The Toxicity of Rh Negative Blooded Humans / People Who Believe In God and Peace


Yes, we are featuring both Rh Negative Demons today. Two girls who are also Witches.

All people who have Rh Negative Type, whether they be a Man or Woman, are actual Witches, By Blood.

As I have mentioned, while technically anyone can practice witchcraft, just the same as any Non-Italian person can also make an Italian Pasta Dish... But it is different when an Italian is cooking the dish, just as much as it is different when an actual German is Brewing Beer.

Women are obsessed with "Peace" because they don't have it in them, and they are not Peaceful, and whenever they utter the word it is cringey, especially in the face of the fact that the reason they obsess over it so much is from the Drama and Chaos they create everywhere. Every time I hear the word "peace" from them, I want to vomit.

Karma actually does not exist, the so-called "Law of Karma" is a farce, yet it's another thing many Rh Negatives believe in, along with manifestation.

Rh Negatives are all Hive-minded, every single one of them.

Truth be told, the only reason Women believe in manifestation is because everything is handed to them anyways as Women and they never need to work for anything, although that is changing, but if they lived as a Man they would quickly know how false Manifestation is because no amount of Manifestation that a Man does will bring him anything, not even wealth.

If you are someone who has a higher awareness to pick up on negative frequencies in voices, you will notice that both of these girls emanate very negative vibrations from their voice, especially when they mention the word "Peace" and other words that often suggest Noble or Virtuous things in life, especially the "Light and Love" nonsense.

The unfortunate part is that Women, but even more so Women who have Rh Negative Blood type, have a wide range of being able to manipulate their audiences with vocal inflections and intonations that grab someone's soul, but especially the NPC's who follow and look up to them.

It is absolutely imperative to become familiar with the various styles of demonic vocal inflections, which can be used to drum up artificial sympathy in these demons, and even for them to have an imposing presence when either angering you or placing you in a position to impose guilt or fear.

If you are well-versed in identifying these traits, you will become indifferent to the effects, and this prevents them from both being able to feed off the loosh energy that gets taken from you when they impose on you with their voices, and it also makes them very upset if you see right through them and do not fear them and don't care about them. This upsets them very much, and it also makes them powerless and they also go into a starvation mode for more attention and loosh energy that they are not getting.

It is extremely important to learn the methods by means you can limit or restrict loosh energy feeding, from anyone, but especially from Women since they are the biggest harvesters of loosh at this time.

It is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced but also from experience, to try to restrict loosh being fed from you.

I have heard even vocal intonations from girls voices which have made me dizzy, sounds that have a worse effect than anything nails grinding on a chalkboard can do.

Audio is a very powerful thing, as there are frequencies that can even shatter glass or cause people to go insane, even people can be manipulated by someone's voice. I have another entry I will be doing featuring very demonic shifting of voices by Women, and they cause a very great sense of inner disturbance in me from just hearing their voices, just like these two girls do as well.

Their obsession with "God" is also utterly cringe, but it also shines the light all that much more as to question who and what this "God" is that they worship.

Manifestelle is really going off the deep edge.

Imagine how delusional one is to believe they are being protected by the "Divine Masculine". Keira is also just as much of a religious not like Manifestelle.

The more someone believes in God, the more of a Narcissistic that person is.

When I was much younger in School, I had a History Teacher who had a brilliant statement that he mentioned to anyone who ever talked about "My God" or how their God protects them.

He would say "Hey, it's My God, Too!"

As I have stated long in the past, 99.9% of people who believe in God, who worship God, or follow God, are indeed, followers and worshipers of the Demiurge, or the False God, who actually is an entity that is Half-Demon and half Artificial Intelligence like a Cyborg.

Make no mistake about what girls say in how they lie, because Manifestelle tries to claim she has never been hurt by a Man. Now, the reason why she lies about that? Because she doesn't want to appear as "Less" to the viewers she deceives.

People with Reptilian DNA, view someone who has been hurt as "weak", and so she knows that this would go against the credit and support she gets from her dumb ass viewers and supporters in her cult.

Rh Negatives are also masterminds at projection, because if you notice, in both videos, everything they describe about Men is exactly what Women and they themselves, are doing.

Manifestelle talks about "let them bicker and destroy themselves", but that is actually what Women are doing, and it's Men who are kicking Women to the curb now. Women don't bring other good Karma to Women, because actually Women see their own as Competition and are ready to undermine even their BFF's at a moments notice if the time calls for it.

Another thing about Rh Negatives, is they have to always portray themselves as being a "victim", thus Manifestelle talks about how much she has been hated by other Women. But somehow, she is "absolved" of this hatred, in her twisted view, and no questioning as to why the other Women hate her.

She is trying to find others in her "tribe" that resonate with that view and experience.

Both of these girls do not have active social lives or female friends outside of YouTube, and I can assure you of that.

Back to Keira, in her meltdown which appears to be increasing by the day, all these "wonderful things" she speaks of like having Femininity, Light and Love and Creativity, Peace and Freedom and all these other things, she is never at Peace, Women also abuse any Freedom they are given, Women are not Creative and don't create anything, and she even admits in almost all of her videos how she cannot even create anything and can't even bring herself to "paint", and actually has "nothing to offer" anyone and is a nobody. But yet, at the same time, she claims to be all these magnificent things.

On top of it, she then resorts as always to blame everything on "Men" for her inner discord and issues, and in a very twisted way she also tries to account for everything that has taken place in this world before her to be something she is not responsible for, as if it were "Feminine Men" who caused it, even though she continues to play the role in the Feminist Process of destruction.

She acts like a Man and Blames Men for the reason Women are Masculine, as if that can be her justification to be aggressive and as a Toxic Masculine person inside of a female container.

Another commentator in the video of Keira, had perfectly indicated that Keira also lies through Obfuscation, and that is exactly what she does in order to garner support for her case. Many Women do this, and such Evil scum like them also hate when you expose their methods of Obfuscation.

For example, in some very covert ways in former videos, she insulted her former boyfriend in the video but also did not directly indicate in future videos that they are still together, but for anyone who paid close attention toe the videos in chronological order and her codespeak, you can tell she recently broke up with him, or likely he broke it off in getting tired of her shit.

With certainty, Keira Lhotan is Bi-polar and has Borderline Personality Disorder which is Common with Bi-polar, and I have no doubt that she also has been classified with ADHD at some point as well.

She is perhaps one of the most useless and dangerous Humans out there in society, and every time I see her face and hear her voice, I wish nothing but ill and destruction towards this person, for if I were to see her in-person, she would become converted into pulp.

For someone like Keira who doesn't even understand herself or even her own emotions, and how obvious it is that she lacks any visual traits, completely disqualifies her from being able to suggest or educate others on any life philosophy or wisdom.

You gotta just love how much Women project everything they are, and how they have nothing inside of them, but then accuse Men of being Nothing.

These Women should be buried alive with an Excavator and with cement poured and hardened over their bodies into the ground!


  1. I have noticed black women are very obsessed with god more than any other women. It's no coincidence that black women have the highest rates of narcissistic tendancies. I will of course be shamed as a hater of black women when I call it out but even black men don't want to date these black women due to how much of a victim they are and how masculine their behaviour is.

    1. @Kyle, They sure are. God is just a major coping mechanism. And most people do not deserve to know anything relating to the Divine that exists only outside of this Universe, because they then begin to mirror things and twist / distort everything for their own purposes. That is called the "Mirroring Effect", and all NPC's / Organic Portals, do this.

      The very first evidence that Narcissism is associated with declaring "God" protects them or somehow influences events, is because they then suddenly believe that "they" are protected, but that maybe somehow others, are not protected, and that this same God somehow just so happens to be Loving, Just, and Knows Better.

      I have known Satanists (Self-worship types, not Luciferians) who have shown more humility than believers in God.

      So this is the reason why you may notice that almost all people who believe in God or at least claim to, are some of the worst types of people you will ever meet, total hypocrites, narcissists, and their behavior demonstrates them to be nothing close to anything we'd call "Divine".

    2. A lot of these women who believe in god or the divine really are some of the most delusional people I have met. They believe in stuff like the law of attraction and manifesting. They are so obsessed with their selves.

      I have noticed that the women who are Christian are some of the most promiscuous women you'll ever meet. When I asked one why she didn't save her virginity until marriage and instead lose it at age 15 on tinder, she said she was raped! Then I asked how and she said she agreed to go to a hotel with the man and she didn't expect there to be any sex and thought they were just going to cuddle. Yeah right!

      I then asked her why she didn't report it to the police and she blamed it on that the police wouldn't take her seriously because she is black.

      After trying to keep a straight face and suppress my laughter, I asked why did she sleep with lots of men and not stick to waiting until marriage like she had planned. She said her virginity had already been taken so she may aswell have sex with other men. Which she claimed most of said men raped her.


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