Your Hatred Of Women Will Eventually Eclipse Your Desire To Have Sex With Them

Sooner or later, a Man's contempt for Women will eventually entirely surpass his desire for her along with Sex, because eventually you arrive at disgust, especially once you've had enough experiences with them, to have nothing but total repulsion of them.

You'll know you've reached this point, because even the sound of a particular Woman's voice or her mannerisms, make you want to punch their face in.

Especially once you realize that Women are a 100% waste of time.

When those like myself and others say that Women are a waste of time, it's not that we are just saying it as a matter of speech or from a certain experience.

We mean in every sense of the words, that she is a waste of time and will waste your time, and you end up realizing how nothing comes of it.

When dealing with Women, everything about them is hollow and fake, you are dealing with a synthetic personality and everything about them.

If you even hire a Woman on the job, you will also come to realize what a waste of time she is since you are paying for someone who is incompetent and lazy.

After a while, you can only wish the worst for Women and have no desire but that Women should be made to suffer to the maximum capacity as possible.

My eclipsing Hatred for Women actually began many decades ago, but even in my Teen Years, I always viewed Women negatively, just from an intuitive standpoint.

I always knew they never meant well, you can see it in their interactions and what things concern them.

Seeing Women suffer makes me really warm and fuzzy inside, and even more so when I know that I've been the one to carry out.

Putting Women on the road to suffering, is what Men will be compelled to engage in for the future going forward, and they should also become your punching bag every time you get upset at something in life.

As Women are a joke, it's time to start treating Women and their "Life" as a joke as well.

All the same tactics that Women have used in their treatment towards Men, should be against them mercilessly, which could even mean to put a Woman and her child in a laundry bin and letting it roll downhill off the cliff with a gleeful smile and a wave "buh-bye!"


  1. They really are and look like a joke.The girls now a days (gen z) look like clowns i really don’t understand how anyone can take them seriously??

    Fake eyelashes just look ridiculous and hilarious in real life! How can anyone take someone seriously who is talking with fake eyelashes flapping up and down! Haha I also can’t stand these young girl’s voices they have such a deep voice and talk so aggressively. Overall these girls are just a toilet to flush and they know this that’s why they sleep around because they are worthless.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, the thing is they see no shame in the artificial sense of how they dress themselves up to look like clowns, getting Brazilian Butt Lifts, Breast Implants or whatever other enhancements they use. They are psychopaths and totally indifferent to what a Man wants, and also refuse to live within the confines of their genetics, trying to "oversell" something that even the most greedy Snake-Oil Car Salesman would never have the confidence to pull off with Used Cars.

    2. @ psa the fake butts look ridiculous and funny LOL I just laugh they have this fake butt and waist trainers on they just look like a copy and paste Kim k… they are nothing compared to the real deal..if a rare woman like young Monica Bellucci or Blanca soler passes by them these fake butt women who look like cardi b just look like a used rusty car haha.I also want to point out that women who get fake butts are always very below average they try to cope like how bodybuilders cope.

    3. @JunkieAmerican, What's crazy is that these days you never really know what's truly real or what's not. I've heard some DISTURBING things about girls who get Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBL's) that they begin to "smell" from the silicone or something with the fat redistribution that interacts with something in the region? I am not sure on the specifics. But for example, do you know if Jennifer Lopez has a natural ass? I don't know much about these things with celebrities but I have heard she claims hers is 100% Natural, is it true!?

    4. @psa women with these fake butts actually smell.It’s probably from their way of eating and sleeping around but their ass looks like is smells.All this silicone must be no good for their health and I don’t know about Jennifer Lopez her butt is fake and so is her face she also puts a lot of filters on and I’ve seen some raw photos of her let’s just say cellulite is what you see.I really don’t understand why they are doing this?it looks funny irl it’s really a joke and I don’t think they see this.

      The only guys they get are ugly short men who pay for hookers..these males are like a 2… I also don’t understand because in Asia for example youth is what is desired you know being small framed petite..For both men and women.But in the west the men want to look older and have these muscles while the women want to look older with these fake butts..I just don’t understand why they do this.I personally like a dainty and innocent look small framed.These girls are just too bulky more bulky than a man and they look older.

  2. Yeah, I've reached this point. I still want to have sex with them on a visceral level, but then the conscious thought of it disgusts me. I know that I wouldn't be having sex with her but some fake persona. It's like wanting to have sex with a doll. Just an empty hole.

    Plus you are comingling your energy with a negative, evil energy. Which, given enough time, will destroy you by itself.

    "When those like myself and others say that Women are a waste of time"

    If they were only a waist of time it wouldn't be that bad and I probably would still want sex with them. It's actually a waist of time AND a detriment to yourself. It's masochism.

    1. @Here for the apocalypse, You've stated it perfectly! It exactly is a visceral level for those of us who are on that level, and some will totally outright ruin it due to their lack of touch with reality and even sexuality for that matter. Most of them are energy vampires in the bedroom anyway.

  3. The way you feel about women, I feel about men ten fold. Like I said, if I were living in any country other than Canada, and I were a woman, I would commit a mass shooting against men. Men around the world are such despicable pieces of shit, it's not even funny.

    1. @Fandar, the problem is, Women really do not have "stakes" or "claims" in their justifications or reservations about Men, because they routinely ignore all Men who are decent and choose only the select ones, which are usually criminals and/or for financial reasons. Most Men AND Women alive today, descend from the Majority of Women alive, and not the Men, and that speaks volumes about Women's mating choices. So Women only have themselves to blame. Women do not like Good Men, and this has been proven countless times, even by Science, so...

    2. That's contradictory because bad men who are criminals are usually closer to being broke and the richer men are usually more civilized, at least in public. You got no proof that women seek out abusive men on purpose.

    3. @Fandar, It's not contradictory. We are an Impartial Organization, and if Women were not the ones to blame, or if they had a legitimate cause, and also if it were actually true that Men were the primary enemy or problem or start, we would have no problem endorsing it. Many other Men would too, and it would also involve Men uniting to take out all the rest of the trash. But there are far more Decent Men than there are Women, and Women declared the first shot in starting the Gender War.

      It is Women who are the primary problem, and it's not Men's job to fix this problem because Women have disadvantaged and imperiled Men at the behest.

      The fact is, however, that in generally every country, at least 40-60% of the Male Population (Except among Gen Z) can be classified as Decent Men, and yet Women are not courting or reproducing with these Men and want nothing to do with them, even if they are attractive. When the Man is a Psychopath and has Money, then they want him.

      I will also show how you really don't care about Men being criminals or anything to do with Men's struggle.

      You, just like all Women, have no interest and provide no support whatsoever for the fact that we seek to decommodify Women under this order whereby Men can access all the Women he wants based on Money, rather than Natural Selection.

      You, just like all Women, never provide any support in the fact that we seek to Outlaw and Punish Prostitution for Women, and also do not fight to put an end to Hook-up Culture.

      You, just like all Women, never show a sincere interest in anything Historical to come to understand how things became the way they did, instead, only relying on the world you were born into and your own experiences or understanding.

      So for example, you see Men at War with other Men or committing violent acts against other Men. You would never take interest or understanding to see if there were any greater reasons for this War than two Men not getting along, and to see if there was a side that was righteous or trying to establish a better standard.

      You, like other Women, do not give a rat's ass.

      And the other way I also know this to be true, is our organization has conducted even Experiments with Women who claimed to take a lot of interest in War, History or Men's Affairs.

      When anything was explained to them about any particular events or remarkable turning points about anything in history, the parts of their brain that should show heightened activity, remained dim. The Women showed UTTER disinterest in anything to do about Historical Wars that Men engage in.

      Women somehow think that they can sit back and just come on in at the Finish Line and go through the "pickings" as if your behaviors, your actions and even inaction, are not somehow involved in the conditions for Mankind.

      And finally, you will never be able to justify or explain away the fact that if you find so many Degenerate, Criminal or Violent Men that exist today in the way you perceive us to be, that Women keep birthing these specimens over and over and over.

      Why are more Women birthing Autistic children and having Sex with Men who have resources and ignoring his looks and other attributes?

      Since Women were liberated to now sleep with anyone they want, you have 100% no excuses, all of you, for the fact that there are less and less Superior Human Specimens in the gene pools, and also the fact that Nations and conditions everywhere are failing ever since they had this freedom.

  4. Maybe realistic sex dolls are the future, or even sexdroids
    What's your take on this?

    1. @Rohmilchgenießer Only a Man who is an NPC could see sex dolls or robot girlfriends as a viable solution or alternative, along with the artificial womb. No Pure Human would ever consider these things as "legitimate" or a correct alternative for Natural Human Relations.

      And while I'm on the note of an Artificial Womb, this technology may seem like the futuristic technology and solution to continue the Human Species, but the Soul Matrix cannot be transfered into the offspring from the parents, so this means inevitibly the children will just be NPC Cyborgs anyway. All part of the Trans-humanist Dystopia.

      More Worker Slaves for the NWO.


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