Even Pearl Davis Admits That The Source Of Evil, Comes From Women

By all means, Pearl Davis is no "Unicorn" and she is a lip-licking reptilian grifter like the rest of Most Women, nevertheless, she does illustrate the points about Women in how Women are absolutely doing nothing. Even when it comes to them containing Power, whereas of course, Men using power for some actual benefit, not just living for themselves like Women do.

Her statement does serve, however, as a stepping stone towards the arrival that people will one day have to come to recognize, that Women are Evil because they serve as Vessel Containers for Demonic Entities.

Naturally as such, even the actual being that developed the slave system we live under, is also of Female Origin.


  1. Pearl is in her late 20s I think? Gen z looks her age but her skin is very thin she has a filter on this video and I’ve seen some raw pictures and her skin looks like an old woman! The other woman in the thumbnail looks evil and has male facial features I can also tell it’s a filter because fake lips looks very bad in real life These old women still think they got it going on and it’s hilarious. Even 60 year old women think they are worth something.

    1. Yes, without makeup, she really looks a lot like a guy, and has even thinning hair. I used to be friends a with guy who actually almost looks identical to her, and she especially looks like him when she is unshowered and without makeup.

    2. @psa filters make her look a little like a girl a “little” the makeup is just hilarious in real life but it’s her manly eye shape and face shape.I don’t really see girls with a girly eye shape anymore like doe deer eyes..they usually have something sharper :/

    3. I don't think she uses that much makeup, but yeah she does look manly even with a filter being used in this video.

  2. I am beyond sick of people spamming "Hitler" as the ultimate evil. It is so mind numbingly retarded. How they are able to rationalize Hitler as evil and the people who dropped nuclear bombs on innocent civilians, fire bombed countless cities killing unknown millions of innocent civilians as good righteous people has got to be some type of schizophrenia.

    Oh, and, yes, the fact pearl can grifter this just shows how many men are realizing how completely horrible women are.

    1. I also am getting ANNOYED to the gills with people using Hitler as the scapegoat for Evil. It's also become a new tidal wave since Israel started what they did on October 7th last year.

      Also, what is really telling with how much of DUMB low IQ people we live around, and how slow learners they are, is that they keep claiming that the Jews are like Nazis (or acting like the Nazis did) or that they learned from the Nazis.

      They don't even have two brain cells to rub together to put two and two together and to realize that ::gasp::, Maybe Hitler was onto something when he did what he did to the Jews? Maybe there was a damn good reason for it!?

      I'll be honest with you, in that I think Hitler was too easy on the Jews. The likes of Heydrich and others, were even more gung-ho on just getting rid of all them once and for good and foregoing the reputation of even allowing a few to emigrate.

    2. @PSA- "Maybe Hitler was onto something when he did what he did to the Jews? Maybe there was a damn good reason for it!?"

      Nonsense, they've been kicked out of 109 countries and persecuted for no reason other then they are Jews. It has NOTHING to do with their actions!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! :D

    3. @Here for the apocalypse, yeah, the problem is they have such a short memory about "The Jews", and think Jews are just suddenly deciding to become evil now and copy the Nazis!? LOL, all these fucking NPC's ignore how all the Jewish Holidays have something to do with either avoiding persecution or otherwise have to do with inflicting torture onto the goyim.

      It makes me sick how many NPC's are out there and can't see what's going on, but they are of course all dumbasses who ride off of a script. So they don't even care about the history of what Jews have done for thousands of years!

  3. "even the actual being that developed the slave system we live under, is of female origin".

    I totally agree considering how easy women have it. My main concern is will men ever be able to enslave women just like how they enslaved us? Because if the creator is of female origin, then she will not let men turn the tide on women and she will continue to make sure that government's keep men enslaved whist promoting feminism. Whilst I really do hope that what you are saying about men enslaving women, and women suffering is true, I am highly skeptical it will happen because of how many simps exist aswell as how mens biology has made them pussy whipped. Also women are totally incompetent and weak, this would make them very unproductive slaves. Despite this face, I still think women should be enslaved even if they are incompetent when it comes to physical labour, just to name one area they are incompetent in.

    1. @Kyle, Yes, believe it or not as contrary to logic as it would seem, Men are much capable to enslave Women, but the design of this system how female enslave Men is based solely on her ability to manipulate. If Men cannot be manipulated by Women, then they cannot be enslaved, relatively speaking, at least by the Women. The Human Species was designed to be governed by its hormones overriding logic and reason, and that's where the enslavement begins.

      Personally, I will not be satisfied until most Women are enslaved but also eliminated.


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