Disseminating and Explaining Through Military Propaganda

The thing is, sure, it sounds all good in theory... And sure, so have nothing but respect for Firefighters, but we have to be honest in addressing the fact that for the most part that Public Servants project more of an image or idea than a reality.

It is less problematic with Firefighters or EMTs, but let's be honest, most Policeman and Military Personnel are just slaves who take orders and have no thought, no honor or dignity.

I would at least respect them a bit more if they had honor and were "willful" order followers as such, but let's be honest we live in the real world and we know that most Law Enforcement and Soldiers are brainwashed cucked slaves who are Perpetually told what to think.

It's not that they even need to be told how to think, but constantly what to think, and the fact that they don't even know what or whose freedom they are fighting for.

Here in America, most Soldiers and Servicemen are fighting for the freedoms and welfare of Capitalists, Bankers and Corporate Interests and by extension, the Israeli State.

If any of these scoundrels had any kind of true Honor or Dignity, they would reject the notion of an Israeli State and even declare supporting Israel as being Anti-American.

On the contrary, it is culturally ingrained into Americans that not supporting Israel is the most "Anti-American" way you can be...

The truth though is that even if a Law Enforcement or Firefighter does a job to save lives and help the public, the overwhelming majority of them are Freemasons.

They are part of the "Little Boy's Club".

This is not just true in the US or the UK but worldwide.

Very few Public Servicemen are not Freemasons, and the thing is while nobody is pressured to become a Freemasons, it operates on a "If you know, you know" basis.

Thus, the members of Public Services in these positions know very distinctly they those who are not a part of the Fraternity, are not really "in the know" and have no significance.

We need to be totally and 100% honest about this topic if we are to gain any headway on it in the Servitude towards truth.

After World War II, values such as honor, dignity, or actually being in these positions and not trying to be an actor, has become a thing of the past...

That in itself, should tell you, juist how much of a life-changing event World War II has become.

All Service Personnel all over the world, yes, even in Germany, are just Proxy Pawns and Actors to defend Bolshevism.

There is a reason why US Veterans do not get much high respect or treatment in society. Sure there are bootlickers who thankthem for their serveice, but a US Veteran is even "Untermensch" compared to an Illegal Immigrant.

This is because there is at least some level of consciousness that US Servicemen are mostly scum, but I will give the Firefighters and EMT's more leniency.

For many decades, US Military Servicemen have been fighting for the Triumph of Bolshevism, and for the Non-White World to assimilate and conquer the Caucasian Nations.


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