A Run-Through On Herr Goatis with his Latest Telegram Videos


As usual, Goatis never disappoints and always hits the mark when it comes to addressing many Esoteric Subjects.

This series of new videos are pretty good.

I would like to say that Politeness in people has been one of my biggest peeves. It's one thing if a Polite comment or gesture is made, if it is natural and comes from the heart.

But truly, how often is that ever the case? Maybe 1 out of 100 Polite Gestures.

As a Prussian, I find Politeness to be extremely cringey, for the most part, except where it is a matter of cordiality with someone you are close with or otherwise feel honored from. This is of course the most respectable and wonderful scenario where Politeness can be a positive thing, but it must be truthful!

Interestingly enough, last summer, I had to meet with some individual who I once hired and got rid of due to his incompetence and lack of being authentic in any regard, and I had to have a sit-down discussion with him at a bar about something, and also especially explaining about how much it is really only an "American thing" to just tell people what they want to hear and to tell something nice today that you don't mean, which only sets me or anyone up for a future disappointment.

In fact, it is this "disappointment" which actually is the main thing which can be attributed to the Breakdown of the West, and Human relations altogether.

Because disappointments, change how people respond over time, and when one disappointment leads to another, it ruins one's motivation and will.

Almost all of our problems in Modern Society, can be traced one way or another to disappointment, especially repeated disappointment from fellow Humans, and many broken promises.

He didn't even like to hear what I said just on those facts alone, because it pointed to a deep personality flaw within him, and his people-pleaser attitude. Nevertheless, he had a hard time denying that I was right, and he even began to suggest about how almost everything about American way of life is wholly dependent on selling an image or idea, and to the point where the society does not know how to function without that.

I had to explain, that while it might seem "rude" to you as is the case with us Germans to tell you what it is we think or believe in any given moment, it at least does not cause future disappointments, and we are not setting you up to believe something that we never meant.

For a German, it is essential to always look at life from a standpoint of what you have, not what you don't have, and also not dealing in hypotheticals such as "could've, would've, what if's" and so on.

In America, too, it's interesting how obsessed the population is with being "Sorry", even if they did nothing or did nothing wrong, but there seems to be an air of "fear" and "paranoia" that is constantly bombarding the mindsets of Americans, and I often find myself questioning whether or not, or how I should respond when someone says "sorry".

I don't like to make anyone feel guilty of something they didn't do, but what I notice is that this makes Americans an easy target for abuse and punishment, because they almost seem to welcome it.

In Europe, this is mostly never the thing, but the British surely are this way as well, but I think it's even more extreme with Americans, who learned the Politeness from the British.

Extreme Politeness, always leads to a society that builds injustices in the system and unspoken grievances, because it is expected that Politeness is always used as social lubricant for any situations, and Westerners are usual but especially the English and Americans, are major fans of "softening the blow" as the English even refer to it as, or to otherwise resort to Pleasantries or always only focus on the Positive things, only leaving unresolved matters to fester and rot within the society.

In addition, Politeness is always Cowardly, and it's Disingenuous.

Herr Goatis is also correct in his assertion about most of Humanity living under a spell.

In fact, in my earliest years of life, I had recognized this, especially in my years of school, because most students were always obsessed with being part of the herd and also just accepting whatever they were told, and truth or difficulties in accepting something, did not matter in the least.

For example, right now Mankind is even living under the spell of thinking we are not in an Economic Collapse or World War III, and this "spell" that the Media has put over them, is working so well!

The Jesus NPC's are also living under a Spell also! Or any Bible Advocate.

In fact, the Bible would have never become an effective book in gaining believers, if it had written everything out in a Chronological, Historical and Scientific method. It is instead wrote with a certain style of poetry and in an authoritative manner that makes the reader fear not accepting the words.

This fear, is why for example that if you showed the same Blueprints of the NWO Planners of what they intended for the world down to every technical detail, they would have very little interest in it or find as much of an emotional / sentimental connection to it, as they do for the Bible which was written with parables and metaphors.

This is why you will always hear the Christians say "Prophecy is being fulfilled, as God told us in the Bible."

To be fair, there are some critics today who are rightfully calling out for example, Klaus Schwab with "You will own nothing and be happy" being played out right before our eyes, but the thing is people find more comfort, fulfillment and sentimental attachment to something written as prophecy in the bible, than they do from a Factual Book or History itself.

The Anunnaki, who are the original writers of the Bible, know very well how their creation responds to things and stimuli, and this is why they so had fashioned the Bible in the method they have, because they know that Humans will become so attached too it.

And there are so many spells that Humans are constantly under, even including the most recent "COVID Spell", which is still dormant, by the way.

With so much of Humanity under a spell, how can you possibly even meet on level grounds and establish any kind of connection, or plans or other activities with other Humans on the same level?

A person who is under a spell, is ill and dysfunctional!


  1. What percent of gen z do you think took the c19 pinch? I was thinking more boomers and millennials took it?

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Probably at least 90% or more. But it also varies on the country as well.

    2. I honestly regret getting the vaccine and the booster shot. Whenever the next virus/plandemic shows up and there's a vaccine for it, I will not get it. I don't care if it would piss off my family.

    3. @psa what about gen z America? I know gen z Canadians and South Americans have more than 90 percent.

    4. @rey what race did you notice took the pinch more? Hispanic? Here in Florida Hispanics take the most vaccines especially Caribbeans! White probably come next then blacks.I know a few people who now regret it these people are in their 70s but still get other vaccines.

    5. @JunkieAmerican, Hispanics and even Blacks initially "were" far more hesitant to take the jab, however that seems to have changed. The thing with everything in the COVID Era has demonstrated that people are willing to evolve with the "COVID psyop" even against any initial conviction about anything they had, because I even knew Arabs and other Hispanics also who were reluctant to take it and knew COVID was a farce.... After 2022, they all look at me strange that I don't believe in "COVID" and and they tell me they ended up also "catching COVID" and ended up taking the vaxx anyway.

      There are also a huge proportion of people who are lying about not having taken the jab, but "did". However their personalities are also very different now...

      Eventually, most people are weak and succumb to anything, giving it time, and that's what the World Controllers and actually, the Anunnaki specifically know about the Human Species.

    6. @JunkieAmerican, The only clearest indication I can give to you about Races in any case, is that the majority of people who resisted the vaccine more than others, tended to be the Slavic Race, most Russians and Ukrainians and Bulgarians refused the vaccine, along with most Africans and generally with much of the Negro population in the world also refusing them. Some other Slavic Nations also were more reluctant to take it. That being said, all other Racial groups have more or less taken the vaccine.

      Over 75% of the world is Vaccinated at this time with the COVID vaccines.

      In terms of these races within the United States, they are far more likely to have taken the vaxx if they live here because of the brainwashing culture and public pressure, which would be far different compared to their counterparts in their homeland.

      But, if it's any indicator of the Human Species, there you go. Slavs and Negroes, are very primal, so that's why they were less likely to fall for the Propaganda.

    7. @JunkieAmerican I live in a mostly Hispanic/Mexican community, so Hispanic.

    8. Most of them likely had taken it by now. Even Florida, which was once the least vaccinated state, is now one of the most Vaccinated States, even surpassing a state like Tennessee in vaccination rates for COVID.

      I have determined how to figure out cognitive behaviors in people with have had COVID vaccines, based on their behavior after compared to before the vaccine, because the COVID vaccines change all the electrical processing in the brain and the body, including neurotransmitter activity.

      I recently stumbled upon a community of people somewhere who are largely "unvaxxed" in my state and I am soon going to learn more about them, and what is amazing is that the people talk and act so normally, and it feels just like things did before 2020, and there is no difficulty in communications with them.

      That being said, unvaccinated people in general are so rare in my state, that I may only encounter 1 or 2 people a week on average who did not take it.

      The other thing that is OF NOTE as well, is that people I have regularly communicated with before the plandemic, who even endured the stress during the COVID agenda and lockdowns, are STILL 100% the same person they were back in 2019 and before that.

      There is no sense of amnesia or cognitive changes in them, and I we always pick up wherever we left off in prior conversations.

    9. @psa What happens if I kiss someone with the c19 pinch will this affect me? Should I ask before anything if they got the c19 pinch? And people who took the c19 look very depressed for what I’ve seen! I can’t stand to be around it the behavior has changed for sure

    10. @JunkieAmerican, Spike Proteins have been known to be detected in the saliva, along with tears, blood, urine, breast milk and every fluid including sweat that comes from the body. Some reports exist of people being affected by contact with others who have been vaccinated. We can never know the full extent of what these spike proteins do, but it can't be good to be intimate on any level with someone who has taken the C19 vaccine. I would never kiss or have sex with a girl who took the jab.

    11. @psa I think south Florida is the most vax part of Florida! I need to get the hell out of here! Southern whites I think are the least vaccinated. But I’m sure there will be another plandemic maybe when trump comes in. Most of my family is anti all vax. But my dads Friend took it a while back then passed away the next day! Then my grandmas swimming partner said to her I just got my second dose then he passed away at the ymca the same morning he said it! And another incident happens with my grandmas friend I don’t like named Terri…. Her son who is 40 works at cvs he took the pinch and died in his sleep! From a blood clot. Now Terri regrets it.

    12. @JunkieAmerican, That really sucks! Yeah, very possible for your sake there, but believe me New England overall is WAY, WAY more vaccinated than even Florida, for what that's worth. They do seem to be drumming up another plandemic, they even are already talking about new COVID variant scares. Maybe they might do something after the election with that, I guess we'll see, it's very likely, I mean they did launch the COVID Agenda under Trump. But one way or another they do intend to eventually launch another one of these events soon, they've given us all the evidence of that.

      I do believe that if Trump does get re-elected, they will cater to American's emotions about the Economic and the Israel / Palestinian conflict, all to get more rights, protection and AID for Israel. But he will trash the economy even more.

  2. @pss 75% of the world holy shit! That’s inane! It’s so scary people have to ask now if they got the c19 pinch if they say yes I I’m afraid to touch them. Crazy times!

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Yeah Man, time changes everything, and unfortunately usually never in the good way... Part of the problem is that almost all bets are off for anyone or anything staying principled anymore, and especially since "COVID Times" and that god damned vaccine.

      Almost everyone I knew who was against it, eventually caved in and took it, and now they think I'm the crazy person...

      What's even more insane too is that many who rejected the vaccine and knew it's BS, also still somehow believe in "COVID" and go along with the whole story that they also too had "COVID", and they won't even let you tell them or convince them otherwise...

      It seems they took the vaccine, but are lying about it. Some people want to see if you will start agreeing with them, or confess to them that you too, also had "COVID".

    2. @psa New England seems horrible especially Vermont New Jersey isn’t New England but I heard it’s very bad up there and the vaccination rates are sky high. Are there any other signs you can tell who took the c19 vaccine?

    3. @JunkieAmerican, Believe me it really is horrible up here. It's an extremely Liberal religion of the country outside of the Pacific Coast. I hate the accents here and just the general trashiness that is typically associated with Northerners especially in Urban Areas. They are just always so trashy and uncouth / uncultured, and robotic. They love the ratrace, and are generally cowardly and unfriendly. Only concerned with making a buck.

    4. @psa I don’t like the accents either but I can only imagine how terrible it is up there the rainbows must be everywhere 🌈 ! I don’t know were I am going to go but what happens happen I have been noticing gen z becoming homeless not sure if you have up there but down here gen z is becoming homeless or poor. Inflation will just keep getting higher I wonder if a lot of gen z girls will become homeless now and in a few years..


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