Why Pure Humans and NPC's can never get along / How To Tell If An NPC Is Working Against You

The problem we face in this world, is that much of the Pure Human population, is under permanent attack, conspiracy, and even execution, if not being led to their own suicide, and because of this, it remains a problem that remains unacknowledged.

Pure Humans, rarely have advanced social networks that NPC's do.

NPC's, all work as part of a "hive".

A conversation with an NPC and a Pure Human, will never flow naturally, and there always seems to be a lacking sense of order or connection in the conversations, even from the very beginning or introducing yourself.

This is exactly because NPC's do not have any boundaries, and because their brain circuity has very little activity in their Orbito-frontal Cortex, so they are so busy inductively and deductively processing data on you, that they often "glitch" in their programming because they have to often try to "force" themselves to pretend emotional responses or appropriate behavior or nuances that typically occur in a Pure Human.

You may often hear an NPC talk about "vibing properly" with others.

The thing is, what they really mean is that they met one of their "own kind".

And you should not even take that entirely seriously either, because the thing is, the way they met or interact is exclusively managed by AI controls and algorithms that influence them.

Their thought processes are not at all organic.

For a Pure Human, the trouble with NPC's starts at the first "Hello" with these people.

A Pure Human will always find it seeming like they have to "prove" themselves to an NPC, and this is also part of the energy harvesting that NPC's use on Humans, so the only way to sever these "ties" or "strands" is to never engage with an NPC that makes you feel you need to prove something to them.

But even if they don't outright claim it, you will just always feel like your presence around an NPC is always like that, or as if the NPC never trusts you or really believes you any true level.

The NPC is always judging a Pure Human based on everything they say or do, and even what they don't say or do, whereas an NPC will usually ALWAYS overlook or forgive or justify why or why not a fellow NPC did not do something, UNLESS they did not get something they wanted out of the deal with another NPC or are given a reason to suddenly have doubts or disinterest or contempt, etc.

NPC's, by and large, are almost always more forgiving and deeply vested in with other NPC's.

NPC's tend to treat Pure Humans as if they are always "inexperienced children" and are always very unsupportive. In an attempt to try to seem supportive, or even if they try introducing you to others, you will often find something that seems "inauthentic" about it, and as if they are just "going through the motions", especially to feign politeness or order, and you might even hear a sarcastic response or joke from them, or even from the NPC's they are also introducing you too!

Once again, this is designed to provoke a response in you, and also the potential to channel loosh energies from the Pure Human.

It is not to say that NPC's never do these kinds of things with other NPC's, but it is much more selective, less frequent, and far less targeted, compared to a Pure Human.

As a Pure Human, you are "Fresh Meat" in the eyes of NPC's.

The NPC's have inherent programming within them, that understands that Pure Humans are "not" what they are, and they are programmed on an instinctive level to despise you and want to destroy you.

Some NPC's as strangers will even target a Pure Human, but the environments more ripe for NPC's almost always involve areas where they can get to know you on a more regular or common basis, and where you will be forced to be around each other. School and Work, are prime examples of these type of environments, if not within your own family.

Most Pure Humans that exist today, are born into families with a Mix Majority of NPC's and some very few to no other Pure Humans.

It is a rare event in our point of history to be born into a pure family of Real Humans who are not NPC's.

NPC's also subject Pure Humans to constant Gangstalking, which is a lifetime phenomenon, and as I have said many times, this is nothing that you can control. It doesn't even matter if you move to another country, because these networks will disturb and disrupt your life.

All Pure Humans are affected by Gangstalking without exception.

The main purpose of Gangstalking is to alienate you and gaslight you and isolate you to make your life totally unbearable, and it takes many various forms, much of it that you don't actually witness on your own account.

A Pure Human, whether Male or Female, will ALWAYS be falsely accused of being Homosexual, if you are a Man you will always be rumored or accused of being "Gay" or it's always the "talk of the school" or your neighborhood or your whereabouts, "Hey! Is that guy gay!? Hey, is she lezbo!?"

Yes, the Pure Human Women will always be accused of being a Lesbian by both other NPC Women and Men, and they will do this so her chance of survival and reproduction or any precedent in society will be removed.

But notice what's interesting here... These same NPC's will never constantly talk or obsess about the actual "Gays" and "Lesbians" for being queers, and seem almost disinterested to discuss them.

This is ALWAYS the case.

In fact, the NPC issue is so out of control in today's times, even, especially with the way FEMALE NPC's behave, that many Women constantly gossip and argue that they believe their boyfriend they have or an ex is "potentially gay" because he liked to cuddle all the time, or even if he enjoyed anal sex with her.

They find any reason to accuse or suggest that the guy they dated "must have been gay", and will even try to go around making caricatures of the guy after a breakup to try to insult him or destroy his reputation, even while the Pure Human Man is 100% Heterosexual.

So the thing is, NPC's are a huge - and lifetime - problem. At this time, most Pure Humans are unaware about the existence of NPC's, although a few have come to learn about them, but the ones who do not know about them probably at least "suspect" something off about certain types of Human Specimens that just don't seem... Exactly Human, for lack of better terms.

What is most annoying as a Pure Human, to deal with NPC's, is that you often will be forced one way or another to somehow entertain certain NPC's that you are forced to see on a daily basis for some reason or another. And it becomes cringey and annoying to have to have conversations with them.

It will always be someone like that stupid neighbor that walks their dog and will ask "How's your mother / father doing?" or they will constantly remind you that they remember when you were "this small" when you were a child.

But they'll never have anything constructive, different, or natural to discuss with you, nothing to connect on or that seems to have any real substance, but they will put this pretend act on, and they will often have some annoying trait about them in the way they greet you, which can almost never be casual, the way it is with other NPC's who greet other NPC's.

Once again, not to say there are not other NPC's who are subject to even those scenarios by other NPC's, but it is far less frequent and less specifically targeted, and usually only happens after some kind of event or disappointment or something that came up where they begin treating them different.

As a Pure Human, you will also find that, people you might know for months of years, say as the Owner of an establishment or some place you would frequent, that they are only ever "nicer" to you if you do not show up for weeks or months, maybe years, and then suddenly "reappear" again, they are always friendly.

If you start being a regular at some place on even a daily or weekly basis, you will find that the NPC almost is disgusted or bothered to have to deal with you and serve you, and they become offput by your kindness or pleasantries.

Whereas all the NPC's, could go to the same place like a morning coffee shop EVERY DAY, and the other NPC's are just as excited to see them, and they are clinging hands and energizing one another.

So, the thing is, there is rarely ever a break for the Pure Human.

In addition to this, Pure Humans are targeted on the basis of what I Have discussed in the past about NPC's with psychic abilities who are able to read data off a Pure Human to already know things about them even if they are total strangers.

They will then use this information to manipulate them and also maybe form a fake friendship with them, so as to establish a false feeling of cameraderie.

There are a few NPC's I have to deal with on the daily these days who have become an enormous burden, and for one reason or another, I have to keep them "managed" in their place, and this is all you can do as a Pure Human, because otherwise they become too much of trouble.

Like I said, the problem with NPC's starts at the first "Hello".

Even the way they say "Hello" or "greet" you, will even sound suspicious or unnatural, even potentially threatening or invasive, rather than polite.

Pure Humans are never endorsed by other People, Systems or Institutions.

So even if you make some great discovery, or if you somehow won millions of dollars or any other thing that happened in your life, you will still never be endorsed.

NPC's also always view the natural inclination to be honest and truth-telling as a trait in Pure Humans to be both "suspicious" and also as a "weakness", and this is why you will notice that after a while of talking to an NPC, they become more and more awkward, uncomfortable and distant from you.

On some rare occassions, an NPC upon first meeting you, say at work, school or at a public event, may just think you are like anyone else and may actually give you a fair playing ground on the first day or so of meeting.

But rest assured, that very soon after, you will suddenly notice a "change" and this "distance" I am talking about, or how they start acting awkward or funny.

Perhaps you may even have some of your own recollections of experiences in these sorts of things happening, and it's exactly what NPC's do to terrorize Pure Humans.

It is why I also state that this world is FAR GONE for Pure Humans, there is not anything left here for us... The majority of the Human Population, are NPC's, and the world is increasingly a place that is unfriendly and unsafe for Honest, Decent People.

You would only be furthering this detriment by bringing more children here to have to endure this, and also put them at risk to integrate with the populations here in which they would have to partake in, and also risk the same things you went to, perpetuating the cycles of trauma and abuse.

If you do not believe that NPC's are a real thing, and that there are Wandering Human Bodies out there who compose the majority of the population who have no inner soul, but are just wandering, doddering "machines" who have a programmed script they operate off of, you will have a very hard time soon to adjust, adapt or cope with the type of world that is soon emerging, and even to explain or justify the way Humans behave and what they are willing to tolerate, including the level of Barbarism they engage in.

Either that, or maybe "YOU" are just an NPC yourself...


  1. What percent of gen alpha do you think are npcs 99.9% or 100%! That generation is perfect for the ai world! And do npcs watch and love anime? I think anime has a part in the new cyber ai world! Anime characters stick out their tongue all the way out. Not just a little tounge poke and people don’t stick it out because they are kids copying other kids they just stick it out randomly! I find this creepy do you think if a young kid sees another young kid sticking out his tongue and he copy’s does that make the other kid an npc or just naive and copying people because he or she is very young?

  2. What you're saying about the interaction with an NPC seems to be a chilling phenomenon called an "organic portal".
    I possess information about it received from an unusual book, unfortunately not translated into English, but in translation; it is called "Black Book".
    The book is of fourth-dimensional knowledge intended to "crush" the brain of 3D and give impulse to the reader, or initiate, to further enter the process of "de-implementation" through the heart - which is, in esotericism, an organ with its intelligence and multidimensional ability to connect
    one with the golden cord of his ancestral whole.
    It depends on the potential of a person to complete the process and achieve the state of absolute consciousness, that is to say:
    To become the Runic warrior or master - something that once was practised by the sons of Black Sun in Wewelsburg castle.
    The first impression of the laity might be a "new age" cult; however, given the full context of the work, it is a will to power long ago preached by Nietzsche, and "other science" of an Aryan also mentioned by the Serrano and his maestro from the Black Order.

    The book, written by the mediator of Method One, also explains the science & technology behind the Runes and Swastika, as well as the purpose of establishing Reich and embodiment of super-consciousness in One Man of that time and how it all led within the SS Gesellschaft to the rediscovery of anti-gravity technology to achieve the dimensional breakthrough from Matrix and how other highly - intelligent extraterrestrial entities are allowing Jews to possess knowledge of sound & metaphysical power within this dimension.
    Anyway, to not make this appear more "strange" than it is, long story short about the first mentioned:

  3. Organ portals are malignant people. They are just people by appearances.
    According to the 3D concept, they are most often a product of the desired appearance, status, and life orientation of many.
    A malignant person carries a malignant Field with him and around him.
    It is a product of predatory implants.
    Its reach does not have a border, even though it is in physical presence much more intensive.
    The field has absolute intelligence, and the person that carries it is only a "carrier".
    Such a Field causes paranormal events in the area, which affects them physically.
    The appearance of a person who has no idea that he is a carrier of the Fields, let alone a portal for extraterrestrial intelligence, with its presence, disturbs other people (pure humanoids) in a paranormal way, which the field chooses.
    In another person, and only with the physical presence of an organic portal, can cause madness and other inexplicable reactions.
    All this briefly said is so intricate from the 3D perspective, and it isn't
    possible to understand it from a 3D brain, no matter how educated someone is.
    When a person enters this genetic process of modifications described within the "Black Book",
    he can also recognize that often his closest genus - father and mother, are organic portals.
    That's one form of facing the truth - which is, however, the invisible reality around us.
    Moreover, the organic portal found in a person is activated with the alien gene and further enhanced with the implants, abduction, etc.
    Such a person is unaware of this influence.
    And even if it is aware, rarely anyone nowadays is willing to accept and admit to himself, let alone to others, that strange things are happening to people in his presence.
    Interestingly enough, no world religion does de-implantation of man;
    neither does it mention it, and especially it does not mention genetic modification!
    Well, how could it be when religion, as we know it, is the product of an alien entity through the specific race that is itself a carrier of metaphysical diseases - an embodiment of sub-humanity and slavery!?
    Only the process of Swastika in Method One and the Sphere of Atlantis melts and grinds the alien implants and then leads it to the area of ​​antimatter.
    It is De-implantation and "Exorcism" according to the Method One way.
    Only after that is it possible to genetic change, restoration of primordial code and overcome the entropy of the body.
    It is, in essence, the technology of the body as much as Reich itself was the institution of the body - REITH Rune, RE-ICH.
    RE = return, to return; Ich = I, to return to the Absolute I, to be reborn.
    It is a millennial mission of raising a new Man, who is not a mere "Man" but OverMan, once again, an Übermenschen.
    The thing of the Germans/Germanics (or at least used to be).
    The ancient Teutons, for example (Teutschen, from the God Thor, Son of Wotan), who knew the secrets of the Runes, were called Armanen and Salmanen, united in brotherhoods, Kalendaren, from which comes the word kalendario, which has to do with the Zodiac Rune Chart, called the "Secret Platform."
    And that was a kind of strategic plan to use in war within the Cosmos of the Demiurge.
    Their knowledge was Kala, Nordic-Hyperborean, and Polar revelation...


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