#Lockout - Women In Their Disgusting Entitlement

Women, including Older Women who seem to be going broke, are becoming a lot more "bold" in trying to "Flirt" their way, with their entitlement into thinking they can just "butt in" and nose into a Man's business where they want to piggyback off of what he buys or cooks.

In the last 3 weeks, I have had 4 incidents of this occurring, and what's worse is that 2 of them were the Woman Cashiers, when I buy meats.

Asking me "Where is the party?" and "Let me know, I'll be there" or random suggestions that whatever I'm making looks amazing, and that "I'm coming home with you."


The audacity and entitlement that these Women have is just unreal, because think of it, what if a Man comes up to some random Woman that she doesn't even know, it would be one thing to make a humble greeting, but these Women aren't even doing that.

They approach you in a line or somewhere and just act like they will come tag along in your car with you for free, and that you should be "okay" with that.

It used to be that this would be something that Black Women would do, but it's gotten much worse over the years when I switched eating to mostly meat, and now White Women of all ages do it.

Women have absolutely no shame or restraints at all anymore even to a total stranger.

They INSIST that they will come to my place or want to have what I'm making, and when / where is it!?

They don't even know my name or who I am! Absolutely disgusting.

One lady did this to me yesterday, a cashier after I was trying to take advantage of a Steak Sale - and that ended up being a disappointment for a whole other reason I'll get into in another entry, and she was so preoccupied while ringing me up about where and if she can come along, that she forgot to ring up my last item of some Special Blackberry Iced Tea.

When I showed it to her, it became REALLY evident to both of us just how out of touch from reality she was, and it almost looked like she was holding up the line.

Women want everything, and just think they are somehow entitled to everything, and just to show how out of it Women are, she didn't even know of the sale in her own store she works at.

I see things as becoming even more problematic how Women will become as they get further and further starved out of the system, because they really are going to try to chase us, and we will literally have to beat them off (down) with a stick and actually turn them into pulp, because they are likes annoying flies or bumblebees.


  1. Black women are very rude and nasty they interrupt your conversation or try to get your attention for no reason at all.Caribbeans as well they are the worst and I really really dislike them.They piss me off.These women think they are some queen and it’s really odd to me.

    They think they can have anything.There was this white male and this obese black woman tapped him randomly and said help me which one is this? The guy was so confused and she said never mind and left..lol this was at a deli.

    I really love Florida the nature is amazing here but the people are just done right rude! I’m not sure how it is in Massachusetts but I know there are a lot of insane people up there too.The amount of lesbians is unbelievable and they are the worst.They are also the nastiest out there and are down right rude to any man.

    1. Black men are interesting in the fact that their behavior is a clear study of eugenics.

      In my opinion, in order to reach modern society ideals, europeans have by large genetically tailored the traits of offspring in the past, leading to a higher and tighter range of iq, behaviors and such. While Africans, lack this eugenics and are also genetically are one of the most neurodiverse. Meaning, if we add greater varience theory to the mix we see most african men to be extremely carnal with the occasional high iq divergent. While European men are on a more stable pool of iq and genetics.

    2. @JunkieAmerican, Yes, for sure. This also goes hand-in-hand with the already generally lower empathy which exists in them, and they are also far less detached to the mechanisms required in order for a civilization to function.

      The Caribbeans are indeed very dangerous because of the aggression of some, and unfortunately it is a result of many centuries of tribal warfare that never resulted in improvements of their people, even if they were to remain uncivilized before the Spaniards had arrived. There is an unbelievable amount of Sephardic Jew DNA that came over and overwhelmed the Caribbeans, and you may find this shocking, but the Jewish Ancestry admixture per capita is even higher in the Caribbean Islands than the Mainland countries of Latin America.

      Part of this is not by "chance", as Jews historically love to settle on Islands and own boats / ships so they have easy ability to "escape" if ever under persecution.

      For that same reason, if you look at historical Jewish settlements, even dating long ago to port cities (they love settling port cities, for escape and also to control commerce), even the Greek city of Thessaloniki was a major settlement of theirs, in addition to the Canary Islands as well as the Azores of Portugal, even before they came to the Americas. From my understand, almost all of the Portuguese people on the Azores are almost exclusively with Jewish Admixture.

    3. @JunkieAmerican, Massachusetts is one of the gayest states, and the Women here are super ghetto. Massachusetts people are similar to Trashy "New Jersey" people, especially the lower classes, if you are at all familiar with them. Massachusetts is also known to have the most unfriendly people in the whole country, also known as "Massholes". People here are insular and total jerks, with an ugly accent.

    4. @PSA- "Jewish settlements, even dating long ago to port cities (they love settling port cities, for escape and also to control commerce),"

      They indeed have always controlled commerce through islands and port cities. They have always controlled the seas. Even when they didn't control them directly they did it through proxy.

      I give the Jews immense credit for knowing that money is how you can control almost anyone, knowing that commerce and trade is how you control money and that through this you can get almost any leader to betray his people.

      Although occasionally a king would take power that actually cared about the people he was over and dispose of the traitors and Jews. This is why they turned the world into a democracy and obsessively promote it. A democracy has no chance at overthrowing the Jew.

    5. @PSA Hi, you are very knowledgeable. Do you do family background readings for other people?

    6. @Here for the apocalypse, It all goes to show you how different the mindsets and priorities are between a Jew and an Aryan. For example, pretty sure if either you or I were to go to an Island, #1 reasons we'd want to go there is to relax on a vacation and for sun, if not to buy a property just to be away from the majority of humankind. Instead, the Jews see Island as a "safe haven" to hide their wealth and view an "Escape Plan" as elemental to their choices of where to reside.

      I once was told by some Jew many years ago how every time he enters an establishment, he maps out where all the Entrances and Exits are, and that he will only be in an Establishment so long as he can always keep his eyes on the entryway, in case he needs to "escape" and wants to see everyone who comes in, and will not enter an establishment if he cannot do that.

      Imagine living in that kind of paranoia! Of course, only people who themselves are criminals and have potentially "bad" consequences that could follow things they do, would go around being so paranoid like that, but that's how they are.

      And yes, the Jews are actually more all about obsessing over the power, more than the money, because having that power means they can have and use all the money they want as a weapon to control others, while the masses become emotionally tangled into their obsession with money. THis is what the problem is.

      Democracy is also the most favorable form of government where the Jew can live "safely" and conduct his fraudulents schemes, and creates an environment where a uniform type of movement or rebellion, is not feasible.

    7. @T345, I wish I had the ability for that, but I am not skilled in that way. In some cases, I might get a vision or see something about someone or something that I read into with their family, but it's not always a guarantee or something I have control over.

    8. @PSA- "once was told by some Jew many years ago how every time he enters an establishment, he maps out where all the Entrances and Exits are, and that he will only be in an Establishment so long as he can always keep his eyes on the entryway, in case he needs to "escape" and wants to see everyone who comes in, and will not enter an establishment if he cannot do that."

      I do that to a degree these days because people are so mentally ill that you cannot count on them acting rational or even in their self interest. I don't obsess over it though, it's just a constant being on gard at all times. A big reason why I don't go to public events all that often anymore. I just can't trust that people won't get up in my business. It happens basically every time now.

      If blacks are in large numbers I won't even go in. If they are the majority it's an absolute guarantee that violence is going to break out.

      More to the point. This is proof that money at all cost does not bring happiness but misery. Constantly expecting someone to come after you for screwing them over would be living in perpetual agony.

      "And yes, the Jews are actually more all about obsessing over the power,"

      This is something that is nigh impossible to get people to understand. People just cannot conceive of "losing" money to gain power. The Jew has infinite money anyways because they can just print it up.

  2. White women and even white men have taken on black behavior.

    The with race has enthusiasticlly niggerfied themselves. What a disgrace.

    1. I think the biggest thing people forget about black people is eugenics.

      Africa is a highly nuerodiverse location . But combine that with greater varience theory, plus the fact that evil and socipathic carnal people generally breed the most, and you have the huge population of aggressive and low iq genetics with maybe the potential smart black guy. but they get eaten up and oppressed by their own kind quickly.

      European men seem to have at one point of time eugenisized themselves properly, enabling their populance to have a more stable and higher pool of iq and traits. Which is why a bulk of them for generations past have always valued their recessive traits as ideals regardless of what nature had to say about it. This is why i suspect white women are on average skinner than african women. Clearly at a point of time genetics was carefully considered.

      Most europeans today can only blame themselves for the quality of offspring . They stopped valuing genetics and sanity. Especially considering their emphasis of money in determining mates with capitalism culture taking over, creating a high pool of sociopaths and psycopaths. It was game over when they gave women their rights as they then took over the eugenics program, which lead to even more falures being born.

      I wont even get to the issue with black people in america with european last names. Turns out the genetics of slaves and slavemasters would spill disaster in the future? Who would have thought.

    2. @Castironman, Well there are certainly some great variations between Negroes, although they belong to a common group of Humanoids, some have some very different characteristics in them.

      But yes, surely, the compromised ones in America who are not even of Pure African Ancestry, while it would seem that the admixture with "Whites" would be beneficial for them, it actually works more to the detriment, because while there is slightly an increase in the IQ, the problem is that they begin to lose the characteristics that embody their origins which are crucial for their own maintenance and homogeneity and then there are more physical and mental issues that arise. In particular, Negroes also have different bone structures. Also, Autism tends to be rare in Negroes except for ones mixed with Jews or Europeans.

      What adds to the detriment of the American Negroes who are often interbred with the Whites here, is that they are mixed with typically the "Colonial stocks", and so they bring out the worst from that side as well, and tend to be even more racist than Ordinary Negroes from their Home countries.

    3. @Here for the apocalypse, and Indeed, Whites, especially in America, have really taken on the characteristics of Negroes. Their mannerisms and all influences. In fact, the whole term "High Value Man / High Value Woman", just like almost any other slogan, actually comes from a negro, Kevin Samuels coined that term, and now you see almost all White YouTube Influencers using it.

      White Women clap their hands a lot when talking or punching their fist into the hand, just like a monkey, and this also came from the Negro influences in America.

      I also see a lot of Southerners lately who talk with an American Negro or Ghetto dialect.

    4. @PSA- "In fact, the whole term "High Value Man / High Value Woman"

      I've always hated that terminology. It's just a deliberate deception.

      Rich man without morals and sexy woman without morals makes you sound exactly how they are and they can't have that.

    5. @PSA are the higher rates of autism in Europeans a weakness? I took have noticed that Carribbean people are very racist to white people and African people aren't as bad.

      Propaganda brainwashing aside, are some races or people naturally more racist than others? So a racist white male slave owner will pass the racist gene down to his mixed race offspring which then become racist themselves, but instead they are racist to white people. Although nowadays, it seems like white people don't have any racism in them due to the anti white propaganda. So to imagine white people were racist during slavery times is tough to believe due to how weak white people have become.

      Why have whites taken on the characteristics of negros? It's becoming ridiculous now as I got accused of 'being so white' by a white NPC.

    6. I think psa had it pretty spot on in response to my comment. I didnt bother to reply after then.

      Racism is in my opinion tribalism. Its a preposition of the animal that causes unfamiliarity and collective group thino of whos better a low intelligence trait. Part like psa said is that bad genetics cause this. Combination of many vectors, such as what you state about behavior, plus how mixing pure bloodlines cause mutations that are likely to be weaker.

      White/european people are very likely to be racist in the united states, as racism is actually tribalism. This is why they are influnced so greatly by propaganda via media or when they see a bunch of black guys looting walmart. Tribalism is also what makes them miss the mark to authentic studies as they tend to have a bias torwards study that fulfill those desires of them being the genetically superior stock, and this is the wring way to look at genetics.

      Theres pros and cons. Higher chance of autism and problems arise when you continually eugenisize a population. But autism, inbreeding and bone disease is the tradeoff. So yes its a weakness, but id rather call it a con. Just like how pur genetic bloodlines may have too much variety in behaviors and traits.

      I see it how in nature you have original plants which look different from the gmo. Some people breed seedless watermelons, some people choose from that pure seed to cultivate the seeds. Some choose cultivating the prettiness.


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