Women Are Coping Hard Now With The "New Reality" of the Provider and Protector Role Disappearing

More than Ever, Men, Companies and even Government are rapidly giving Women the shaft.

Women are really beginning to feel the pinch where it hurts, as they are being given  slowly but surely, a shove out of civilization. The boot in their dirty little asses.

And what do Women do!? They lash out using their same old wrinkly playbooks in trying to shame Men back into his role of slavery to defend her.

I really don't think Women should be defended or protected, quite honestly.

What we can be grateful for, is the fact that the whole entire role of Man being a Protector or Provider for Women, is going to permanently be discarded for all eternity, and the best part is that Women have laid the pavement for that permanent future reality.

In truth, they don't deserve it.

What you Men must remember at all times is that there are 2 REALLY Hot Button Issues right now that Women are having a hell of a time dealing with that have been exposed about their Gender.

1. The fact that it has been found that Women ONLY expect a partner or "significant other" to pay for dates and "for her" if the subject is a Man. This is even more pronounced with Bisexual Women, because the very same Bisexual Woman has no problem paying for food or anything on her own when in a Lesbian Relationship, but if she is dating a Man, it is expected that the Man pays for her for everything, and that "Her Money is Her Money".

2. Women can no longer hold any weight in their arguments that it is Men who are the problem and ones to blame and Women have been "supposedly putting up with Men's shit", because Lesbian Relationships and Marriage Demonstrate far greater conflicts, violent fights, turbulence and divorces than do Heterosexual Marriages or even Gay Men Marriages, for that matter.

All the data shows us basically is that Women won't even tolerate their own bullshit as much as Men are willing to put up with it, and if anything it is that Men are far too patient, too lenient, too understanding and willing to overlook conditions with Women.

This fact and those 2 reasons above should fill you with fury and anger!

It should anger you how much Men have been willing to put up with when it comes to Women's Nonsense.

These 2 Facts alone, prove without a shadow of a doubt, that Women are the core problem.

For every Bad or Evil Man that exists out there, his Female Counterpart is at least Tens of Thousands of Times worse and More Evil and conducts the same atrocities with non-chalance to a degree that even that Evil Man would never consider.

I'm telling you boys, if you don't believe my words now, someday you will come back and remember when I told you that I'm not joking about how urgent is is to exterminate all Women.

You may not like that answer or it may not seem like the appropriate solution, or want to wish for other alternatives.

Don't forget, that I have a special elevated background on Human Behavior and Psychology, and that I have access to a lot of things related to the seeding of the Human Species and also how it has been manipulated.

You will realize there is no alternative, pretty soon now.

You all have a HELL OF A FIGHT on your hands, that Men never had to deal with to this degree with what Women have become and how Weaponized they are against you.

Feminism is NOT NEW, it has existed in some form or another by a different name for many thousands of years, and it was even rampant upon the creation of the Roman Empire and especially its end days.

But never have Men become this imperiled and put at risk and destroyed by Women like now.

You'll soon learn that no matter what you do or how hard you try that not only will the Women not change or improve, but that they will still continue to make your life and this world worse. You will realize that there is no exit and no terms of even being able to agree to be left alone with them, and that they will refuse to leave us alone and will only try to invent more crafty ways to destroy us.

Women are not going to allow Men to have peace, even after having taken 100% of things from Men and leaving Men with nothing. They will still be upset and blame you for it, and even blame you for allowing things of yours to be pilfered from you that they now have.

You'll soon understand you have no choice but to rid of them, if even on the most basic level so that there are more foodstuffs for you and to eliminate them as a useless eater, for starters.

Right now, and for many years, Women have been calling for our Extermination. You'd be foolish to want to be at the negotation table with them and not with a gun barrel planted right up their pussy.

The day will come for it. For Women and the Jews. They are the problem of this life and this world and the biggest curse Mankind has to deal with.

Women and Jews are our biggest problems. And I believe many Men will be confronted with the harsh reality that leaves them with no logical choice very soon, but to inflict violence and let the killing "begin".

Someday you will see little boys who will just randomly egg her, shave her hair off or rip off her garments, or tar and feather her or suckerpunch Women in public for sport, this is the future Women have crafted for themselves that is coming, and they deserve every bit of it.

You will someday see Men deliberately run their cars over Women walking on the street instantly bringing them to death.

I know you know what Women are doing and destroying, but someday it's going to really hit you the wrong way, and you are going to actually see and know how true this all is.

You need to forget that Women are Beautiful, or the fact that Women are the "other half" of our species, or an essential component for the Human Species survival.

The Human Species is done! Women are just doddering bodies wandering around and trying to siphon up your energy and destroy your lives, because they are infested with demonic energies!

Once again, I would like to remind you that there never has been a Human quality whereby a Man is just expected to be relegated to a role of being a protector and provider "For Women".

Before Civilizations had developed, and religions formed, Man always protected and provided for himself and fellow Men and only "permitted" Women to participate in civilization or offerings on the basis of an extended privilege, not a "right".

At best, certain species sometimes just protect certain Food Sources for their families, but even they are opportunity and are not dedicated to life-time raising of animals in the way Humans are.

With the advent of civilizations and religions, this began to change, and it got even far worse with Christianity and then especially with Capitalism.

The whole notion of a Man being a Provider and Protector is at its peak of absurdity and running in an Auto-Pilot scenario to where Men are drilled around like worker bees to keep the hive going.

Yet Women give less and less, and give absolutely nothing now, and they complain and bitch more constantly.

Someday, you will all understand why I hate Women as people, I do not respect them, I have no admiration for them.

They are just useless floating objects. They deserve to not be treated or regarded as Humans, because they don't act like Humans, but as Monsters.

At the same time, they project the very fact about themselves and turn around to say that Men are the Monsters and they do not view us Men as "Humans".

Almost anything and everything that spews from a Woman's mouth, is always self-projection.

They are annoying dumb brats. Everything they touch, they destroy.

You must understand that Women, like the Jewish Race, are reticent creatures.

They know exactly what they do, but their survival and means of operating rely on consistently gaslighting, projecting and denying at all costs what they know they are guilty of themselves.

They will play plausible deniability all day long until you're blue in the face and too foolish to stab them with a knife while you have the chance.

Women are Professional Gaslighters and Projection Artists.

You need to never forget this about them.

It should be your duty to do everything in your abilities to further bring these monsters to justice. To expose them and to show no hesitation to use violence, cruelty and any means of conducting sabotage on their lives and families.

There is nothing more that makes me happy than to watch Women and Jews Suffer, and to use any means of prolonging suffering and torture that can be inflicted upon them.

Never forget that Women have no legitimate claim to the quality of Men that exist in this world, for they choose to foster them and pledge loyalty to them and their existence, and even have gone much further in that extremity ever since Arranged Marriage has largely even been abandoned.

Women continue to select and procreate almost exclusively with Men who are Criminals, Psychopaths, Losers and Subhumans, and White Women are the biggest offenders in that cateogory.

White Women ESPECIALLY love the "Jew" also, because the JEW's got Money and Jews think and lie with the same cunning methods exactly the way they do. Two Peas In A Pod!

I wish only the worst for Women and may bad luck, tragedies and fate come to curse them for the rest of their days.

Women need to understand, that they can only expect a future of "Giving Back" and especially to give back what they've stolen from Men. Less they prefer to last be known and seen with their bones and entrails becoming "scattered about".

Women are Disgusting Filth!

Women want to destroy every single god damned thing of value and importance in your life, they even want to take away your meat and force you to eat plants.

During COVID, they were trying to shame all Anti-Maskers and Anti-Vaxxers.

They even shut down a Men's night I used to attend, spying on the Men and reporting us for "not wearing masks". Ever since, the event has been destroyed and never the same.

If I even knew there was some God who created Women to be this way and would punish me for getting rid of them and if it meant I had to suffer for eternity by exterminating them all, I'd still do it!

That should demonstrate to you how much I fucking despise Women. Fuck them!

Women are like House Flies or Fruit Flies or other pests like ticks.

Do you think that I'm just going to be lenient on a cockroach infestion or a mice nest in the house, all because they "too" supposedly have a right to existence!?

The same logic needs to be applied to Women and even though they are of your own species.

Who cares that they are in a Human body!?

Women have created a Dystopian Matriarchal Order / Society that we now live in, where everything Real gets persecuted and everything Fake gets promoted.

Women have also crafted a society whereby Gays and Transexuals now have all the rights and power and are glorified in society, while Heterosexuality and especially Men, White Men the most, are tossed in the garbage bin like trash.

All Masculinity is defined by you being a Slav every step of the waye, and anything you do for your own self is absolutely punished and accused as being of "feminine energy", even down to the way you dress. Meanwhile if she dresses the same way, she will be worshipped and glorified as "BOLD" and "DARING".

You still think you will negotiate away from violence being the solution in dealing with Women!?

Women Started The Gender War, and Men Will End It With Violence.


  1. You just need to listen to all the traits a woman wants in a man and it's undeniably a slave. And not just a slave, but a disposable object to inflict her sadism on.


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