shit that you are nothing else, since there are people out there who can't wait, including dirty, muscular black men to smash that German Austrian ass face of yours and I might even get hurt alone to defend a mentally retarded person like you. Anyway, if you want to contact me privately I'll give you my phone number.
      Also you say goatis is a legit youtuber. so valid that he takes the piss out of people asking for payments in crypto when he himself claims that the concept of money is unnatural and that we just have to eat raw meat all day as if the discovery of fire were like a rag doll. I even forgave you this because in the end I'm on your side and I even put my name and middle name on it that are almost real, damned ungrateful shit that you are, then I believe that no one likes you and people at school bullied you, I'm only telling the truth both on the Nazism that the Jews that one day I will eliminate from the face of the earth because I spit in anyone's face and bully whoever the fuck seems like a little asshole to me because of your morality like that of Qabbalah and mainstream I wipe my ass but I can assure you that I will always be with you patient and good even if you are pathetic sometimes my friend.
      I don't let anyone push me around like the great leader who sacrificed himself for his own people, let alone a nazi shit who secretly masturbates on bdsm shit like you or where you eat poop. When what do I have to suffer even from this asshole who accuses me of having autism and tourette syndrome Jesus Christ how naive you are but if you want to do something in life without ending up punched in the face and stabbed a person like me could be among the few cards you have so try to show me respect

    6. @TristanLouisino949, Check your history little turd. You Italians betrayed the Germans, and Mussolini did a whole "show" because he envied Hitler, and made an unauthorized move by invading Albania. Every campaign Mussolini launched, his Soldiers were NEVER disciplined or ready, and were always hesitant. Even Mussolini's own Elite "Guards" surrendered at once and never even put up a fight and the King also allowed his downfall.

      You clearly have a seething hatred of Nordic people within you, and it also bleeds through the fact that you are trying to dish us your Christian nonsense. Something your people have yet to abandon, through a lack of good faith.

      Did you not think I knew you were a rat this entire time!? You also talk and behave like an Antifa Member, or the Partisans from WWII. I bet you and your whole family sing Bella Ciao! all the time! Fucking faggot.

    7. @TristanLouisino949, From day one you were against Goatis. Did you think I forgot that or conveniently just ignored it!? I remember exactly the shit you talked, and still do. Also, I threw a "bait" to you, and I won't spoil the secret either, but it was a bait question way back that an Italian would only ever answer one way or another. And you answered exactly as I expected you would, probably because you are very naive and young and maybe don't know any better, and growing up in a culture as well like America. Your family I'm pretty sure comes from some of the worst degenerates, I bet your family is from Naples!

      Keep staying bitter and frothy over Goatis! You are probably just so jealous you can't be him, so you joined the ranks of all the other autistic faggots who can't stop talking about him! Thinking you will conveniently lump everything else in, including WWII History, Germany, Nazism, Mussolini and even your fucking video games, when the known object all allong here why you are even on this website is because of "GOATIS".

      Looks like you got... GOATED!

    8. you are crazy. not me. how can I be jealous of someone who claims that the only diet of mankind is to eat raw meat. it is right to eat undercooked meat to keep the proteins even if other researchers maintain that it changes little. but then what the fuck does Goatis have to do with Mussolini's mistakes in the war? but do you at least know his 100 works by the duce? but who the fuck do you think you're stupid Nazi your country sucks and I'm even offering you my friendship just see how people take Hitler and German women for a ride we Americans are the superiors in everything we have the biggest army strong in the world. but then how mentally retarded can you be to believe that you just have to eat raw meat lmao but at least you know what ghrelin proteins carbohydrates and subliminals are and that DNA constantly changes? you your retarded shitty varg vikernes who is such an idiot that he threw away years of his life for a human shit that was worth less than him and who would have already died alone like that other disabled blonde friend who committed suicide. and you think you're better than me by relying on those scum? you are just an inferior goy slave but I being chosen by the demon myk hyn will bear patience with an inferior insect like you and will demonstrate (as I will demonstrate to the world) that my anger is infinite. Then if I mention the videogames created in Japan I don't give a shit you still remain a poor deluded person to give your few scraps of money to a scammer who only knows how to criticize bodybuilders who don't even know how to use steroids hahahaah too easy clowns you are faced with the one who it will annihilate all demons and Judaism forever and at the end of the games we fascists will kick you so much that you will cry like a baby pacifier wanting cuddles hahahaha including you too you will be defeated by me you bastard!

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. but then how delusional can you be in believing that I am on your blog for goatis. I don't even remember the last time I opened his youtube channel lol it must have been hypo 1 month ago I saw your blog and I just wanted to say my opinion I don't watch the videos of that beggar who talks about nature like my little friend did pipes at school. I definitely have better things to do I come to your blog just to vent my hatred and have a laugh I barely remember the face of this goatis you are a poor deluded you and this goat what's his name

    11. blah blah I'm an idiot with the rhetorical blonde hair and blue eyes when I'm the coolest human being in the world in the world with my orange hair and super shiny red gray eyes fire I wipe the asses of you failed Nazis who aren't even Aryans and I, those from the social centres/antifa, kick the ass of you dark people, you blondes hahaha, you die of shit except for you because maybe you can be useful to me like a slave to me and when I resurrect the Templar zombies and we will have our revenge against the surrounding world. keep mirin my gray red hunter eyes and keltic nordid looking hahahaah you nazi loserrrrr hahahahah i have litereally american psycho lifestyle for real you paesan ignoran goy who can only believe in someone throw his life to the shit for a retarded suicide idiot satanist for a dying and useless religion of today christianity. but the army of myk hyn would be here and i know a plenty of islamic terrorist and english one and you would be impressed you little nazi cuck buahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha

  5. i have only one idol and is called BENITO mussolini. jews nazists stay away from us. VINCERE E VINCEREMOOOO

    1. @TristanLouisino949, Your "Mussolini" protected and hid many Jews... Keep spewing in your own Echo Chamber.

    2. this is what depressive historians tell you. I should perhaps remind you that you are a German cuck whose questioning of the Holocaust is forbidden in your country (also because it is a scam). You Germans and Nordics from countries like Norway and Sweden are just cuckoos, we Italians may have made mistakes and the Americans may have degenerated like demons but at least we do things well hahahaahah your country now has to continue paying for reconstructions for the dirty ones Jews and what's more your politicians fill us with black slaves, also acting as pro-immigration moralists together with France. your national socialism IS PAINFUL


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