I Wish You Women Only The Worst

I will not show any Mercy towards my sentiment towards Women, especially as conditions worsen. All I can say to them endlessly, is that what goes around, comes around, and they are just getting their dirty panties in a bunch lately because now they are on the receiving end of what Men have had to deal with for decades, and they are going to pay profusely very soon for what they've done, and haven't a clue.

Please note that there are Millions upon other Millions of Men like me out there, especially Military Men, Police Officers and many others, who possess in themselves nothing but venomous hatred like I do for Women.

These Millions upon Millions of Angry Men, are your destiny. And I will gleefully watch how you will cope and deal with them, whether they are some European Man, an Arab, or a Chinaman.

You created the imbalances in the system that will come back to haunt you, and you will inherit these Angry Men, and so will your dumb worthless NPC children that most of you are having now.

The tides are turning rapidly against Women, and this will not only Mean that Women lose everything they had gained, but they will lose everything else as well.

Women are up for an Era where they will become the New Town Square Punching Bag and Dumpster for all problems and excesses.

I Despise and Loathe Women so much, that I would prefer to see their extermination than to see the Human Species prosper or survive.

I Wish Women all the worst things that can ever possibly happen to them and that will curse and afflict them in days to come, and may these curses become so burdensome and completely overwhelm them to the point where they never know rest or peace, let them suffer to the maximum possible extent.

May More Pain, Misery and Struggle come your way with every passing day, and may these shocking surprises of detriments in your life, come out of nowhere, where you could not expect them, and may it make you live in perpetual fear and paranoia.

Women should never be dealt easy with. When a Woman smile, tells her to wipe that fucking disgusting grin off of her pathetic face.

Women are Nothing but Evil Trash, and they should be disposed of / treated literally as the same way you deal with trash.

I hope as many of you Women die by vomiting and experience death through choking on your own vomit. This is how I think of you and what I think of you.

To give another perspective or angle to the Level of Hatred I have for Women, I would prefer to live the rest of my life in misery and have nothing to my life if I can watch Women suffer and get destroyed, than I would to allow them to continue the way they do, even if it meant my life could be more eventful or pleasant.

That should tell you something about how problematic Women really are.

To see Women in pain and misery, even to watch them commit suicide, is pleasurable for me and very exciting. I hate them with all of my might.

One thing a lot of gullible Men in this world do not understand when it comes to Women, is that by you not holding a negative view of them, does not earn you any "brownie points" with them.

Women are a total vortex of negativity, they are totally useless.


  1. I really hope you are right when you say in a few years/decades that men will kick women to the kerb and stop funding their lives. I really hope that we soon see women doing manual labour. I'm very worried that this reality won't happen as the way things are right now, make me feel like women have all the privilege and ability to have men wrapped round their finger. Also do you feel that if women work manual labour jobs, they will do a very poor job and will be no where as efficient as men. What do you say about women's lesser ability to work like men do?

    1. @Kyle, I think you underestimate just how much irreversible Damage Women have done, and how really, truly bad the conditions are for Men.

      It can be hard to see it, but the thing is, Women have done so much wrong and ruined Men to the point where, even if Men truly desired to still be doing everything and agreed to go along with this system, they could not.

      For starters, Men no longer have the energy, and we are dealing with a broken and decrepit world. There is nothing left for Men to live for. Men will resort to Violence, and it means that the only future for Women can be one of living in a perpetually dangerous environment with Anarchy, Crime and Violence.

      Yes, Women do inferior work because they are lazy and demand attention, but the thing is quality in production has been decreasing for a long time now and they are moving the world rapidly towards automation.

      There is no ability for Men to overcome this system, even if they want to, so the only best thing is to take from Women and let them pay, let them work, let them hurt, because it's over for Humanity and this world.

      Women are going to wake up one day and push Men the wrong way, and find that they will be turned into pulp.

    2. In other words, men don't have the purpose, energy or means to maintain a good civilization.

    3. @Based and Platopilled, Correct. Men have nothing left, not even for themselves, nevermind for another Mate. Men have been sorely beaten down, abused and ruined, and a Man doesn't even have a place for himself any longer in society. There is no way he will be motivated to do anything, and this is natural. Men, especially younger generations, shouldn't feel bad for having no motivation for anything in life and no goals. For one, individualistic goals will only make you a slave. Goals can only really exist on the collective level of a Nation's will. All other Goals are just nothing but pure vanity. The world is far past its prime and anything as well in terms of Human Development. There is absolutely no chance that something positive or even a Rennaissance will come out of this, and that wishful thinking is what all NPC's have in their mind. But, based on things we know about the Human Species, but also Life Cycles and the State of the Earth and this Universe, it's completely gone.

    4. @PSA, this makes a lot of sense. Men will do the bare minimum to survive. I can see some men still simping in the hopes of getting sex, however I know once the man has had sex with a woman a few times, he will stop paying for things as he got what he wanted. The days of women being fully supported are gone.

      Sadly we have rich men who give women money as to them, they aren't losing much by giving women money. It's the average and poor men that won't be giving women as money.

      Everyday I get furious at the true oppression of men and how easy women have it. Words cannot describe how angry I get when I see that women don't even acknowledge men's oppression and have the audacity to think women are oppressed.

      Do women not have enough intelligence to critically think and come to the realisation that men have it harder, by a huge margin? Then there's also a factor that if women play the victim card, they will have it easier, perhaps women are aware that men have it harder.

    5. @Kyle The reason why women think that they are oppressed by men is that whenever they think or speak of men they only refer to high status, rich and attractive men, and with respect to most men they either don't realize that they exist or they are considered by them as subhuman.

    6. @Based and Platopilled yes that is very true. You'd think women would be able to analyse the average man's life and realise the average woman has it easier.

    7. @Based and Platopilled, what's even more angering about it all, is that even in Eras where Women had minimal rights, they would never bark or give any problems to Men or believing they were "oppressed". Now that they have been given literally EVERYTHING and THEN SOME MORE! They act like they are perpetual victims and are under complete oppression and Patriarchy, even though it's obviously we're under a Matriarchy. This is why Women should never have any rights. No healthy or sane Woman would ever be concerned about whether or not she even has the right to vote. Even as a MAN, as a PRUSSIAN, having the right to vote is hardly something I'm ever even concerned about in this world, it's not that big of a deal or a "right" anyway, because Leaders generally do whatever the fuck they want even if vote anyways. So you have to wonder why Women get so emotional over having the right to vote! Women can go FUCK THEMSELVES with the wooden sticks that held up the placard signs in their Suffragette Movement! They can suffer from MY ASS!

    8. @Kyle, The thing is Women "could" potentially do that, as far as analyzing a Man's life. The problem is that they don't care, because Women are fucking SELFISH JERKS and only concerned about their own well-being and what benefits them, and don't want to be bothered by any technicalities. Women are useless fucks.

    9. @PSA agreed, women have no empathy so of course they don't care. I wonder if women deep down know men have it harder, even though they won't admit it as it will cause men to wake up to the matriarchy and stop letting women have it easy.

      Your previous post "your hatred of women will eventually eclipse your desire to have sex with them" is something I hope will happen to most men. I feel like the only reason men are even bothering with women is because of sex.

      I am 22 years old and still desire sex with women even though I hate them. It is a weakness of mine as it means women still have the power over me. However I would never ever get into a relationship with one or marry one. I just have sex with them and then leave or keep them around if the sex is good.

      My weakness is that if a woman is extremely pretty, I would take her out on a date and pay for her which is a common weakness in men. Average looking women don't get dates from me. But the fact that I pay on dates despite hating women, shows that it's extremely hard for men to control their sexual urges and not make women's lives easier. Men as a collective will need to hold the line and all stop paying or helping women out which I see as very difficult due to the fact women gatekeep sex.

    10. @Kyle, Women don't exactly see it as Men having it harder either way because they view Men as the "More Capable Sex" since Men are typically "doing" things, and they see us as the Stronger Sex both Mentally and Physically. Couple that with their lack of empathy, and they do not understand what it is like for a Man to feel or experience pain, and they don't want to care about it.

      What I can tell you from experience with Women who will make you too angry enough to even desire sex with them, is when they do things or put you through things (hellish things) or other nonsense that wastes your time or shows just how pathetic they are in some circumstance, that you become totally nauseated and disgusted to the gills with them.

      At some point sooner or later, Women will show this, even if it's through their utter stupidity, or if they cheat on you or suddenly disappoint you in some unbelievable manner, or just like how Women wait until you are invested in them where they begin fucking things up.

      In most of my experiences, Women have ALWAYS fucked things up for me as soon as I pull the trigger on life changes, such as moving, or booking airline tickets, hotels, and what not. As soon as they find this "news" they begin changing feelings or ideas or begin accusations.

      When I moved to California many years ago to start a life with some girl, she started pulling bullshit LITERALLY during the period when I was sweating my balls off and stressing out in getting all of my goods packed up and ready to move out there, and she ended up destroying our relationship by the time I moved out there.

      Imagine how enraging that is! That is what these sick no good for nothing cunts do to a Man's life. And I found out after I broke things off with her, that she was cheating with another guy behind my back while I was moving out there.

      Women are just total dumb fucks and pieces of dog shit in a Man's life, and it's honestly a surprise that More Men haven't thrown bricks at their head or burned more Women alive, or drag Women on the streets by a rope tied to their car's hitch.

      When you reach such levels of anger with Women, you even become disgusted sticking your penis inside of them by having this part of your body inside of some wretched, pathetic, dumb little whore who is useless, worthless and a waste of time who will do nothing but try to ruin your life and waste your money and time.

    11. @Kyle You can have sex with women, but you need to completely abandon this idea of taking a girl out and paying for a date. No matter how pretty she is. Dating is dead and over, and Most Men in-the-know, are aware of this. To be honest, Dating is actually for Gay people, look it up, those are the origins of where it came from.

      Unless a girl is courting you and asking to take you out and treat you somewhere, that's one thing, but other than that, you will just be used for a free Meal, or as they call them "Foodie Calls". You should never pay for a Woman on a date. It demonstrates weakness, and also a lack of perception of self-value because you feel you have to earn her desire to spend time with you.

      I promise you, if you pay for dates with Women, it will never amount to anything.

    12. @PSA yes women viewing us as more capable to handle things than them is a huge reason which I didn't pick up on. Also their lack of empathy too.

      Hopefully soon I will be too disgusted by women to have sex with them.

      I have never been in a relationship because ever since a young age, I was disinterested and later learnt a relationship is just a way for a woman to secure a mans money. I am too scared of relationships as I know the woman will not play fair and will have me paying for everything. I'm also aware that women cheat all the time and won't have that accountability to own up to it.

      As for the paying for a lady on a date, do you think I will have a higher chance of sleeping with her if I don't pay as it show's I am not putting her on the pedestal? After all, your genetics and how much of a criminal you are is what women really care about. A lot of women say they need a date before they sleep with a stranger but I am aware this isn't always the case as I have slept with some women without meeting them before.

  2. The main thing to also understand, is that there will be no revolution or way out of the damage that has been done. It is finished. The resultant effect for how society continues is a MadMax Scenario, and as civilization declines further, you will see both Governments and Men begin to turn more and more against Women. The process of this has already begun. We also now see more and more Women also getting arrested and tried for crimes where they would previously get ignored or just given a slap on the wrist.

    I am purposefully rooting for the Self-Destruction of Humanity, because the Species is not worth saving or protecting. Most Humans are scum, and I prefer to see the process of Humans being eradicated as something that needs to be drastically accelerated. The perfect starting point, is to begin to bring the Chopping Block to the Women. They've had it far too good for far too long, at our expense. This is the only logical and natural, rational way any Man would think.

    1. Why exactly are governments turning against women? I thought governments want the New World Order to happen. So women behaving as sluts, being lazy, and blaming men for their problems is perfect for the New World Order.

      Pushing women to behave as toxic as they can is a great way to destroy the family unit and also weaken men so they have nothing to fight for when the New World Order takes everything.

      But like you never fail to please, I am sure you have an answer that I haven't realised.

    2. @Kyle, The main reason is because they cannot afford it any longer. It was a big mistake anyway from the get-go, and the reason why this became a model for Governments is from the Influence of Capitalism, whereby Capitalism as that making and using Women as "consumers" was ideal for a Gobalist, Consumerist Economy, and giving Men the shaft at everything. I have an entry coming out on that specific subject too.

      In any case, Governments can and DO suffer when their revenue streams dry up, and they are increasingly becoming burdened with less tax revenue. While they can always go into more debt and usually settle it on the people, they are having a harder time dealing with an angry, declining, unhealthy population that is becoming more of a liability to them, along with having greater complications starting new wars.

      Yes of course the Governments play a pivotal role in the NWO, but that role is pretty much done now, because we are in a reconsolidation phase.

      True "Governments" as such, don't even exist anymore. All of them are run by the same interests, there are no National Governments anywhere in the world anymore.

      The real controllers are ready to pull the plug on All Nations, even China and Russia, and to replace the system with an International and Centralized World Government, World Bank, and other World Institutions.

    3. I thought governments were behind pushing the whole 2010s era 'woke' movement that demonises white men whilst promoting anything black or anything female.

      We have seen some crazy anti-male propaganda pushed these past 14 years. Aswell as lots of things that support women. It's no wonder Gen Z women are the most anti-male and the most anti-white generation of women there are.

      Surely if governments were fed up of women's behaviour, they would be conspiring against them and uplifting men to do the job and sort them out.

    4. @Kyle, Just because governments are Anti-Male and Pro-Female, doesn't mean if they suddenly go Anti-Female that they would automatically elevate Men in their place. The goal of this system from the very top is to destroy the Family System and the Men have already been destroyed. But there is no intention to suddenly be "Pro-Male" again exactly, as the goal has already been achieved.

      Governments are already conspiring against Women, depending on how you look at it, because Feminism is used to actually destroy them in the process, or to get them to destroy themselves, but the greater goal is to ruin the entire society, even at the illusion of "elevating" them in society and giving them everything.

      Not everything Black and White. Just like Good and Evil or Morals, none of it is Black and White or in a clear-defined manner as they are made out to be.

      But the process of "Bringing Women Down" by Governments all of the sudden, is more to do with Necessity and simply because Governments can't afford it anymore.

      When societies are on the down-swing, Women become more burdensome and troublesome, even for governments.

    5. How do you think the government will deal with women?


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