Even the Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Ukrainian Protests, are an Example of Pure NPC Behavior

The thing with NPC's, is they also can be programmed to occassionally believe or appear to be fighting for the right cause. But the thing is, they still really aren't.

For example, with the situation in Palestine, all of these protesters, do you REALLY think they cared about the Palestinian People and all the former genocide committed against them for all these previous years?

Or what about the situation in Ukraine? Few of these Modern protesters since the Russian invasion took place, even know anything about the Maidan event, or what events were leading up to that taking place back in 2013-2014. And even that was not the beginning date of the issues there, or historical issues that plagued the Ukrainian people, especially in their Western vs. Eastern half, as they are not culturally united a sense, and maybe to another degree racially.

What happened during all those years, why were the protesters around the world not concerned then of what was going on, and the Ukraine Flag stickers and memes only started in 2022!?

But the point here, is that none of these protests were organic.

And most protests that are taking place anywhere in the world these days, not just in the US, are not organic, and in fact, are actually systemically orchestrated and organized.

The Occupy Wall Street protests, were never organic. Look what came of it!?

Wouldn't these so-called "Occupy Wall Street" activists demand the shut down of Wall Street and the Stock Market and to have the "Banksters" imprisoned!?

Of course not. That is not their aim or ambition! They are just there to make noise and to play pretend!

That is what NPC's do.

In fact, NPC's also will never consider or view Stock Markets to be a form of usury and a racket, and this is also based specifically on a definition and perception. It's because the notion of a "Stock" is merely earning dividends from the value or valuations of a Company or Corporation, that they are paying out to their shareholders.

So, while true by legal definition that it isn't usury, in practice, is a whole other story.

What's to say with the fact that the Corporations and Banks had been getting "hand-outs" of free / cheap money for years by Central Banks to pump up the Stock markets?

Today, it's no public secret for example that Artificial Intelligence and algorithms control the stock market, and it's known that it's rigged, and it's known that the Federal Reserve System pumps up or down the markets depending on whom they want to benefit or what their needs are at the moment!

The dividends being "dished out" to the shareholds who invest in them, are IN NO WAY connected to ACTUAL real and true valuations of the Company itself, or actual sales / volume / profits of the company!

What I'm getting at, is say you bought a WHOLE bunch of Coca-Cola, like a warehouse purchase of it, or even something of Mc-Donald's Supply...

This will IN NO WAY have any effect on stirring up the shareholder / stock prices, AT ALL!

The Stock Market operates on the premise or idea that this is how it all works, but the reality is that the stock market is rigged and has absolutely nothing to do with any actual reflection of the real economy or real economic activity or growth.

In 2024, most of the Human population in the world still does not understand this, and they see nothing immoral or unethical about stocks or crypto currencies! They believe it's fairly earned money!

Even most Trump Supporters, are also running off a "Script", as they refer to him as their "God Emperor" and see that "Trump can do no wrong", and they completely ignore all the incovenient facts about Trump's time in office, that don't suit their narratives.

In fact, the only reason the January 6th event took place where the Trump Supporters stormed the White House, that was also NOT an organic assembly. The only people that attended there were NPCs.

The thing is, NPC's are very highly coordinated and connected, when it comes to their hive programming which they share, and also any thoughts that are broadcasted to be received by them.

Don't you think it's kind of strange that for example, Trump still went along with all COVID Protocols and even Operation: Warp Speed, and even ENCOURAGING the COVID Vaccines!?

When confronting Trump or Right-Wing supporters about these facts, their responses always were "Oh, well he HAS to go along with it, because otherwise "THE DEMS"!

It's "THE DEMS!" Nooooo, he cannot do that because "THE DEMS" will do or say this and that...

That's how these NPC's operate!

Even with all the deaths that have been witnessed from the vaccines, don't you also think it's mighty peculiar that there have not been any organized protests or uprisings about this, yet all the NPC's easily went no problem to the White House to only get themselves doxxed by the Feds!?

Apparently they did not care enough to even plasterize themselves for total exposure and destruction, even the permanently ability to never be able to work again.

Isn't it also peculiar that since then, there has been nothing but crickets about the rigged election and no other attempt to challenge the results or demand further answers?

This is exactly because these events are staged. This is why the Illuminati has full control over the Human Behavior, because they control not only revolutions (when and if they can happen), but what type of revolutions, or even other behaviors or events they want to stage or even frame a certain way or use as a preceding event for something else or of a greater significance or goal.

They know they can control humanity any which way they want, in ways that were never possible in the past, because Pure Humans have unique thoughts or opinions.

Governments around the world, all of them, are "in-the-know" about Aliens and also the fact that a Human Replacement Project has been in the works for a long time, and they are very well convinced that they can control the populations any which way they want, and where there will be little to no resistance, in most cases, depending on the country.

When people went crazy over George Floyd and protested in the streets, that was also classic NPC behavior as well, and where it completely didn't matter who or what type of person George Floyd was.

All that mattered was his "skin color" and "other perceptions" they had about his so-called "virtue".


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