Boomer Logic: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

The Baby Boomers really had become such a machine, in the damage they have done in this world.

Their degeneracy and path of destruction they left for everyone, is unprecedented.

And at the same time, they are clever to try to hide all their tracks to make sure they don't get the true blame, or when they do get blamed, they seek to deflect it at all levels.

For example, the Boomers were the ones who guilt-tripped their teenage children from having sex at a young age, even though the Boomers were having sex very early on in those years themselves.

Boomers were also doing a lot of Marijuana and Cocaine, yet punishing and guilt-tripping their children about ever doing these drugs. Granted, nobody should ever be doing these drugs, but the point is just how much of a hypocrite the Boomers were, because they would act and conduct themselves as if they never did these drugs. Many Boomers even accused their children if they burned incense or even sage, that they were likely secretly smoking marijuana and trying to cover up the smell! That is just how psychotic and guilty-as-charged Boomers really are.

The Boomers also were the ones who constantly perpetuated lies about how someone will find a mate someday, "Oh, you just haven't met the right one yet. You're still so young!"

You can be in your 30's and 40's, and Boomers will still convince you of how young you are.

What Boomers don't tell you, is that almost all of them met their partners in their school years or shortly thereafter in their 20's. For ones who didn't have money at that time, they still stuck it out with the person and built their lives together, and this was actually what was always formerly done, however the Boomers were the first one to disrupt the process as well by sexual experimentation.

Now, the Boomers created a world where Men are told that they should not expect to have sex girls at his peer age, but needs to "build himself" and wait until he is in his 30's or 40's before he can expect to have a Woman, while Many countless other Men will have had that Woman and she is useless, damaged goods and a whore, and whereby he is expected to somehow give her his best when she gives him her worst of her years when she is nothing but scraps.

Once a Man hits hits 30's - 40's, his decline in everything begins, doesn't matter how successful or well off he is in life. People will not want to hang out with him as much, and friends will begin distancing from you at this age.

The constant gaslighting that Baby Boomers do is absolutely out of control, they still expect to gaslight the younger generations to only look at numbers in terms of wages and cost-of-living, rather than to evaluate scale and affordability or the ability to generate a wealth base that can support them into their later years, which is totally NON-EXISTENT. Even Gen X only was able to reap a short amount of this by riding off the Coat-tails of the Boomers, but that was either mostly for the Older Gen X or ones who happened to otherwise luck out from their own personal situations.

Boomers also never really had to be "goal-driven", since the Institutions, Programs and things they were handed to them, pretty much all worked to service them, while younger generations are put under obsessive pressure (particularly Boys and Men) that they need to have goals and become ambitious.

Goals and Ambitions can only really exist on a National Level, as a collective. Because it only works for vanity when it's within an individual, and a Man who falls into that trap of chasing ambitions, will sell his soul in the process and give up everything of who he is, just to have it.

If you do not live in a society that collectively is working to a common and harmonious goal, it is pointless to otherwise have goals, generally-speaking.

One of the most cruel lies that the Boomers have been able to sell-off, is this notion that only 20% of Men have ever had access to Women and reproduced throughout history, by 80% or more of the Women, and that somehow all these other Men were just left to "stagger".

It's unbelievable how many people believe this "Western Lie", because they fail to realize the 80/20 rule only applies to Millenials and younger, and where now the ratio is really that only the Top 4.5% of Men have the majority of the Women.

If a person who is younger than a Baby Boomer were to ask around and take a look around for themselves, they will rarely come across someone in the Baby Boomer generation who did not get married, and did not reproduce.

At least 80-90% of Baby Boomer Men, had successfully reproduced, provided they did not die early or in some tragedy or war or something.

With Gen X, in the 60's% range is the level of how many Men have successfully reproduced of this generation.

The twisted claim of suggesting that only 20-40% of Men ever having gotten to pass on their genes, is a great distortion and rather only a new phenomenon, as it signals decline, along with the fact that Women have now become the "choosers" of mates. We see what kind of ugly world it has brought forth!

It is important to know that this "theory" that only about 20-40% of Men having ever historically reproduced with Women, is just that, a "theory" and that it was formed out of Genetic Testing which has found that the majority of both Women and Men alive today, descend from the majority of Women alive, whereas there is less and less genetic link to almost Most Modern Men, especially the younger they are.

Sure, some studies were conducted on this with Dating Apps as well, but that only reflects the Modern Trends as well.

You must understand, that NO population of any Humans in the world, can survive where at least no less than 80-90% of the population is reproducing, and the remaining 10-20% who do not reproduce will usually be due to a combination of tragedy, infertility, bad genetics or a personal choice to not have children.

No Nation of people in the world, can also survive or thrive when Genetic Diversity is lost. The population will suffer greatly, and it may even develop certain common disease or deformities that manifest in its population and possibly other undesirable traits among their people, without Genetic Diversity.

The Nation will also become less innovative, less creative or inventive, and there will not be much of varying personality types that make up a strong and multi-faceted civilization.

Look at Germany today!? Germany is also another example of a Nation suffering under a MASSIVE loss of Good Genetics, and Genetic Diversity, and the people are reduced to being mostly like non-feeling robots and are at loss in staging resistance, and want to keep fighting for Democracy.

Today, Germans suffer under a huge loss from our original genetics, but one of the most obvious features right away that many notice is how many Germans today bald rapidly and wear glasses.

All of the Men in my own family, whether it was from my Father or Grandparents and so on, always had a full head of hair even into their 90's even some with color upon their death.

Rarely did anyone in my family use eyeglasses, except for maybe occassionally reading glasses in later years, unless someone had an eye injury.

Many specimens I see alive today in the German population also are developing weaker and weaker chins, especially in porportion to the rest of the face.

This is not normal! And unfortunately, these genetics have largely replaced the healthier genetics present in our Race that used to once exist.

The healthier the race, the less likely they should have a need to wear glasses, even at an old age, unless malnutrition or some ailment out of their control is what caused it.

It is notable too, however, that Many Asians also have many eyesight related issues and wearing Glasses by both Men and Women is very prominent in those countries.

But, with the Media promulgation of this distorted finding, especially through Social Media, it has conditioned a whole segment of Men throughout the West to have an even greater "defeat" of their self-esteem and to feel guilt and as if they are "entitled" to think they even deserve a girlfriend, even though Baby Boomers had plenty of girlfriends, and some on the side, and all kinds of other love affairs too.

Most Baby Boomers or even Older Generations, if they were single or never married, there was also even much more scrutiny and criticisms against you, even as a Man, if you never did, compared to today, however I would say that the "system" is more against you today than say Family or Friends and Peers as it used to be.

The bottom line is, Baby Boomers have absolutely sold wicked lies to the younger generations, and it is absolutely immoral to the core what they have done, and what kind of ugly world they have formed.


  1. I have been seeing people with a lot of deformities outside most of them are from South America and Caribbean people mostly women with deformities and some are whites but when I mean deformities I mean they look like no egg Craig.. :/ I think that’s how people will continue to look I don’t like the way this world is heading with look’s because gen alpha looks very bad they have bug eyes (girls and boys) and bad facial features/ skin texture so that means jealousy will be worse more worse than it is now.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Sure, there are some who may have deformities or not so great skin texture. There are definitely a host of variations between Good or Bad Genetics, versus Attractive and Less Attractive Features, or traits that some races might have over others.

      In South America, I think skin quality over time and maybe obesity are the big issues down there.

      As far as "No Egg Craig", I believe we have a lil' "somethin' somethin'" for him that he needs a taste of! ;)

  2. I had boomers straight up tell me that many times when I was a "child" and pointed out that they were doing the same thing.

    1. @Here for the apocalypse, I was almost going to point that out specifically as well, but had figured it probably was common enough of an Experience by those raised by Boomers, because they literally "did" use such words, thinking they are big shit! "Do As I Say, Not As I Do".

      They also never liked anyone to actually question anything that doesn't make sense, especially their own rules!

    2. @PSA- They've always been way up their own ass thinking they're the greatest thing ever.

      They HATE when you call them out.

      That's why they don't fuck with gen x because we were their and know all of their bullshit. Every once in a while they fuck up while talking to a millennial and forgetting you are there. I call them out ever time. They get all huffy but clam up because they know they get clowned if they engage with you.

      The drug war is the perfect example if their complete hypocrisy. I've never met a boomer that didn't do copious amounts of pot, lsd and coke.


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