Pearl Davis (Just Pearly Things) Is Moving Back To America...


This really had caught me off guard... Not that I really care "all too much" about it, but things must be really bad in the UK, because I would almost think coming there over to here, would be like jumping from the frying pan, into the hot fire.

I had always thought she permanently moved and resettled to the UK, and never would I have thought the day she would be returning to the US...

That being said, Pearl is always a wild card... My view on her is that, of course, as a Man you should never trust her or believe she is officially on "your side", but at the same time I do not believe she should be censored. Let her do and speak what she is doing to do, but we all know that she is a grifter of her own kind.

She has some of her own vested interests in doing what she does, and also I believe it had to do with the fact that she had to "settle" for a Black boyfriend and has been busy cutting her own losses later down the road in her life, as things dry up everywhere.

But, I have to believe that either things in London or the UK in general are just getting all that much worse and are too unfamiliar or in "unchartered water" for her tastes, or something personal has come up in her life or maybe with her family's health for why she would be coming back here. It could also be possible that she is needing more financial help from her family with the way things are going, but it's peculiar she is still maintaining an office in London. Lovely, innit.

In any case, this had really caught me by surprise, because I never thought she would be returning to the States.

Her health does not look to be in good shape.


  1. Does she have very marked masculine features or am I exaggerating? His father is supposed to be a man with a lot of money, I heard that once, and he still had to find a black man, that must be demoralizing for the lineage, I imagine that the father is the typical one who only cares about material things. or managed by the woman.

    1. @blood, Yes, very masculine features. I think she drinks a lot of alcohol and is under chronic stress. Based on what I can read from her, it appears she has some thyroid issues, and all this along with bad habits and stress is leading to hair thinning, excess sweating and other issues I see evident.

      It sounds like she broke up with her boyfriend, and that I definitely saw coming.


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