What Happens When You Become Possessed by Wim Hof and his Cult...


These videos surely explain all!


  1. I don't know why someone would even consider doing this to themselves. I may act stupid at times, but even I wouldn't consider doing something like this.

    1. Imagine, eating and crunching ice like that! Wim Hof was also the nut who would purposely even take ice and snow and stuff it into his genitals while trying to Hike Mt. Kilimanjaro. That is what mental illness will do to someone.

    2. It's crazy how people would do such, even Wim Hof himself.

      I wouldn't be surprised if the next trend is immersing themselves into boiling or near boiling temperature water.

      I mean, we have saunas and hot tubs for that, but I'm talking like a pool of very hot water. Basically the opposite of the cold water craze.

    3. @Rey's World, yeah wait any time for a new trend like that, it will either be pushing the threshold over being in hot water, or maybe like immersing oneself in a chamber or pit of snakes, or some really other bizarre practice.

    4. The snake pit one also wouldn't sound so surprising to me. Society is indeed rather bizarre and far away from reality.


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