Our "Semen Retention Queen" Is Having A Change Of Tone...

MagicMaya, is really so cringey, because it's so obvious how much of an actress she is, especially in how much she loves to pretend to enjoy the "Masculine". I also really hate her voice, it's so nagging and authoritative, nevertheless, you can tell from her voice that she herself is getting "nervous" because she is seeing her own future evaporate.

It seems in recent weeks, she has changed her "Look" for the videos and has gotten rid of some of the obnoxious video distractions, and is getting quite bored with the Semen Retention subject.

After all, how long can you keep talking about "Semen Retention"!? The subject matter is already cringey enough, but it also is one that suggests abstinence or not doing something.

Imagine if I were to open a channel that I talked ALL and only about Saving Money and Not Spending it, it would not hold up after a while because not doing something, actually has a negative or null effect.

But the thing is, even as much as Women like MagicMaya want to try to "Inspire" Men or believe that there is still a such thing as Hope or Abundance, it's not going to work. And there is no way Men will go back to the Negotiating Table with Women.

I expect we will see a lot more Women like these, who will keep trying to change their tone and dance all around the bushes on both sides, just like Keira Lhotan does constantly, because they are confused, and trying to also profit or come up profitable on both sides, that's for certain in how greedy they are.

It's incredible what kind of desperate latch-ditch efforts Women will try to make like this to try to "recoup" their losses, but they still do not realize that they are beating a dead horse.

But they are starting to realize, the horse no longer responds at all.

Women are going to truly, TOTALLY freak out like wildfire when they realize just how much they are being isolated now by Men, Governments and the Economy, to the point where they really have no choice but to starvation.

At some point, Women will abandon most other Women as well, because Women don't have anything to offer Women except Emotional support (fake kind, albeit), but that won't help feed a starving belly.

Women REALLY REALLY have no clue how much Damage they have done for Decades, just how WAY far they have overdealt their hands, and they somehow think that with the flip of a switch, or a script, that they will somehow be able to call Men back home.

At the same time, Women REALLY REALLY hate work, especially work that is overbearing and also in an environment where they cannot get constantly attention, praise and admiration on the job.

A lot of Women in coming weeks and months are going to totally freak out as they experience what it's like for the first time to go broke, and not have Men or the State come to their rescue, and I would argue that Men and the State should never have come to their rescue in the first place. It's wrong to do so.

Women have so overplayed the hands of cards they have been dealt in life, that there are not even enough Women on the planet to mete out enough punishments to equalize Justice for Men, with how much damage they have done. So this means that Individual Women, will have to endure and experience more and more pain beyond what they can even imagine, and there will be no desire to rebuild or negotiate anything with Women.

We are WELL past that point by now. All I want to see with With Women is to see them suffer or die.

Most Men at this time, also prefer to see Women suffer and live in misery, than to even have sex with them.

It will be almost impossible to reverse this mindset in Men.

What's incredible about the naive nature of Women like MagicMaya and all Women basically, is that they think and believe in the fact that if a Man still does something again and again every day, even when things are against him, or that he will have his "time" at the right moment, all of this stuff never actually happens.

For example, I am also not a person who believes Patience is a Virtue. It simply is not. Patience is designed to drain you of your energy and enslave you, it's another delusion like Hope. Christian so-called "Virtues".

I actually do not value this existence on any level because no matter how much you can build up here, the results that come from it are never worth it, not even inspiring enough to support life or raise families.

You couldn't even pay me millions of dollars to be willing to raise a family and bring children into this failing, decrepit world. So it's not even a matter of money, it's a stupid idea.

Only Narcissists want to have children, desperately.

The other day even, it was reported in the USA that the Birth Rates have now hit over a 100 year low!

Think that will ever change, or you will be able to motivate Men to turn that around!?

Never going to happen.

The contract between Men and Women is over, and not just for the West, but increasingly all around the world. It's just a matter of time until it manifests elsewhere in its complete form, but it MOST CERTAINLY will engulf the entire Gen Z population around the world.


  1. LOL she looks different in her videos it’s so funny how she changes filters why can’t she show her real face? not that she’s average but she is very much below average.Without the filter she definitely has a granny look. She looks like the ugly witch in Snow White the evil (queen) also her freckles disappeared with he filter… all the ugly simp males who follow her need to never exist these simps are our biggest threat.

    1. @JunkieAmerican- I went to her page and she looks completely different in every video except her fish lips.

      Someone who masks what they really look like should not be talking about a masculinity crisis.

    2. @JunkieAmerican @Here for the apocalypse yeah something is very off about her face. I just went to her channel and she has that witch look like that of the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz.

      I wouldn't be surprised if she were to start an OnlyFans if she doesn't have one already.

  2. @JunkieAmerican, Precisely! Haha, I noticed that too, because her freckles now show, she is trying to appear as if she is "humbling herself". She is really actually a 3 as I've said in the past, plus she has all the typical Jewish features and personality.

    1. @psa I agree she’s a 3 most likely in real life.I also want to say how much older she looks I can’t believe she’s in her early 20s ..well it’s really not that shocking because gen z overall looks way older than their biological age she looks 30 and looks as if she’s been used 100+ times she’s worthless and needs a piece of duck tape around her fake lips.

    2. @PSA- Her eyes are quite creepy. She definitely has evil eyes.

    3. @Here for the apocalypse looksmaxxers will probably point out that she has a positive canthal tilt which is deemed attractive.

    4. Yes, those eyes are the eyes of someone Demonic, especially with how they "slant upward", it's a predatory trait, just like Donald Trump's Wife Melania.

    5. @PSA I thought that a positive canthal tilt was ideal along with a neutral tilt and that a negative canthal tilt is considered bad. Yes, an extreme negative canthal tilt is bad but I don't know how a very slight negative would be the end of the world.

      Looksmaxxers can just fuck off for all I care. They don't want to help anyone deep down inside. The looksmaxxers gurus are likely insecure themselves just like their followers.

    6. @ Rey I don’t know what a looksmaxxser guru is but they sound pathetic! These looksmaxxers are insane and are mostly young gen z and alpha doing this nonsense! I came across of video or Taylor hill and people on their are so pathetic saying she’s not that special and they seen better.These people need to get the hell offline and take a look around I don’t see any Taylor hills who is a 9 which is 0.1% in this world LOL walking in target or a mall! These people are insane to say they see 9s everywhere.. this one girl commented something about her eyebrows looking like a man smh the jealousy these are they same girls calling Taylor hill and Monica Bellucci transvestites.This is how sick and jealousy these looksmaxxing people are.

    7. @JunkieAmerican yeah, they need to shut their damn mouths because they'll never be like Hill, Bellucci, or other actual good looking people.

      Looksmaxxing became popular because of how degenerated we've become from a facial attractiveness standpoint and the insecurities surrounding that.

      Some of the things I can agree with looksmaxxers on are not being obese and growing your hair out because who doesn't like a nice head of hair in them. Getting a hair transplant can also help if you have any hair leftover to make a full recovery. Because once again, who wouldn't want a nice head of hair. Other than that, most people can't truly glow up because their genetics limit how much they can do to improve naturally.

      That conventional skincare routine of theirs actually does more harm than good. And no ladies, doing your makeup and using filters and fake eyelashes isn't a glow up. You're just hiding the way you look by doing that.

    8. Yeah..the only reason why looksmaxxing is popular because gen z looks terrible. It’s silly but sad because someone said they mew when they shower ,eat and sleep…then they put a filter on and say mewing did this lol.

    9. Older Gen Z obviously doesn't have the best genetics, but they might be better compared to younger z. Gen Alpha is already finished!

      It's interesting how you brought up mewing because these folks think they'll go from being a 3/10 to an 8+ if they do that. At best, they might get to a 3.5 which is still bad. Anything 3.5/10 or below is what I would consider to be ugly.

    10. The Quality of Genetics among European peoples is extremely concerning. I can guarantee you if you travel anywhere else in the world, while you will find some deformed genetic types, or people who might not be entirely the most attractive, you will at least see that they are genetic healthier. Even a country like India, the Women generally have solid genetics for their race. The same is true in most other countries. It's European Countries which are the most imperiled and there are Political Policies behind it as well as Financial ones, but also because of Jews and other undesirables which have interbred.

      If you compare other cultures, whether or not you personally like their features or not, you can at least stand back and look at them and see that well over 80% of people in most countries, the people look healthy and attractive, vibrant.

      In America, and most parts of Northern Europe, the people look and age in a very decrepit manner.

    11. @psa i 100% agree I am not attracted to East Africans or Africans in general but I can definitely tell when someone is healthy and well developed.The men and women in East Africa look way better than most north and South Americans even Europeans now.Even though Africans, and west and east Asians have the least attractive facial features I can always tell who is healthy and who is above a average from their race no matter where they are from.

    12. @rey for what I I’ve seen older gen z is slightly better looking than younger gen z ages 14-17 younger gen z looks more older and older gen z looks older as well but younger gen z and a alpha kids just look like they are deteriorating faster.

    13. @psa although now I think food quality everywhere will be terrible! Unless you raise and grow your own.

    14. @JunkieAmerican, I'm gonna be doing a new article that goes over a lot of things I've been seeing lately around, but businesses are really, REALLY falling behind that sell food, including supermarkets. For starters, the food is garbage, and I am seeing that they must not be able to properly afford Pest control services, because these places are putting out the store brand traps which are visible to the public. I've been in a lot of places that are smelly and have mold issues and ceiling leaks, and every time it's getting worse and they don't have the money to fund repairs. Even when I've been in Second World countries, you almost never would see this, granted the Tap water would be unsafe to drink, sometimes some dysfunctional or broken bathrooms and flies in the establishment. But places are getting downright NASTY now.

  3. @JunkieAmerican, worst part is that they really are making it unfeasible to even grow your own foods or raise animals, especially what they are doing to the Climate with geo-engineering, it's ruining the soil and harvests everywhere. All people really will be able to do is hunt food, or if they really are lucky and live in the ideal place for an Estate to have a farm, then yes they can grow some crops and raise livestock. However, a part of me believes there will be even worse "ruination" of farming. The Communists in the old days would burn down farms along with the animals and toss food away. In the 21st century, they are using HAARP and all kinds of other equipment along with spraying the skies to ruin the climate, they are even blocking out the Sun.

    This year in the US, we have had more cloudiness and rain in the Northeast than any year on record, and I'm hearing people in California also experiencing the most cloudy year yet.

    1. @psa the only fruits I buy at the grocery store most of the time are bananas and they have been terrible lately.Mangoes are everywhere in my neighborhood right now I collected about 50 of them haha.The mangos at grocery stores are fine they are just 3$ for one mango.I like bananas but they have been mushy lately and I have noticed the steaks have been more pink than usual! It’s more of a baby pink something close to that.

    2. @JunkieAmerican, Something is going on with Bananas lately, I've noticed the quality of them at a lot of places sucks, and they seem to be getting in fewer and fewer quantity.


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