Why Prussianism Denounces Politeness, Diplomacy and Virtue Signaling

From the Prussian viewpoint, as is commonly known, Politeness and Diplomacy has never been a strength of ours.

But it goes much further than that, in that we find things like Politeness, Diplomacy and Virtue Signaling to be Effeminate and Cowardly, Disingenuous Behavior among Peoples.

This is not to say we are "never" Polite, however, when a German is Polite, it is earned from a standpoint of some level of respect towards someone, rather than stark indifference.

In Germany's Political Scene for many centuries, Diplomacy is also viewed as cowardly and dishonest, because the whole nature of Politics is always understood that throughout history, "Politicians say one thing, yet do another."

As Germans, more so among our Prussian Class, we like to distance ourselves from some ridiculous notions, and we see this mode of operation to be one that is highly inefficient, and from the Greatness that our people have periodically risen to in times past, Politeness and Diplomacy only hinder us, and it also puts us in a subservient position.

We believe, if one must compensate by trying to show how "nice" they are, allegedly, or that they need to virtue signal, that the person likely has an ulterior motive, and is trying to compensate in some sort of perverse way, because they are seeking public approval of their views or even a political movement or rebellion.

Those sorts of things do not interest us, and if we come across as too brash, too strict, too over the top and cruel, then hey, these things are what they are, and at least we have nothing to hide about it.

We are tired of the same old song and dance of most people, and the notion that everything is always beautiful or somehow just "grand", even when it so obviously is not.

We also do not promise of any Utopia, not even a Worldwide Utopia, since the Laws of Entropy will always prevent that to some large degree, but the only sample of Utopia that can be experienced is in people using their own personal will and efforts to form that.

No government or political party in the world can guarantee that, and any force that does, should be held in suspicion.

It is always known that only the quality or character of a people make or break the Nation, and if it does not have inner resolve, then it doesn't matter then even how hard they work.

Today, we live among endless NPC's, and they have no personal will.

We cannot lie or suggest that a will can be "assessed", or that somehow there is always a happy ending, because that is simply not how the real world works.

Even in the 21st century, while much of the world has access to all kinds of advanced information and knowledge in this existence, nevermind convincing most people about the Reality, but just alone the "Concept" of what an NPC is, and how most people are this way, is something they will always he hesitant to ever accept.

On many levels, the notion of an NPC is rejected because the thought is creepy and disturbing, it removes all hope, and if one is religious, it challenges their religious beliefs that they grew up with, and that causes a deep-seated disturbance within the individual.

What amazes me in this world is how many people are out there constantly claiming how they wouldn't wish something on their worst enemy, or with others well, or feel sorry for parasitic victims.

How many times do we hear on and on about how someone doesn't want to be seen as racist, or judgmental, or generalizing. Who the hell cares!?

For us Prussians, Judging and Generalizing everything and others, is a grand pleasure for us! And we are entitled to it. We couldn't care less how offensive it seems, and whether it comes across as "offputting" for others.

The majority of problems with the Human condition in this world, have much more to do with offering all kinds of promises that cannot be fulfilled, and especially when one over-promises, and yet under-delivers.

Instead of making something seem all that much more than it really is, it should just be shown for what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

As Prussians, we will also never stoop to the level of trying to virtue signal, even by invoking some God or Divine Providence so as to witness or grant us approval of our work, since not only do we know this is silly nonsense, but we know who and what the so-called "God" of this universe is, and we reject and resent that God!

Our attitude is that you can take your God and shove it up yours! That is how meaningless this entity is to us, and what we think of it.

We will never also stoop to the level of needing to resort to Superstitious means of Propaganda or means of trying to "lure" any populations of people, whether German or Non-German to believe in our cause.

Prussianism, even National Socialism, cannot be understood from an Intellectual standpoint, but only by experience, and hence, we need not try to convince others of our virtues, or even what they might consider a plague about our character, because the Barbarian never understands why or how we could possibly become as fanatical and blood-curdling as we do in our hatred.

It absolutely spooks them out, and understandably so.

It is important to remember that most people in this world, are never absolutely sure and steadfast in their own convictions.

Virtue Signaling is just another form of compensating, because it shows a lack of inner substance along with insecurity, thus, we will never be a type of people who has to say we do something "For The Greater Good".

There is no Greater Good, but we can do something that is for the benefit of our own Volk.

What we do find amazing however, is just how much it leaves a typical Western person "on edge" that we may complete a statement, without an apology or trying to justify some virtue or polite addendum to a statement or policy of ours, because they are always looking for a "closure" that gives a "righteous ring" if you will, to any idea or activity.

That is simply not who we are and what we are all about.

That being said, you shall never hear us utter words of what you want to hear, but rather, what should be said, and also in the tone of what is most fitting and appropriate corresponding to the Era and Times of which we live in.

Even in this late age of 2024, National Socialism and Prussian Spirit is still viewed and seen as a scourge, it is feared because it is not understood, and quite frankly, because most peoples in the world do not identify with it as much as Germans do or would, even Austrians at times, and even whereby they do identify with us, they are absolutely terrified to believe in the things we do to the fanatical extent and execution that we believe in carrying forth and even feel to the core of our bones.

But, alas, we Germans are a different people, even far different than most other Europeans, and it is important the distinction is recognized.

Make no mistake about this, because if there was not something peculiar about us Germans, other States would not constantly demand to have their hands all over us and to court us into their Nations for help when it comes to anything including methods of Militarism, Governance, Science, Establishing Laws, Economy and many other factors.

Russians, just like the Americans, had depended on us even for the sake of their own Creations of State!

Even today, a figure like Otto von Bismarck stands as the most monumental of Political Figures, yet one who sparked such controversy and opposition, and Hitler would have likely assumed an even more superior role in this if Germany had won, and had his reputation not been soiled.

Between Bismarck and Hitler, both also had some remarkable differences in certain traits they excelled in over the other at times. We could say of course that Bismarck was far less whimsical.

Another attribute that Barbarians do not understand about us Germans, is that when we typically voice something negative, it is usually coupled with the notion of the way something could be improved upon or innovated, or otherwise to demonstrate how it is unnecessary.

For example, even one time on the trains in the USA, I saw some Germans who came on a trip here, and I hear them lamenting on the train about how poor and old the Train infrastructure is, and were even beginning to discuss ways of how different this and that should be done, and a large grin inside me began to form because of the way they think.

Your average American would take offense to this and hem and haw with "Well, we aren't perfect! You're so critical!"

Others take offense to this and believe that we Germans are just some negative balls of energy, but it is actually because we understand ways and methods that are different, and cannot be bothered with so many inefficiencies that Barbarians otherwise cannot come up with other ways.

This is not to say that a Barbarian might not find one or two items here and there they excel at better, but in general, it's not pervasive.

At the same time, we do not ask that the world must "love us". Simply, that is not a practical expectation.

The only desire as Germans we can have, and are entitled to have, is that the World is obedient to our cause and existence, and rightfully respects our Place on the world stage.

We cannot settle for anything less than their Total Obedience, and the best form to reinforce it is to challenge and test their belief in us, as they must be reminded about the faultiness and poor character for just believing or pretending to believe something to "get along" or win the approval of Masters.

When this is explained or witnessed in the German character, in the presence of a Barbarian, most Barbarians may begin to laugh or be in total shock and horror, in complete disbelief that there actually is a race of people [Germans] who worry and ponder about such matters, since that seems very alien and confusing to them, but one must remember other peoples systems of "Morals" are not the same as German Morals.

Even with how "soft" Germany has become today, even the Foreigners that arrive or spend time enough on its soil, are always approaching the German mentality and sentiment from a confused point of view, because our ways seem other-worldly to them, and they do not understand the German constant need for and hunger for order, even in non-formal arrangements.

For us Germans to not have order, means we would prefer to just scrap, burn and destroy everything if we cannot have it at all, whereas other races make themselves wholly content with disorder among them.


  1. It is undeniable that there exists a hierarchy of nations, but I can't help but feel that even amongst the populations of the best races, such as ancient greeks, germans and japanese, the average person is objectively mediocre and such races are great more in the sense that they are the ones which produce great individual men, but these are few in number and, usually, they are ostracised or not taken seriously by their compatriots during their lives, with examples here being socrates, schopenhauer and yukio mishima.

    1. It is true, that yes even among the Master Races in history, the general population has a tendency towards mediocrity. But the thing is in the modern times we live in, the masses are even down to a whole newer low than ever before, and promote a whole newfound form of slavery because of their very limited perception. While NPC's always did make up a certain smaller segment of society throughout history, never have they been as common and numerous as they are today, where they even far surpass Pure Humans, this is where the real problem is.

  2. Another problem that I see with truth oriented races is that they seem to project their innate instincts onto other less honest peoples, which leads to them being subverted time and time again throughout history.

    1. Naturally, and I agree with that statement, and am in no denial that this is also an attribute of Germans as well, because the thing is, if your people are Ambitious or Prominent, you tend to expand trade and relations with other Nations / Races, and in order to have workable agreements, it often means dominating them in a certain sense or another, to meet up to expectations or demands. The problem though really forms when a people become too ambitious that they believe or see to things that they can keep expanding their Empire endlessly, and this is where they begin to stretch themselves thin and often it forces them to have to integrate or even risk subversion of others into their empire. Most Empires in history, have fallen into the trap of dependency on perpetual expansionism, and it became their downfall.

  3. It seems that throughout all of history, global demographic quality has been continously decreasing. This leads me to believe that to focus on group survival is less important than to seek excellence at an individual level, thus leading me to conclude that it isn't not worth it to actively participate in politics, but it its instead best to concentrate on spirituality, study, physical cultivation, craft cultivation, hobbies, etc.

    1. Yes, and this is why Humanity is in the crisis it has today. There are almost no people left on earth who have not been tampered with or lowered in quality, if at least through invasions, wars and other catastrophes. For us Germans, the 30 Years War had a major impact as a "blow" to our people from that time on, then of course both World Wars.

      I would say that as far as Europeans go, the 1800's was really the "breaking point" for really starting to get the show on the road of actually securing a Long-term solution of stability and also Expression of culture, in which the ideas that were given birth to out of the Enlightenment would have provided a very prosperous New Era. At least this was the direction things were headed into, but once we arrived in the 20th century, that all began to change, and degeneracy became prominent once again.

    2. Perhaps the problem started with Christianity- As it punishes everything under the sun- culling everyone except the cowardly people too afraid or uninspired to do anything. Just like you can breed dogs to be more obedient I suppose you can do that with humans. This system doesn't really reword genetic quality- people with power are either born into money, a pawn, or some extreme genius nerd.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I deeply appreciate posts like this when you lead by example and show the higher principles that distinguish the Prussian from the Barbarian

    Between reading Julius Evola’s entire English-translated corpus except for 5-6 books, watching 99% of Gatis video material, and reading every blog post you’ve made since winter of 2021 (checking the blog many times per day), I’ve been completely reprogrammed from the ground up (or should I say, from Top to Bottom, in the form of Revelation)... Even something as fundamental as eating and drinking.

    The 3 ^^ of Your thoughts, style of writing and speaking have made a deep impact on me, bringing clarity and stark understanding/certainty, and your styles of thinking and Being are true exemplars. Principles to live and sacrifice for

    It was said of the Spartans that their greatness lay in their ability to obey and follow the brilliant commands of their best men with absolute loyalty

    … Also Friedrich der Grosse saying of his soldiers that if they thought (meaning doubt, or second-guess), he wouldn’t have an army; he would have lost long ago

    I am a simple man. And I recognize the Germans as the Best Men. Supernatural. From the first email I sent you, I have only hoped to unite to an Aryan authority. I can only offer my loyalty

    The Will to Hierarchy - as Evola wrote

    Your deep wisdom and incisive insight have penetrated, cut away illusions and flaws in a kind of Holy Agony, and instilled Order

    only Prussian and Gatis are my superiors, worthy of sacrifice

    Although this Scottish-Swedish guy is an absolute Unit super-athlete Tiger… Monstrous intellect, a body like Zeus or Homer’s description of Agamemnon

    I’m just saying, I want there to be a call to arms, a call to constructive action. Make our own rural headquarters / Amish-like order…. Whatever, whenever

    But I will always follow you, even if only your writings. I only wish I could have met you, but that is understandable. You saved my life

    1. German excellence in Music. True Beauty


      Which reminds me - I never got around to contacting Akmigone and sending him the briefing on raw nutrients

    2. @Olympic Virility, Yes, Julius Evola had some good views, not perfect by any means, unfortunately he was flawed on his views related to things like Homosexuality.

      Other remarkable figures who also fell under the Fascist Umbrella that are really good, include José Antonio Primo de Rivera and Miguel Serrano.

      During the time of Frederick the Great, Germans were not as developed or even unified to the greatest extent of how the culture evolved during the times of Bismarck in being able to think and simultaneously retain obedience at the same time. Germany, technically had been born out of nothing, from various warring tribes that eventually amalgamated once a standard had been established.

      Nevertheless, the ongoing issue with Germany and German culture that is still evident today with our people, is that, even as an Obedient people who understand maintaining loyalty and following orders, is that the Germans understand the point unto when they are no longer a thinking people, and whereby one must consider and step back to ask themselves if what they are doing is right!?

      The COVID Era has shown that unfortunate flaw, because the Germans had become some of the most obedient people in the world outside of Asia, to follow all COVID protocols and agree towards suffocation in masks, social distancing and vaccinations.

      Germany should be a thinking nation, it often has been, and so a people are technically responsible for not ignoring wisdom and even scientific knowledge of things that had been formerly established, and so a people must be educated to have inner sense and guidance to know when something "does not seem right".

      At the same time, the intentions for cultivating and ruling over German culture cannot be a system like other governments who just tell their people always what they want to hear, and shower them with false promises or ideas, and things that even their leadership knows are not capable from the quality of their people.

      Germany had reached a stage unlike other Nations, where the people could hear all the bad news, but even still be motivated to fight for Germany, and that is not something that can be said for most Nations.

      Very glad to hear you between what Goatis and I have provided has had that much of an impact for you and that it has made enough sense to you to actually understand it.

      Few people can tolerate our worldviews in how we understand and navigate life!

  6. I would like to share a seminal learning experience I had today, and a humble request. It may be a bit lengthy, but why not. !

    I went to welding class tonight. I arrived on time, rolled and carried out and set up all of my necessary equipment, including engine drive, welder, various hand tools, table/workstation. There are plenty of extra engine drives, hand tools, even mobile metal tables to work at in the storage trailers just 10-30 feet away.

    After some mildly strenuous initial preparatory work, exacerbated by the shittiness of the tools, I go to do the final welding certification test. I go to attach my welder to my power source/engine drive, and Lo and Behold! There is already a welder plugged in. So I ask my neighboring welder politely, why not plug your welder into your own engine drive? So he replies that the next guy over, who arrived half an hour late, has hijacked and plugged into his engine drive. Then flippantly continues to "work", with his hideous ass sloppy as shit ugly fucking excuse for a spaghetti mess of a "weld" on his welding plate. Now keep in mind that we have earplugs in and the engines are roaring in the background... So I go to roll out another heavy ass engine drive for myself, to continue and set up shop further away. So this third guy that came in late, Meanwhile, this Colombian (equally incapable of welding) shows up, who I had otherwise been somewhat friendly with after class, steals my grinder while I am otherwise occupied, and proceeds to set up shop on the same small ass table that I have perfectly prepared! while there are three extra tables available in the trailer. Okay. So I roll out the welder wires and gun, now hooked up to the new engine drive, thinking that I can still just proceed to do this critically important, mentally and physically strenuous and fine-detail oriented task, when the table starts violently rocking as the Colombian clumsily begins grinding an angle to the side of a practice plate. How in the fuck am I supposed to continue with this shit? All these fuckwits have their face shields down. There is no settling this. The appropriate solution is lethal force. But I continue, yet again, to roll out ANOTHER TABLE, and when I had just set it up, I fucking lost it and went to a neighboring building in the distance, to cool off and get out of the hot welding protective equipment. After so much unnecessary frustration and physical exertion, and such callous disrespect and unimaginable laziness and lack of decency from these guys, two of them White, and having my kill instincts activated, then having to suppress them. How the fuck am I supposed to proceed with essentially performing surgery with heavy implements on a crowded rocking operating table, using my math/logic/spatial reasoning/calm part of my brain? These MAGGOTS were so late, unthinkably inconsiderate, and such lazy dead weight, and thieves! all three of them essentially fell on me like giant dominoes. And these sorry maggots who are clearly my genetic inferiors had been meekly and sheepishly grinning and being "friendly", offering un-asked for "advice", being deferential and "respectful" - as they should. What a shock! What a wakeup call!

    1. And I have outpaced them by far in both my work capacity up until now, and the consistent high quality of my welds. I've basically flawlessly passed this particular certification test three times by now, where the neighboring barbarian had tested thrice and failed massively each time. Where I am intensely concentrating and learning, doing tons of thoughtful practice, asking questions of the teacher, this barbarian thinks that if he attempts it enough times, he might magically develop competence and pass! Really! Brill-iunt, innit!

      Being naive, and having never been exposed to the public at large, certainly not in a big city, I had only understood your comments, Prussian, on decency from an intellectual standpoint. I thought I understood. And you wrote that National Socialism can only be felt, not understood intellectually. Well I thought I understood it intellectually, but today I KNEW IT and Felt it one hell of a lot.

      I sat down and had an avalanche of realizations, from the center, all the way out. I will never be the same again. Cosmic Implications. Crystal clear understanding.

      - Everyone that is not a High-Testosterone, Highly Intelligent Northern European of either Celtic or Nordic stock who is naturally inclined to heroism, is a worthless, hopelessly lazy and inconsiderate, impotent, and as such, fit at best for digging holes with shovels and breaking rocks. More suitable and tastier prey animals ought to rightfully occupy their place in the world.
      - These 99% of subhumans MUST be eliminated, otherwise humanity will never get off the ground and drown under the dead weight.
      - They CANNOT be rehabilitated when they are so indecent that they would rather fling shit at each other in the Manly Work Space rather then fucking walk 10-20 feet and heave out your own equipment. Set up your own fucking territory! The most baby level shit my mother taught me, that I knew from birth.
      - People will smile to your face, then proceed to casually betray and walk all over you, even when you look and act like a handsome predator and "Mog" the fuck out of them Just smear their putrefaction all over you The depravity
      - If this is what light ice-blue eyed Whites with ostensibly large craniums act like, that residual phenotypic trait is completely invalidated by their weak-ass spirits, defective brains, and fat ass pot bellies. Niggers the lot of them
      - I now can understand the vast, gaping chasm that separates me and now, I realize, has always separated me from the vast mass of humanity. If you're not a classically best-of-the-best White Man, you're NOTHING
      - And driving home past the university, I pass by some ~7-8 brown haired college age white female wearing some kind of velvet-satin, who clearly becomes aroused/nervous and drops her head to look at the ground, showing her true character Fuck you, you coward. I don't want your love, if all you are capable of is fear Women are a piece of inanimate object property that may as well not exist. We have life forms out their whose inner essence is utterly empty, yet still occupy physical space!

      Arriving with my own thinking at these conclusions, I remembered so many phrases you had written over the years, Prussian, that just clicked all at once, and echoed like an orchestra in my head. Even though I have written so much text, there is no way to convey the magnitude of such an experience. It's as if some chiropractor released some kind of blockage in my mental model/understanding of the world, and then everything came into alignment, the entire mental "spine" hahahahaha God Damn

      What a dangerous, worthless fucking species of slaves. Instead of the entire system that ought to be oriented to serve the top 1% of White Men, it is the EXACT OPPOSITE

      Brace for impact, incompetent motherfuckers!

    2. And I have realized the necessity of consuming prodigious amounts of Liver, which is TRUE POWER

      The request I had is that you generously share the best music from your vast life experience that will facilitate and enhance/catalyze my natural impulse to enact ecstatic mass *********

      That would be swell. Some variety. The KANONENFIEBER isn't enough

      And even the extensive stores of beautiful aesthetic heroic Aryan pictures and music I have for spiritual healing and inspiration, it isn't enough. I need to be surrounded in reality by violent high-Testosterone openly dominant Men eating liver-heavy diets like me, to reach visceral hormonal higher energy war-states of being, I need to become a heavy weapon

      Civilization is justified insofar as it exists to provide me and my team with fresh raw mature grassfed Bovine Liver

      I really want power now. Total Mobilization. No Mercy. ACTION

      As for your above post, absolutely. Explaining and negotiating with the rest of humanity as if they were anywhere near equal is wasted effort. Just impale them. They'll get the message

    3. I am no longer insecure. From the piano alone, I could die fulfilled. But now I'm just committed in a way I was never before


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