An Autistic Wannabe Dominatrix Is Coping With Her Lack of Value and Being Unwanted


And even the dangling tongue didn't escape the thumnail of the video. The lip-licking reflex, the surefire sign of a toxic person.

She doesn't realize how ugly she is, and I don't understand why Autistic people always wear the most fugly glasses like she does.

What is comical here is she seems to think that Men would never build or have the motivation to create Homes or Mansions or Infrastructure, unless it was for "Women".

It's completely untrue. We build and provide for ourselves. First and foremost.

Women do not have a right to our civilization, it's onyl a privilege at best. A privilege that can be taken away, and is in the process of being taken away.

You see, this whole notion of a person having "Market Value" is a Jewish idea, a product of Jewry and Capitalism. This girl is of course, with Jewish ancestry, incoincidentally.

This whole idea of a Man having "Market Value" when a Woman is in his arms, is a Hallmark of Matriarchy. And that's not actually real value, it's called "The Halo Effect".

I remember a time when it didn't make a difference. This is a recent phenomenon, and I would say it has been at its worst in the last 15 years.

It's actually quite ironic how she claims that Women and Feminine things are noursing. Not only are Women NOT nourishing, they take and compete with things that nourish us, they even take your Sperm, but the "Female Earth" which grows vegetable plants, those vegetable plants will not only not nourish you, but will poison your body and strip you of nutrients and bio-availability in the process.

This tells you all you need to know about this so-called "Feminine Value / Energy" which really is nothing, it doesn't give anything, it only takes, and it's completely worthless.


  1. They think those glasses are cute lol the delusion to call herself cute people really are delusional today (boy and girls). The thing is so most gen z girls really look like her! Some are average here and there but they are just ugly I know this can be a sensitive topic to a lot of these gen z people but it’s just the truth they are ugly :/ I or no one unless he’s her looks or so can look into her eyes.The truth will come out sooner or later she will be lonely for sure.

  2. The annoying finger wagging is off the carts. What is it with these people using their hands like some king of 'accessory'??

    1. @HUMAN PASTE, I also cannot stand it! If it's not some kind of finger wagging, it's the clapping of hands like a monkey. All of them are control freaks and desperate to be authoritative.

  3. In the doors of the purgatory hell, the holy brigade of the apocalypse would be here, and the final crusade against jews and humanity worm shit is here and nobody can't escape. fight or die soldier

  4. in the purgatory people like her finish very bad, is the only brigade of the apocalypse, the templar cross would have his own revenge against humanity and jews

    1. @TristanLouisino949, Yes, very much so, and that Final Crusade will one day carry out. There is grave punishment that is to come to the NPC's and Demons. They may think they escape it in their mortality, but there is more to this world than just what is experienced in this lifetime.

  5. she annoying as fuck i would cut her arm off with an axe hahaha

  6. at this point i would consider my self the most normal guy listening yu gi oh gx opening and imagine defeating my darkest enemy like her.... all abput the purgatory and punishment here. Fascist theocracy vs everyone lol


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