What Alpha M. Doesn't Understand About "The Grind"


Too Many Men are down the wrong path with what they are engendering in their lives, and especially with the "Business" obsession.

Alpha M. does have "some" admirable qualities, but is a bit over the top at times, and it is evident he is going through some sort of Identity Crisis / Mid-Life Crisis combination, and part of it has to do with too much mental and emotional dependency on his Business Ventures, particularly Social Media.

Many Men, have a bad tendency to double-down on the wrong strategies.

They constantly think the answer is to pay more attention, invest more, and to expend all this insane level of energy to stay relevant and to also make income continue to come in.

See, he is already Exhausted and Burnt out with life in general. Understandable!

But he yet wants to embark on an even "GREATER" Chapter of Expansion of Exhaustion and Burn-out.

You see, the worst part about being a "YouTube Influencer", is that it forces you to placate your Audience and always change and evolve with the ever-changing trends and demands, and even with compliance of the Community Guidelines.

Worst of all, you don't actually "produce" anything at the end of the day. You are merely selling Entertainment or Information.

And you will almost never meet most of your Subscribers and Viewers, who, even if you did meet them, you'd realize how most of them are absolutely scum and you want nothing to do with them.

The other thing with being a YouTube Influencer, is that at some point, your influence will have to eventually "wane". You will have a peak of your Channel with its popularity, content quality and so forth, and then eventually, it will naturally be repetitive.

It becomes soul-sucking to try to constantly come up with something new and to please your audience at every whim, and meanwhile you aren't "out there" living and enjoying your own life.

The thing is, Men do not always realize that constant "growth", constant "investing" and dedication towards a Business of any kind, comes at a great expense of your Mental and Physical Health, and very importantly, your own Identity and Peace of mind.

No amount of money or the success of the business is worth sacrificing all that for.

This is what the problem is...

Men who have to constantly chase money, or who at least don't have a business model that automatically brings the business "to you", will inevitibly become slaves, and they will lead and live very regretful lives with much unfulfillment.

The thing is, he already has well over 6.5 Million Subscribers. How much more can he really dedicate?

It's just not worth it.

While part of his Neuroticism may be an act, a part of it is already inherently in him from the constant stress and demands from his Business ventures.

I see so many Men who try to push the "envelope" in their lives with everything, and the only place it will lead to is a heart attack.

You need to ask yourself, if any of this is even worth it at all, is this really how Life is meant to be living!?

Not even those who lived through the Great Depression had this level of burn-out and stress.

Also, if YouTube ever decides to "shut down" or even nix one's channel, your whole Empire of many years of everything you built, your reputation, your subscribers, your following and everything you had in place, every little effort, completely evaporates in an instant.

Many Influencers forget about or overlook this fact, because when you become big and successful, you tend to get this feeling of power and invincibility.

He also happened to bring up how the "pandemic" changed everything, and I 100% agree with them on that, and what he really should be doing is taking note of that fact, and reflecting on how "short" our lives will soon be cut off with the decline of conditions, economy, people and quality of life, along with rising inflation, to really sit and decide the course of how he wishes to spend the rest of his life on this Earth, because chances are great that by 2030, he and many other Influencers, will NOT be doing YouTube Videos.

The world will be a very different place by then, if you are even still alive, and the thing is many Influencers forget that every decade of your life, will have different activities, hobbies, interests, or responsibilities that will sooner or later make it difficult for you to maintain so much relevance and attention to Online stuff, unless you somehow have something really unique or different going on, and the few who do that, are very few indeed.

I'm really not sure what more Alpha M. could really want, he seems to be pretty successful in life, I have to only guess if maybe his expenditures or the lifestyle that his lady demands is putting immense pressure on him to do more.

But it shouldn't be that way. He should chill out and slow down, remove the unnecessary expenses and take a break from life and trying to serve others.

Trust me, this is absolutely NO WAY to live... And it's not worth it to have to give up your Identity in something you love doing, just to make it successful.

You are not a Free Man in this world by even some "basic" means, until or unless you have a type of Life where you have an abundance and balance of your ducks in order with your life, to where you can even go days or maybe weeks if you had to, without earning or spending any money, and still be content and able to enjoy life.

You don't want to be a person who lives paycheck to paycheck, or has to constantly "hustle" at life.


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