Why Transgenderism Represents The Greatest Sign Of Complacency In Men

Transgenderism in the West, especially in the USA, particularly with "Trans Women" is the absolute Canary in the Coalmine of just how Weak, Pathetic, Cowardly and Complacent Men have been about taking back Masculinity into their own hands and putting Women in their place.

You may think that most Modern Trans Women, Men who either dress, obtain hormone replacement therapy or attempt to change their anatomy, are doing so in every case because they are "gay".

But that's s not always the case.

A lot of Men are doing this because they have become "privy" to the lifestyles and perks of living as a Woman, including red carpet treatment and VIP passes open to them for virtually everything in life.

Free Drinks, Free Invitations to parties and all kinds of events.

This is how far Men have permitted things to slide, in the West.

Not even a slight inclination whatsoever to fight back or put your foot down on the nonsense Women get away with!

Women should not have a free pass in life, just because they were born a Woman.

Women don't improve anything that they are given, yet it is White Men that insisted the most on giving them everything in this world and pedestalizing them, and the simps that are left on this carousel pandering to them, are going even more determined to please Women. It's disgusting.

There is no way this is going to end without an Extermination event.

The White race is cementing its fate in stone. And at the same time, it's trying to spread the Transgender Movement to others countries, so you will only see more and more Men who become Trans Women.

Note, that it is extremely rare for Women to become Trans Men. In most cases, it's Men who transition into Women.

It is important to know that the absolute hatred for Men in society that exists around the world today in its most extreme form, comes from the British and Americans, but America has the most active role in promoting it.

Such a sick culture. Literally taking every single thing away from Men, and giving it all to Women.


  1. How much do you think this is the fault of genetics? I mean, the vast majority of men that I see who are submissive to women is always because they are less attractive than women, also analyzing some articles that you have posted, it is almost impossible to turn this around, since many men are destroying their genes by sacrificing themselves for society and it is already a tradition. For example in Mexico, it is difficult to find a man who is not submissive to his wife, but it is always a law that the woman looks healthier than the man, and it is because the man is obviously the one who carries all the stress and is poorly nourished. for the woman.

    1. @blood, I don't think it all boils down to genetics, or at least not simply the kind that express physical traits. There is a lot more going on here.

      Women are specifically breeding mostly with criminals, psychopaths and undesirable types, and this has especially been the case after 1945, and especially much more aggressively in the 1970's.

      Women may like to claim that they are "breeding out" Men who have no business continuing their bloodline and genetics, but this is actually only what they say to make themselves feel good.

      In actuality, Women are breeding more and more with ugly Men and only focus on using Men for Money, but the issue is that there is something in their Quantum Body which also dictates whom they will decide to procreate with in this physical reality, since they are all orchestrated. All Organic Portals / NPC's are this way.

      I have found plenty of Attractive Men regardless who are also submissive to Women, it even happened to Johnny Depp. He ended up getting abused by Amber Heard, and all the wacky stuff she did to him.

      Not only is it almost impossible, but it's absolutely impossible for any of this to turn around. The Human Race must be terminated.

      Latinos are also very much "Matriarchal", ever notice how many times you'll hear a Latino Man say that there is no good reason to ever hit a Woman, and how much they reference their mother with everything?

      It's very rare to find Latinos who sever the umbilical cord to their mothers, and who do not fall for gynocentric agendas. There are some who see through it, but a lot of them let their Women get away with a lot of crap.

      But you really hit it on the nail where you said Men are destroying their genes by sacrificing themselves for society, and it truly is a tradition.

      Always remember that the only reason Men do this, is because they've been raised and programmed to believe they must suffer in this world to a degree where Women do not, and they think that even to obtain wealth, for example, that sacrificing their health is just a part of the process.

      Men who have self-respect, or who appreciate freedom / liberty, and who have a backbone, would refuse to destroy their health to earn a living.

      Most of those Men, when confronted with this reality, either choose to directly fight against it or commit suicide.

      The Men who generally commit suicide, are usually really good Men who are shunned by society. This fact, also makes it so that increasingly, more and more Men whom we see around us are also a lot of scum too.

    2. @PSA What do you think about Nietzsche and Schopenhauer? Do you think they project too much onto their own lives when they talk about women? or they have the right nuances.

    3. @blood, I'm a big fan of Schopenhauer, but Nietzsche, not as much. Nietzsche is a relevant figure and does have some importance, but Schopehnhauer is a far greater German figure.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I actually think that there are worse signs of complacency in european descended men than the phenomenon of transgenderism:

    1. the displacement of their ancient spiritual traditions and culture through christianity, which since the reformation has resulted in centuries of ancestor worship towards the ancestors of a foreign race (it's no wonder why european women are so treacherous: they have been reading about and looking up to foreign men for centuries via the old testament);

    2. the tolerance towards the existence of porn, modeling, social media, etc. through which the women of their race is made available to all men of all races all over the world;

    3. the lack of recognition of the existence of one's own race, which no one other race in the world suffers from: while europeans see themselves as part of the human race, arabs see themselves as arab, chinese as chinese, africans as africans, etc.

    1. @Read Plato

      >>I actually think that there are worse signs of complacency in european descended men than the phenomenon of transgenderism<<

      Maybe, but the point I was trying to illustrate is that Men are largely unawakened to the fact that they are playing a Zero Sum Game, and they think this is normal, where they do everything and get nothing and yet are given hatred and scorn.

      Most Men are completely UNAWARE of how different the lives are of Women, and just how easily everything is handed to a Woman and she doesn't even have to do anything, not a single thing.

      A Woman can move in to a new city, state or country and be a "nobody", and within a matter of days if not sooner, the whole world will come to her and she will be invited to events, parties, given job opportunities, while Men even have to go put themselves out there to even find a job, and barely ever get hired, or get paid less than her if she does.

      So my point is that the extreme condition that the hatred of Men has reached, and for where some Men have become privy to what goes on in the Woman's world, that they are "changing their genders" to be also get all the perks of being a Woman, and to also get the attention, validation, respect and acceptance from other Women, whereas he will not receive this as a Man.

      This is a very serious problem.

    2. Yes you are right, I agree: men at this point are 6th class citizens: demons, hidden elites, puppet elites, women, "high tier" men, normal men.

    3. @Read Plato, What makes me most bitter in the grand scheme of things with Western / European People, especially the Men of the West, is how they continue to "Stand Down" or "Stand Back" and insist that other Men do the same. At every step of the way, they are always insisting that Men must not fight back or resort to violence, and this goes with everything, it goes with Women, but it also goes with illegal immigrants, and basically any act of treason that is committed. And at the same time, their NPC brains also don't want to accept that it's all over from the endless complacency for many years of allowing these issues to continue on and on until there's nothing left.

    4. One of the things that astound me the most is how it seems like there are no elites anywhere in the west who are in the side of the european people, I mean, how is it possible for such an ancient intelligent noble people to not have any elites anywhere? it's crazy. What do you you think about this, is this really true? If it is, at what time period do you think this started being the case?

    5. @Read Plato, The thing is, the Real Elite, are always in hiding. What happens, see, for example is that on the "Governmental, Level" the Government officials don't understand don't know what they're doing or why they're doing it. They don't see the end goal or end game of the consequences.

      Right now, Governments are panicking over the fact that so many Men have dropped from the workforce. Most Government Officials just thought they could continue and continue and continue to just destroy Men and never let this game up, but the people in government are also not that intelligent either. So now they are in a panic to cover their tax bases, and to have enough worker slaves, soldiers, etc.

      However, at the very Top levels of the Power structure, things look very different. Everything is going beautifully, according to plan, by the Real Elite, who are in the know about what and why they are planning and do what they do.

      The reason why None of the European Leaders side with their own people is because they are "chosen" for their positions, and also are given private estates, even bunkers or other hideouts to flee if/when things go bad. This is why they are not concerned in the least with having to deal with any consequence that might come up among their own people.

      Even Kings in the past, had to have more concern with the daily affairs of the populations they ruled over, because believe it or not, even throughout history, Kings have been reduced to nothing many times for one reason or another, if not getting their heads chopped off, there have even been situations of Kings not having access to a toilet and needing to rely on "shit buckets" in the Dark Ages.

      The Replacement Program meanwhile has been weeding out most Real Humans, because if there were more Real Humans alive, even anywhere in Europe, they would have already long revolted over conditions.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Since when do you think europeans have not had an authentic, loyal elite? Sometimes I suspect that even at the time of the roman empire things were already like this, where the european elites saw the people as just cannon fodder. Otherwise, it's difficult to understand why they let christianity replace the pagan traditions.

    8. @Read Plato, it's difficult to answer this question in the truest sense, unless you are open to the knowledge of other Entities that rule the planet, which are not Human.

      The thing is, for a Nation to gain "precedent", such as an Empire, it is not allowed unless it gains permission or a role by the Planet regulators, who typically Manage the Balance of Power between Nations, and these forces have direct connections with Secret Societies, and those are the real people who even control Kings and Queens, and other Leaders who you see in the forefront.

      Even the Roman Empire was "compromised" as soon as it became an "Empire" from a Republic.

      When the leadership comes to know what kind of technologies and power they will have available to build or develop their civilization (Let's say, for example), they are required to hide these things from the general public.

      But Kings and Queens, have still been more or less, figureheads in the great sphere of things.

  4. For a short time, I actually thought about transitioning into a woman because I had this feeling that women have it easier and also because of my struggles with hair loss. I actually wrote a post on that very recently.

    I will agree with you saying that women shouldn't be given red carpet treatment and passes just for existing. It doesn't make sense to me!

  5. I see more girls wanting to be boys outside man it’s insane! They dress as males and take testosterone I’ve never seen a boy wanting to be a girl just some gays but it’s really a lot of women wanting to be males! They even watch transgender porn and lesbian porn the most! I saw a 11 year old gir wearing boy boxers and cut her hair very short it’s also easy for a girl to look like a male a guy can’t really look feminine it’s really really hard they just look like ugly girls with a wig LOL. But then again most gen z girls look manly to begin with.

  6. People are so sick and yeah these guys wanting to be girls are most likely doing it to have a better life but it’s so sick man this society is so sick and women like this shit! They like all this lgbyq I heard one lady in public say I want a girlfriend but I want her to have a strap I gasped she was a Cuban lady who said this.gen z has a transvestite fetish that’s why lean beef patty liked

    1. It's really sick! I'll just stay as a man and play the cards I'm dealt. I'll see if I can write something about Lean Beef Patty before the end of this month.

    2. @rey yeah lean beef patty is disgusting she knows exactly what’s she’s doing and she knows her viewers like trans and some of her viewers are girls that’s like this trans stuff.

  7. https://youtu.be/FD_brjpAk2c?feature=shared

    They already looked like a male facially but they white one ruined herself completely she just looks like a gay guy LOL this is such a joke / disgusting this transvestite shit is .These upcoming years we will see more transvestites and the world will get even worse I can’t be here when the (ai world) Arrives I already see it because people are having ai boyfriends and girlfriends and they copy words from the internet robots are taking jobs gen alpha are like little computers.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Autistic people are the highest likely specimens, Male or Female to transition. Not that Neurotypicals never do it either, but the Autistic ones are by far the largest ones to go through with the changes, because the thing is they are a sythentic creation, and as a result, their gender orientation is unstable. You can tell that in the first video that the girl is autistic, and it's very common for the Women who become Trans Men to detransition, where it's far less common in the same scenario for the Trans Women to destransition, usually when they do it's only because of health complications.

      One of the Autistic "Goth" Detransitioners I have followed to see how messed up they are, and you really should listen to their videos if you haven't even as cringey as it is, is this creature here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmsYKSiBZzU

      And this other video of theirs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw2LKSRFkck

    2. The frequency it transmits is incredible, honestly I just feel like eliminating it, it is an uncomfortable and creepy energy. I don't know if it would be normal to feel this, I could only listen to it for 10 seconds to feel that.

    3. @psa this shit is crazy man and that goth guy looks like a male tho or a ugly girl the thing is though girls have very high testosterone today and they look manly this could be birth control too but they have manly facial features and gen z males looks very low testosterone they have a girly face as well they have a trans fetish. I can’t stand to be near them they creep me they hell out especially the ones with anime shirts

  8. @psa check this crazy video what do you think most girls look like this though so it’s hard! They have sharp eyes and a sharp males face like this . Do gen z girls look more manly because of birth control etc ?. A classical beauty would be big doe eyes and a round face with naturally big lips and a button nose but get z seem to have sharper eyes like a male and male shaped lips and sharp scull just what I’ve observed


    1. @JunkieAmerican, Wow, this is an interesting example actually... Because Latinas do tend to have Masculine features, but a lot of times they are more genetic, and not necessarily unattractive in all cases... But the thing is this girl looks older than her age, and in some the facial expressions show some slightly unnatural masculine features / wrinkling. I am not sure if the Birth Control in this case had affected her, but definitely there is drug use and it looks like she lives very aggressively, and that it has etched onto her face. The philtrum and the line wrinkles around the cheek area are very masculine. Overall, a really weird video!


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