Reviewing Alpha M's Mid-Life Crisis Admission - The Truth About Life

This guy, Alpha M is a guy that I have a Love-Hate kind of approach towards his videos. The thing is, he is no doubt a grifter as any others and promotes even nonsense like Skin-care routines, and often seems like a High-strung guy.

Nevertheless, sometimes he does promote some valid information on his website, and looks fairly decent considering his age, and my review here is not really to be critical of him but to break down his message in this video.

For example, he at least does recognize the significance of putting one's Health First, and he at least does have logical approaches to gain the successes in life, and he is obviously fairly well off considering all the ups and downs he's been through, BUT.

This video is really telling that even he realizes how limited and restrictive life really is and also sees uncertainty in his own situation and this world we live in. And, understandably so.

I think he also recently may have broken up with his lady, and he is coming to the realization that pretty much by the time a Man reaches 40, there is nothing left for one to really get excited for in this world, even if you are in good health, have major successes and breakthroughs in life, and it likely took him until 48 years old to confirm it.

I really do think you will see many more videos like these from people who are trying to "signal" that they are thinking of the end, and it's no doubt, because so am I.

The fun in this world really began to fade away for me in the 90's, but it surely did so because of Technology and Changes within society by the time 2010 arrived.

This life is just ultimately retarded beyond belief, and I believe you are finding more people, who can no longer cope with trying to make sense of a world that does not make sense on any level.

Participation in this society has become futile.

Nothing and Nobody is what or who they appear to be.

Life also does not get easier as time passes on, even if you do have your Health and Success, because the overall conditions of society and this world are worsening rapidly.

No amount of wealth can change it, at least not the direction we are going into.

There is no value in stressing one's life out just to gain success, because not participating is far less stressful.

The problem is that, it's no longer enough in this world to take risks and adventures, and to be kind to others or spend time with the family, when the majority of people around you are toxic and useless, and whereby there is no possible reward waiting for you by taking a risk.

Any possible thing for motivation in life, is completely shot, and especially for Men.

The Human Species is on an Extermination Level Event, and sooner or later, all people will have to realize it.

Mostly, nothing in this world is of any value anymore, and even things you may have you can start to be unable to enjoy it because of how miserable other conditions are.

This life if a joke, and only lunatics think it's great.

I'm hoping to be out of here any day myself, this place should be maintained as a dungeon for slaves and evil scum of the earth to have to suffer in torment forever.

Believe me, and I will say it over and over, there is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING left to live for in this world. All who deny it, are just coping and compensating.

It's totally pointless, and the level of work you have to put into anything does not give a reward that makes life bearable enough to live.

The only people who disagree with that statement, are people who are fake as fuck [NPC's], who are gung-ho about this life and existence and even desire to bring children into it.

COVID was pretty much my last straw with this world, but I really threw the towel in for the most part long before it as well.

This world does not actually deserve to even exist, quite frankly. It is a forced simulation that is being kept alive by artificial means that otherwise should collapse under their own weight.

The collapse is long overdue, and I mean the collapse of everything.

Nevertheless, his video even demonstrates, for one word or another, although not directly, an admission how this life is much more about negative experiences than anything positive.

I am personally tired of everything here. I'm tired of all the Dog Owners and Useless Neighbors, and also very tired of how much Traffic is on the road.

Where I live, it used to be extremely tranquil to go out whether you were on foot or even in a car going somewhere, and there was plenty of ability to do so with ease and low traffic.

After about 2010, around the same time when I really began to get much sicker of this life, traffic year over year has become much more massive, relentless, dangerous and absolutely annoying, totally unbearable. 

I am also sick of the rain and clouds and stupid weather patterns and the wood rot on my property and all the trees that are dying from it, creating more headaches and extra expenses, that otherwise would not be a problem as much years ago when weather patterns were normal.

I hate rain so much with a passion, I absolutely loathe it like I loathe Women.

I am tired of endless construction work and noise, which is an ever-increasing problem that never gets resolved, and is often ruining plans and making it a challenge to carry out plans seamlessly.

One of my biggest gripes about this life, is I had achieved a point where I had the ability to do almost everything I wanted too, but instead of that happening, people would work to sabotage my life and waste my time.

That is what happens to you, if you aren't part of the "insider clubs". And the mechanisms that envious people will use to sabotage your life, waste your money and waste your time, are endless, and that's something you find out later on, and no less when it comes to anything with Women.

Fuck this world. Let it rot, Let it burn and let the flames consume the Human Species.


  1. There really is nothing to live for! I am sick and tired of the horrible weather down here in Florida lately. I am also really sick and tired of my new neighbors! They just had some party yesterday and they blasted disgusting music!

    They are disgusting people and I saw the fat Dominican daughter push her mom to grab something off the outside table.These people are trash bags and I’m sick of all these lesbians the amount of lesbians are insane! They are very sick in the head I can’t stand to be around them. I also have these dogs in my neighborhood that bark all night! They are little chihuahuas and i can’t stand them.Gen z is just going to work all their life and never experience any fun in this life I’m predicting that most of gen z will commit suicide before the age of 40 maybe 45%-60% will end up drinking away or overdosing for what I’ve seen overdosing is gen z way of suicide.What do you think about this?

    1. Last year and this Year, have been the absolute WORST with rain. It makes it hard to plan on landscaping, bird feeding, and other outdoor activities you like to do, barbecuing and for fuck sake, I haven't been able to get hardly ANY SUN all Spring this year, and the first day I went out to do it when it was in the 70's the other day, I put the chair in the yard, and it's sinking in the soil and the chair "bent" and broke from going unbalanced!

      Of course it then rained AGAIN the next day.

      Just seems no matter what, you can never stay even or balanced with anything, even 2020 was pretty bad with the weather as well, however it eventually stabilized.

      It sounds like the situation in Florida isn't great either though with the weather and ever increasing hurricanes, even on the West Coast.

      Yeah Man so you too, have you been noticing how strange neighbors are getting and even making "connections" or subletting to other weirdos and trash people!?

      This is what I mean of things making no sense anymore... For example, what would an Elderly White Couple be doing by bringing in street hoodlums in their 20's to share a section of their apartment with? And they are blasting rap music constantly and smoking up.

      I really am at loss to where these people meet and how they even co-exist on any level!?

      These sort of things, I'm just totally fed up with it all.

      If we had enough people who thought like we do and could launch resistance, I would be more than happy at a moment's notice to start it, because most people need to be culled.

  2. I noticed this past winter how much more traffic there is in my town. I thought I was the only one that noticed, but my sister came back from being away at college and was insistent that our town had much more traffic.
    And yeah, I've dreamed about living somewhere with no neighbors for years. My neighbor to the south is a funny old guy from New York who doesn't go outside except to mow, even his dogs don't, they do their business inside. To the south I have this married couple with toddlers, and they're almost insufferable. I won't explain, but they'll see me outside and holler at me and ask if I want some Mcdonalds because they are going. These people are so disconnected from nature.
    Albeit, I am outside less than I used to be, but I sunbathe, eat close to the Primal diet, and have almost nothing in common with my neighbors

    1. Meant to say north neighbors have the toddlers.

    2. @Plumpsquash, Yes it's definitely not just you, I think the same is everywhere. What's insane is that the type of traffic I need to even encounter lately, reminds me of how bad the traffic used to be in Los Angeles, especially towards Hollywood / Santa Monica.

      What I also would notice over the years too is how much more the Asphalt on the roads "cakes in" and "warps" from the Heavy Traffic, especially more so in the Summer months, and requires so much more repavement. All these things serve as warning signs that we have long even exceed to the degree that is appropriate in terms of how developed and populous a region can be made at a reasonable level.

      And yes, the fact that most people live in a world now where they have no common connection or spirit with their neighbors, shows you how far off the rails this world has gone. It's not natural. We shouldn't even need to try to find others through the Internet, because of the fact that we cannot find people who think the way we do in everyday life.

  3. "Life also does not get easier as time passes on, even if you do have your Health and Success, because the overall conditions of society and this world are worsening rapidly."

    It's impossible to just enjoy life because you have to constantly be on gard for bullshit. Basically anytime you interact with anyone they're trying to manipulate you in some way, which is just exhausting.

    "Any possible thing for motivation in life, is completely shot, and especially for Men"

    Why bother trying to gain success when everyone will try to bring you down. And if you gain it in spite of that then everyone will try to steal it from you, either directly or through fraud.

    "Believe me, and I will say it over and over, there is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING left to live for in this world. All who deny it, are just coping and compensating."

    I just saw a video from angry guy about boomers living over 100. Besides that being comically false, why would you want to? Especially when living is just being drugged out of your gourd and unable to really function for 30 years?

    "COVID was pretty much my last straw with this world, but I really threw the towel in for the most part long before it as well"

    Same here. Covid really exposed just how cowardly and I obsessed with living that basically everybody is. That was a depressingly bitter pill because it was proof positive that there was no hope.

    "The collapse is long overdue, and I mean the collapse of everything"

    Cannot happen soon enough.

    I am personally tired of everything here. I'm tired of all the Dog Owners"

    I absolutely can't tolerate most dog owners. They let them shit everywhere and don't pick it up and they torture them by leaving them in the house for 8+ hours without being able to pee.

    "I am also sick of the rain and clouds and stupid weather patterns"

    I'm not getting an abundance of rain here, but they spray every day so it's basically always cloudy or overcast. The wind here is relentless which makes it impossible to enjoy the outdoors.

    "Fuck this world. Let it rot, Let it burn and let the flames consume the Human Species"

    My sediments exactly.

    1. People who live in the city or suburbs almost always shouldn't have dogs. They feed them kibble and keep them indoors most of the time. If you live on a big plot of land, like a farm then the dog can live like a dog . My neighbors dogs are completely indoors, they use the bathroom inside and everything.
      This old timer told me he when he was growing up they would pick up stray dogs and keep them, but they didn't go inside the house much at all.
      He said if he was late home , the door would be locked and he had to sleep with the dogs.

  4. Yeah, reality has set in

    The Odyssey comes to an end.

    I don't really listen to music anymore. For the past few days I've only listened to the Kanonenfieber in Munich concert from 47:00 to the end, on repeat.

    "We Come By Night, With The Search and Strike"

    I was reflecting. The Spartans' only music was epic war poetry, glorifying heroic victors and their ancestors' heroic deeds. Worship of Sacred Violence and Beauty, the Apex Predator, the Heroic
    They didn't have emotional music to soothe or cope with. If they lacked for true love, they'd only have to turn to their brother in arms in the Syssitia every night.
    They didn't play yearning or wistful romantic music, certainly not to court women from a submissive position. They kidnapped their wife-to-be at night, in the prime of youth, and her best friends would cut her hair off in preparation for impregnation and initiation into Motherhood. The harsh truth was staring you in the face.
    And they certainly didn't have to play fake-confidence inducing music to "hype-up". Their dominance was not a temporary emotional state, a fleeting fancy, an idea, but a physical reality they embodied every moment until their heroic Mors Triumphalis in battle. They were purebred descendants of Zeus and Herakles, universally-renowned, divinely ordained, beloved of the Gods.

    If a Spartiate were to inflict righteous violence to rectify his domain, the only response would be encouragement. Like, his wife and children would be clapping and saying "yay, again!"

    They had the most nutritious food, the best women, the best genetics, the best Land, the best weather, the best Military, the best craftsmen, and everything and everyone around them was designed to enhance and perpetuate their uncontested reign and superiority. Complete and Total Unity.

    Music nowadays is a kind of abstract, self-soothing thing. Unlike war chants propitiating the Muses for a beautiful battle, fortifying the warriors and glorifying the forefathers

    Science, History, Knowledge, Wealth, Religion, Civilization, abstract thought (the product of a neutered, lost, wandering intellect) - everything is folly if it is not totally led by the imperative mission to eugenically breed Super-Warriors. Only Nature can fulfill us or have meaning. We're suppressing our instincts in civilization, trying to placate them and distract ourselves with meaningless nothings. Static, boring. Not dynamic, powerful.

    Women's brain have shrunk so much, and their hormones are so fucked up, it's almost difficult to blame them.

    There is only Nutrients, Sex, Violence. Struggle, War, Sleep. Eugenics is the only salvation. You either win or lose. Step 0 is to be fearless and take no shit. Go Straight for the Kill. Be absolutely straight and worship the erection, live in Immanent Transcendence. Become a weapon. There is only safety and comfort in True Physical Power and a fertile environment. There is only meaning in the unified struggle together with your fellow men. Life used to be exciting. Men used to live and explore.

    There is a learning process, but the final solution is always Creative Ecstatic Violence and Sacrifice, the Increase of Power and Sensitivity, Poignancy. The Holy Agony of Life. The Grand Drama.

    1. I'll take the bears and other competition with the wild prey nutrients. As long as I have my fellow hunters beside me. Being trapped amongst hideous slaves is torture. I say, less defective humans, more animals. Let's bring back natural freedom and competition.

      Reality today is just boring, disgusting, tedious. Matriarchy.

    2. Just my thoughts today, thank you all.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. European men's core weaknesses are (1) elevation of the warrior above the priest and (2) gynocentrism, the first lead to abrahamism and the second to mercatilism.

      Ostracizing your priest class results in you becoming vulnerable to priests of foreign groups.

      Gynocentrism, or equality with women (Varg proposes this, for example), which includes female sexual selection, results in men being subservient to the wishes of women and, because women are very materialistic, men start to pursue wealth, which leads to their slavery to merchants.

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    6. This comment has been removed by the author.


    8. I think that the most disturbing thing that Humans will have to awaken to, is the fact they are "All Alone Here", figuratively speaking, since the fact is that everyone just is living amongst a whole bunch of NPC's. At this time, most people believe that something like an NPC is just a futuristic idea that comes from movies, Android Human Beings, and fail to realize, that the majority of the Human Species, is composed of NPC's.

      Since this is the case, not only will there not be a world revolution, but it also means that Humans will willingly go along with whatever comes, because NPC's follow off of a script, rather than Personal Will, and they all have a pre-destined programming / desire to follow evil works or only what suits their personal interests.

      A Priesthood is definitely what National Socialism sought to establish on Earth, along with a New Pagan path for Europeans.

      I agree, Varg Vikernes has the typical views of most Scandinavians, and they have the tendency to always look at everything with equal footing when it comes to Women.

      The thing is, we have to enforce Natural Selection, however, if a females wishes are perverted or outside the boundary of what's acceptable, then everything can be relinquished and they can be forced.

      These problems never were an issue as much during the initial forms of Human Creation, but from warfare and a loss of Men or even a Good genetic pool, it has created many problems that have been mitigated with other means over centuries.

      Today no more than ever, we are living among nothing but Human Waste.

  5. I just want to say that Gatis' latest Telegram video "The Fall of European Men" is the most meaningful video of his I've seen since the first one I saw "There Is No Hope"

    All we have is each other.

  6. Kind of agree with everything. We are in the Kali Yuga or whatever you want to call it. I made a whole record about this ridiculous situation last year. Here is out tribute to all the Covid Cucks..


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