Revisiting The Uncomfortable Reality That Almost All Women Are Really Nothing More Than Demonic Containers

A lot of the words I mention relating to this topic, or especially in this entry, will sound like meaningless banter or not make sense, but some time in the future, a reader or some will come to discover the truth behind these words.

Some may scoff it off, and love to just think of it as "Tinfoil Hat Ramblings", as that is the typical NPC approach, as they never want to sit and reflect on reality and have no higher self.

NPC's also do not have as much access to frequency spectrum as Pure Humans do either.

When we say that Women are Demonic Containers, we mean that the Woman vessel, or even as a medium if you prefer, serves as a cover and physical appearance for what is essentially a Demon.

As this may sound absolutely unbelievable and absurd, there are frequencies in the universe, and especially through Electro-Magnetism, that prevents you from seeing the "True Form" of Women outside from the maintaining physical projection that they appear in.

If this Electro-Magnetism is interrupted, you would see the true form of the Entity of who they are, and it would disturb you beyond your imagination.

For people who have higher sensory perception, they may be able to see gasses, smoke or formations "emit" in Women that show their true form.

All your Evolutionary Theories about the Human Species, or Survival are complete nonsense, even if you think it all makes sense, or that it somehow supports some kind of positive role.

You have been placed under a spell with this obsession with Biology and the Ideas that Survival of the Species at all costs is beneficial, ignoring quality of life in this world, at the behest that the speciest needs to survive at all costs.

Humans who live to breed, are NPC's. They are no different than flies. Or a den of cockroaches.

Do not believe that the differences between Men and Women are complimentary and that they are designed to bring us together. They are not.

This is largely a "Traditionalist" view or talking point, and it's usually presented as a notion to make people still have hope in the opposite sex, or bringing the "old days" back.

Outside of anything involving reproduction, Men and Women almost have absolutely no business with each other, because the physical axis by which they connect to on this Material Plane, does not resonate together.

No amount of attempting to Educate "Women" will correct the problems.

It is utterly worthless that a Man should subscribe to the ideals or status quo about a Man being a Provider and to demonstrate his status to Win over the affections or support of a Woman, because what is really happening underneath the hood is a Demon is existing and interacting through the Interface of a Woman, in order to extract Energy, Resources and Attention from Men, whereas more Men are gifted with Divine Spark and Energy.

This keeps a perpetual supply of Energy to feed the Demons.

Many Men have also been lied to for decades by being told that the reason why Women don't Men in the same way Men notice Women is because they are not "wired that way" and because they don't value the same things Men do.

This is designed to pacify Men and to make them accept the behavior and indifference that Women largely portray, including the fact that they have absolutely no empathy for Men.

Since Women are Demonic Containers, they also do not view Men as Humans, and they do not regard a notion of Men having emotions.

The Demonic attributes of Women, also explains why they are absolute Masterminds of Deception and Projection, and how they seem to always be many steps ahead of most Men in being able to predict or stage every move, and they capitalize on this by knowing what and when to say and to lay claim as the victim first and to accuse Men of doing exactly what she herself does, far before a Man gets to even put on his shoes.

There is absolutely nothing complimentary about a Woman for a Man. Even her sex drive is not complentary to yours in almost every case, and this is done specifically by design because of how the Human Species was genetically created.

Women are full of nothing but malice and darkness, but they constantly obsess about Light and Love.

Most Men do not realize this, but almost ALL of his inner desires to slave away for his wife and family, are programmed into him on a basis of self-hatred, insecurity and the willingness to believe or accept that his Masculinity hinges upon his ability to tolerate abuse and pain.

It actually disgusts me, but I even find some Men who have a deep dislike of Feminism and Modern Women, but will admit that if they found the right Woman who will do this and that, about how ready he would be to go to the "grind" every day and slave away for her and a family, to his own detriment.

This makes no sense, not even from a rational or biological point of view, and such a Man would even die early or be in miserable health to even be able to help or serve his Wife and family, and it is so often the case why many Men die early before their Wives because of falling for this propaganda.

Real Men, and these days, who are so very few and far between, have nothing but Iron-clad indifference towards anyone, whether a Male or Female who calls him effeminate because he has enough self-respect not to become a slave, and does not want to sacrifice his health and comfort.

The only circumstance a Man may gamble with his health and comfort is if there is a potential gain or better condition that potentially could arise from it, but it has to be REASONABLY within his power and abilities, not just some lofty romantic idea of something that is absurd or impossible.

Nature also punishes the Man who breaks his back for his Wife and Children, not only will his health be punished and his days numbered, but his wife and children will become spoilt rotten and become entitled, and they will also raise new generations of such children as well.

The Man who works hard will age rapidly and bald early, lose his sex drive and virility early, become less attractive and desired by his wife.

Christians and Religions have gone a long way in perpetuating their psyops over Men, by the constantn repetition of the phrase "Sex isn't everything" and that "Sex should be only a really small portion of your life, and only for a certain time. After a while, it's not that important."

And in terms of what the Man will want for his children...

It's one thing if someone had a child on the basis of hoping they have a better life than you did, but it's a whole other thing when you go to the point of removing them from responsibility and self-growth / independence on their own.

Most people who claim they want their children to have a better future than they do, don't even really mean those words, and to the extent they ever do, it's more just a method of virtue signaling their decision to have children, and in reality they are just using their children and want to live vicariously through any greater successes their children may have.

As I've stated as well, Women, as Demonic Containers, only seek connection with Man on the basis of having his children because of the biological urge, or what we call "Baby Rabies", to perpetuate more Demonic offspring to weed out the other Humans and continue the legacy of the Demonic realm for all the other Demons, at the expense [Blood, Sweat, Tears and Toil] Of Men.

The secondary reason that Demonic Women have such an urgent itch to have Babies is because they see their Babies as an object to use to help them, especially later in life, and who will always be there for them and take care of them when they get old.

Almost all Women in the world, view their children and love them only because of how it serves as a Retirement / Financial / Protection / Insurance Policy for them.

As such, you always hear NPC's who talk about how they regret their significant other, but do not regret the child they had with them.

This is pure nonsense! But it is the surefire sign of an NPC, because a Pure Human would regret a child with a monster to have flesh and blood of theirs that was mixed and tainted with someone evil.

Many Men ignore subtleties about Women, but for example, you will never hear Women relate to any Man's experiences or passions about anything.

It could be over sexual pleasure or an experience, or it could even be over a nice cold beer and wings on a hot Summer Day.

Women don't care about technicalities about anything, because they only care that something works so that it can serve them.

This is because Women, as Demonic Containers, are extremely selfish and shallow,  including their depths of perceptions, feelings, and experience spectrum. It is extremely limited, and they do not understand such things. Their primary existence is to feed from Loosh energy, Money, Attention, Fame.

When Women Demons get together with other Women, it doesn't matter on the age or how ugly they are, they could be fat whales, they will sit and talk and gossip all day long with one another, but their favorite topic of discussion is about how to get money, who earns what, and who is making what, and they discuss endless ways to cheat systems or get at money, and boast about how much money they get from Men.

Have you ever wondered about how unnatural and bizarre it is that Women have an obsession in getting their nails done, especially getting pointy acrylic fingernails as well?

These fake fingernails, go against every primal instinct of a Human, because it essentially is "disabling", whether it be from using keyboards or devices, from doing things like food preparation and other activities, and can even be dangerous if they touch their face improperly with them on.

What kind of being would even think or desire these things, and find them beautiful?

Reptilian Hands:

If you knew what the true actual form that almost all Women possess outside of the physical form that most Human Women inhabit, you would maybe not want to ever touch them again, least of all their fingernails.

Most people cannot see the true actual form of the Women, because your DNA has been tampered with and blocked to prevent you from being able to see it.

As if you are living in a reality that has been curated and adjusted with "Parental Controls" by your controllers, so that you cannot see certain things.

What is very telling about the current situation with Humanity right now, is that while interest is plummeting around White Women all over the world, it's not just limited to that, but because of growing awareness and Men all over the world getting fed up with Women, the actual overall interest and enthusiam that Men often once had for Women, is plummeting rapidly, and other Nations, especially their governments are becoming terrified of this.

There are various levels to this, but even most Men at this time are Traumatized entirely by Women.

Women absolutely offer nothing of value for Men in this world. They are takers and destroyers.

Many governments are now terrified because it means there will be less of a tax base, and less worker slaves for them, and the thing is these types of conditions cannot be reversed, even by incentive.

It may seem counterintuitive since most Governments around the world are pushing for depopulation at the same time, but the issue is that it also presents a threat for them to have any eternal continuity of these slave workers as they see fit.

This is also why the rush for AI, The Artificial Womb and other reproductive technologies are being developed at breakneck speed.

The Demons who inhabit female bodies, know very well that you as a Man would absolutely want NOTHING to do with them and would fully stay clear, if either they did not have physical beauty and feminine charm, and if the true form of scaly reptile skin were visible to your eyes.

By that measure, even the Pleiadians who many have had encounters with, who believe they are "Nordics", are actually Demons, and the reason they come to contact certain Humans as beautiful futuristic looking Blonde Hair and Blue Eyed Men and Women, is because they know that Humans have been conditioned to trust Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes the most, and it establishes a sense of comfort and trust among Humans.

Otherwise, Humans would have never placed trust in the Pleiadian.

The Native form at that, of the Pleiadians is not Nordic whatsoever. It's just a suit they use.

Women are also wearing a suit, that you cannot perceive what it covers in this physical reality.


  1. Exactly what you're talking about:

    They are clones.

    1. @blood, WOW, what a great recommendation. She fulfills every talking point, and of course the Ubiquitious non-stop association of "One being in their Masculine / Feminine Energy" and how Women are supposed to takers, but Men cannot because Men are "doers". What a disgusting bitch.

  2. Can you talk more about this subject? Like drinking water

    1. @Mkr, Talking more about the subject relating to Women and their Demonic Nature as if it were drinking water, or about drinking water itself?

  3. You're so right man when you say if women didn't have beauty or charm, men wouldn't want anything to do with them.

    Can pure human men see the reality of women? Their 'parental controls' are turned off as you say. Are all women NPCs, or are there also pure human women in this world? I understand only 1-2% of the population is pure but is it all men or both genders?

    My best mate is engaged at age 22 to a woman who used to sleep around and she uses him for money as he is always paying. He also is always round her house and never wants to enjoy a nice cold beer together or go out and enjoy the limited things this world has to offer.

    Due to the need of having non existing money in this world, I have a job that requires physical labour, as you have heard before, it is 20 hours a week and I finish before noon so I can enjoy the sun in these European summer months.

    Unfortunately my job involves emptying waste bins and it requires a lot of walking. I am concerned it will shorten my lifespan as I am walking about 4 hours non stop 5 days a week. The catch is that I can run on my job and get done and hour earlier so I would be working 15 hours a week.

    However running will definitely shorten my lifespan and increase the rate of entropy. The running isn't that uncomfortable for me because I am physically fit, which really means the body has adapted to the stress. I also drink about 2litres of raw milk on the job for energy.

    So my choices are run and work 15 hours a week, walk and work 20 hours a week, or be sedentary in an office job and work 40 hours a week. However the office job would mean I can't enjoy the sun in the summer. I usually sunbathe for about 2 hours a day, but on cloudy days I stay inside because I am not sure I can get much vitamin D on a cloudy day. I feel like the best option is to walk and work 20 hours a week even though 4 hours of walking a day will kill me.

    But then again, the way the world is going, I probably won't make it to the age where I see major diseases from my lifestyle. So I should eat what I wank, drink what I want and exercise how I like.

    I am already doing the number one health hack which is staying away from women and relationships.

    1. @Kyle, Sure, Pure Human Men can and do see the reality of Women, the only problem is it doesn't make their life any easier outside of keeping such Women out of their life.

      99.9% of Women are NPC's, all across the board in the world, whereas Varying levels of 40-60% or more of Men are NPC's, all around the world. In countries like the US and UK however, there are both more Men and Women NPC's, compared to say a country maybe like Italy or Austria.

      Amongst Gen Z, However, well over 90% of Gen Z Men and of course Women, are NPC's, so there is a generational situation with it too.

      In terms of the effects of your work, yes I would say that would likely be an issue, but it depends, because if you are talking about emptying waste bins, I see how it's a 4 hour constant, but there are more variables and stops in between, so I am not sure how it could be calculated or quantified compared to "brisk walking" which the heart works a lot harder.

      It's difficult for me to say because you are also walking up and down the truck most likely.

      The general rule of thumb is that Cortisol can become a problem after 45 minutes to 1 Hour of any constant demanding physical activity, and it's at this point when you become fatigued, but the fact that the guy is limited to 4 hours makes a huge difference.

      In my opinion it's probably best to just keep it stretched to the 4 hours rather than running, because running just puts more demand on your body in the shorter timeframe.

      The other thing in all this, is the duration of how many years you would be in your field anyway. A few years are not likely to have a very detrimental effect, but if you were working like 25-30 years in this field, "possibly".

      It actually depends more on the stress levels, heart pumping and sweating that is involved than the actual movement per se.

    2. It makes a lot of sense that women are more likely to be NPCs than men. All women think the same and how the media wants them to think. Are pure human women bad news aswell?

      In regards to the work, it's around 20,000 steps per day and around 15 minutes in total, is spent inside the truck driving to the next location. That's when I drink the raw milk.

      It's not uncomfortable when walking and the bins aren't that heavy which is good. In the winter, I often have cold hands and feet which is extra stress. Even gloves and thick socks doesn't stop my extremities from getting cold.

      I will be working in this field for the rest of my life as I have no desire to slave elsewhere. I would be lying to say I enjoy it but it's very easy at least. Waking up at 5am is another problem to the job and the sleep deprivation could be more of a concern than the exercise.

      Sometimes I have a 2 hour sleep when I get home from work. Usually my body demands this if I went to bed at 1am and got only 4 hours sleep.

      Sleep is another tax we pay in this world but it is very important. In the plandemic when I was not working, I would consistently get 9 hours of sleep per day. So I assume that is the amount my body would like if I didn't disturb my sleep with an alarm. Also monophasic sleep is what my body prefers.

    3. @Kyle, Great question about the Pure Human Women.

      The key thing about Pure Humans, is that it's not as if a Pure Human, Man or Woman is an "Angel".

      What happens is that they are far less likely to adhere to something, especially something promoted in the mainstream, if it is not directly in harmony and function with their inner consciousness, because Pure Human Women and Men both have an inner consciousness and "compass".

      This means that while they still could potentially be imposed upon, it becomes a lot harder to impose it and the Pure Human may have a hard time accepting something that does not make sense or feels uncomfortable to them, whereas the NPC's will swallow all the Kool-AID, like they demonstrated during the COVID Agenda, making it their entire life's "existence" and "purpose".

      Pure Humans, always respond ENTIRELY differently to any kind of stimuli and phenomenon in society, and it is for this reason that they are targeted by the system and individuals around them, because it is evident both from the energy they radiate, how they talk or act, that something is "different" with them, and NPC's usually become very aggressive to such people and try to "force them" into their ways.

      That being said, a Pure Human can be conditioned to follow the same paths or become misguided in the way that NPC's are, but it takes a lot more work for it to happen, and the results usually never will be consistent enough for them to gain acceptance even among their peers if they do subscribe to something.

      For example, say if you have a Pure Human Woman who agrees with Feminism, but her other practices such as "not caring about the right to vote" or something else do not resonate within her, she will then be "demoted" by her NPC peers because she is not following their script.

      A Pure Human is always seen as a threat by all the other NPC's, and this is why Pure Humans are constantly mocked, ridiculed, or have people who are trying to make smear campaigns and other slander against them. This is always happening to a Pure Human in some form or another, even by strangers that you don't even know who talk behind the backs of Pure Humans. There is never an end to it.

      As far as the walking 20,000 steps or 15 minutes worth of walking per day, oh that's all good, not a big deal at all, that's nothing to be worried about.

      I am not sure how trash removal differs in the UK versus the US, but even with all the health issues here, I can tell you from anecdotal evidence that the Trash Workers we have here, usually look like in good health, and they have to be. It is definitely MUCH healthier, in shape and vibrant than being sedintary in a vehicle in the way that Long-haul truck drivers are.

      Because actually, the longer you sit in a vehicle or any kind in a stationary position with no movement, it actually puts massive stress on the body and poor blood flow.

      So to be honest, as much as trash removal may suck as a job and it literally stinks, the fact that you are getting some movement out of it, is far better off and healthier than most jobs which involve sitting in a vehicle for hours.

      If you research Bus Drivers, Livery Drivers and People Who are truckers, they are on the list of one the Top 10 most Hazardous Careers to work in, more prone to getting Diabetes, Blood Flow Issues or Nerve problems, and Back or Spine problems.

      You'd be a lot less likely to have that as a problem in your specific field.

      Yeah, sleep sucks, but unfortunately we have no way around it whatsoever, it is absolutely something that cannot be sacrified for our sake of health and well-being.

    4. @PSA so even pure human women aren't dating material and will still ruin your life?

      The 15 minutes is the time I spend in the truck going to the next street. The other 3 hours 45 minutes is the walking. So it is a long time on my feet. But yes I think the message about Goatis saying exercise is bad is more about the gym and running, not so much walking. The body does need some movement like you said.

      Do you know why we have to sleep in the first place and why we have dreams? Is there a way to hack sleep and reduce the duration we need?

      Apparently Nikola Tesla slept 2 hours a day, he had 6 20 minute naps daily. It seems very unnatural to do that and perhaps there is no shortcut on sleep.

    5. @Kyle, It sure is possible for a Pure Human woman to ruin your life, since everyone technically has "free will" or can be "impressed upon", but the likelihood of it is far less to the same degree or natural inclination that an NPC does. It's still very not likely, because in the circumstances if someone does that, they would have to be heavily under someone's spell, either a friend or especially if she consumed drugs or alcohol, that would make it more likely.

      There really aren't many Pure Human Women left.

      Oh, I misunderstood, I thought you meant the total walk-time in the 4 hours was equivalent to 15 minutes and a certain number of steps.

      It's a lot what you are doing, but in some circumstances it could still be worse in another profession, especially if it's like something back-breaking.

      The body can manage a lot of stress at a given time, but it's the volume of it that has a compounding effect in a given period of time.

      Correct, the body does need movement just like any well-oiled machine, otherwise it comes with the risks of stagnation from a lack of activity in something, but so long as there is any kind of movement.

      Sleep, is actually another Trap for Humans, unfortunately. The Sleep and Dreamscape is used to manipulate us, it is also sometimes used as the time for installing implants into Humans, if even in other dimensions, and it's used to also drain the energy out of Humans, even though the irony is that we sleep to recharge our energy.

      Your consciousness leaves the body, and returns to it when you awaken, and there are different stages when the consciousness leaves and re-enters, which is why people experience things like Lucid dreaming, etc.

      Sleep is actually one of the mandatory mechanism genetically placed inside of Humans to make them as Slaves.

      2 Hours a day does not seem healthy or sustainable for sleep. It is possible to get down as low as 4 Hours, or even "somewhat" to function with 3.5 hours of sleep as long as the REM phase has activated. Believe it or not, entering the REM sleeph phase has a much more important factor on the whole thing with restorative sleep and being able to function the next day, compared to the amount of hours. For example, if someone sleeps for 4 Hours and enters REM, that is absolutely a superior sleep they had compared to someone that does 6-8 hours and does not get deep sleep / REM.

    6. Does that mean alcohol is bad if it makes women behave in a way? I have certainly pissed off people in the past when I have had too much to drink. But a good few beers is a fun and enjoyable experience. Personally after my 6th pint of beer, I blackout and do silly things and feel bad the next morning.

      Sleep is a huge waste of time. We spend 25 years of our lives doing it! Is sleep like a mini death so to speak? So dying will feel similar to the process of falling asleep? Are animals also enslaved as they have to sleep too.

      How do I achieve more REM in my sleep? I am aware alcohol is bad for REM sleep. Are dreams a good sign of REM?

      I heard from somewhere that when you are sleep deprived, you will have more REM sleep and get into REM quicker.

      I normally struggle to fall asleep if there is any light or noise, but when I am sleep deprived, I will fall asleep very quickly despite the noise.

    7. @Kyle, It Depends.

      Unfortunately when it comes to things like that, there is no Black or White Answer.

      For example, if someone Smokes cigarettes or drinks Alcohol, let's say a Woman. It, by default doesn't make her a bad person per se.

      It can, however, depending on her usage, and if she has a problem, and also of course if she does any of those activities while pregnant.

      The problem is Women have a strong tendency to abuse alcohol, even more so than Men. You can see Women who now have bigger drinking problems than Men do, outside of Men who are homeless.

      But nobody should ever be drinking to the point of blackout...

      If you end up blacking out from 6 pints, I am not sure if these are high Alcohol volume, but that seems like a very low amount, so your tolerance levels might be very low all things considered. It is never prudent or wise for a Man to ever put himself in a circumstance where he blacks out from drinking or might do things he regrets or doesn't remember.

      Yes, sleep is essentially a waste of time.

      As far as REM, you really do not have much control over it activating, and sometimes you may be unaware of it because it happens on its own and most people are not going to remember dreams, but yes dreaming activity is a good sign of it occurring.

      Staying away from Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine, getting sufficient sunlight and avoiding stress along with eating well are all the key ingredients for properly ensuring the likelihood of entering the REM stages reliably every night when one sleeps.

    8. @Kyle, Yes, essentially death if someone enters an unconscious state, or especially for NPC's when they die, it will be like an eternal sleep.

      Animals, for sure, are also "slaves" in a way as well, because they exist here dependent on their "needs" for survival, including eating and reproducing, although they are less burdened by these drives in the way that Humans are because of how Human Societies form and because of how Human Consciousness differs from them, but yes all animals are essentially slaves in their own regard, and are subject to even more variations and risks of predators who threaten them.

      Humans have only a few natural predators.

    9. @PSA yes I have always wondered if my tolerance is low. The beers I like to drink are usually in the 4.5 - 5.0% ABV range. I don't usually eat much and will often drink on an empty stomach. It's also worth mentioning I am underweight, although not a severe case, I am 130lbs at 5'11. Putting on some weight and eating before drinking will probably help somewhat. Although there may also be a genetic influence on my low alcohol tolerance.

      I do have a fair amount of caffeine from the CoCa Cola I consume on a daily basis. Sometimes I will consume it before sleep. I am a non smoker and get sunlight in the summer months, although the European winters are brutal.

      It's very difficult to become aware when you are sleeping but if sleep is what death feels like then death isn't too bad. But the diseases leading up to death are bad. Perhaps the afterlife is also bad, and reincarnation is just the same shit again but perhaps you are more fortunate or less fortunate in your next life.

      I have always felt animals struggle to find enough food but it seems like they are doing something right as they are still here. It's very brutal the way a predator kills its prey.

      Is there a chance a pure human can be reincarnated into an animal?

    10. Coca-Cola does actually help to induce sleep, despite having a little bit of caffeine, it suppresses cortisol and stress hormones. I'll be getting more into it in a pending entry I have on the topic.

      Yes, animals do struggle to find food, but believe it or not while this might sound "strange", Humans, while technically animals because we are primates, Humans are "modified" Primate, unlike other Primates and Animals, assuming the animal was never cross-bred.

      Animals have a lower level of consciousness, so many concepts we understand as Humans, don't apply them or they don't understand it, and that also means that their biological instincts are also not experienced as much as slavery to them, except the constant need to eat and hunt for food, along with everyday dangers they face from predators.

      Some animals have certain advantages and disadvantages over others.

      Yes, Pure Humans do reincarnate into animals, if they lose a lot of their essence in their previous life. It becomes an even more negative path for the Human if they reincarnate into an animal.

    11. @PSA I would call you crazy to say Coca Cola induces sleep but I have experienced it myself. Usually a glass bottle of coke in the afternoon allows me to have a nap. I always assumed it was the sugar coma. You wouldn't think Coca Cola due to the caffeine content, would help with sleep but it's worked for me.

      Perhaps the new conspiracy is that Coca Cola is healthier than tap water, although at this point I am being very optimistic.

      Yes humans are also animals, have we been created by the Annuaki as a modified primate?

      I will have to try my best to not reincarnate into an animal.

    12. @Kyle, Yes, it's actually a fact, and I also work with a Chemist inside of Germany in which we study the effects of Beverages, Chemicals and other Ingredients on the body. Drinking Seltzer Water or any sugary drink will not have the same effects as Cola.

      It has something to do with the initial "secret ingredients" which Cola is made out of, however Coca-Cola and most Cola brands use very little of these ingredients compared to the actual original formula, which actually even had cocaine in it.

      It's definitely healthier than drinking tap water. Most tap water these days is ridiculously loaded with heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and estrogenic compounds.

      Yes, Humans are the preferred "animal" or servant for the Annunaki, since they allowed the Human to be able to conquer and dominate the Earth more in ways that no other animal can. So all of that was completely planned and organized too.

      It was not through some miracle of Human evolution, haha.

    13. @PSA I am looking forward to your future article on Coca Cola. The beverage is heavily demonised as everyone believes it is so unhealthy. Yet people drink Diet Coke thinking it is healthier than Coca Cola.

      Surely the caffeine content will harm sleep? Perhaps the caffeine means REM sleep is compromised?

      Was the original Coca Cola recipe healthier than today's Coca Cola? Coca Cola was invented as a health drink from what I have heard.

      As for the high fructose corn syrup in Coca Cola, surely that is a huge negative and will contribute to diabetes and heart disease? I doubt Goatis would ever touch Coca Cola.

      I have heard only a few people in this world know the secret ingredients in Coca Cola and I wonder if it's possible to make a healthier Coca Cola at home.

    14. @Kyle, I'm pretty sure you will find it interesting! Coca-Cola is actually one of the least unhealthiest of all beverages, particularly the ones that contain real sugar, compared to many other beverages out there including Alcohol. A lot of the claims against it are hyped up or based on people who drink soft drinks with artificial sweetener.

      There is not much caffeine in it to begin with, but the thing is the sedative effects of it offset the caffeine for the most part. You would have to drink ridiculous amounts for it to keep you stimulated enough to be unable to sleep, like the levels of what Energy Drinks have.

      But the interesting thing about Coca-Cola is it does not make you "drowsy" but instead will permit one to get to sleep if they have difficulty otherwise, but if they need to be awake they can still be awake.

      The worst ingredient in Coca-Cola would be the Phosphoric Acid, and then next the High Fructose Corn Syrup, but I will also break down the reality of these ingredients and how they size up towards other ingredients.

      Yeah, I doubt Goatis drinks the stuff.

    15. @PSA Coca Cola has always been my favourite beverage, I've been drinking it everyday since I was a kid. I usually have about 2-3 glass bottles a day which is just under 1000ml. What are the ingredients that cause the sedative effects?

      If I am struggling to sleep, is it better to not drink anything or drink a can of coca cola?

      Coca Cola has it's place in this world and is one of life's simple pleasures. I am sure you love a good cold glass of Coca Cola.

    16. @Kyle, Absolutely! Yeah I will definitely break all the details down in the article about safety and concerns from the mutual findings between my own and the Chemist I work with, but yeah It's probably good to keep consumption under 1000ml per day.

      Some of the Ingredients had to do with the originals used, as actually Coca-Cola was actually one of the first "True Energy Drinks" crafted, by John Pemberton, however the original recipe at least contained a combination of extractives from Coca Leaves and Kola Nuts, which were found to have medicinal and stimulant properties. However, there were at least a dozen or so other "secret ingredients" added, that have supposedly been kept under wraps by the founders of the company, even to this day, but they took the Coca Leaves out, and without a doubt the ingredient payload must be minimal compared to the original. But it was originally crafted as a drink that was suppsoed to be more as a pharmaceutical medicine.

      I am actually seeking out a Purveyor who claims to have crafted their own version of the original recipe, and I am supposed to obtain a small bottle of this Cola probably later this year because I want to test it myself and may submit it to the Chemist to see if he can isolate what may be the secret ingredients.

      Coca-Cola is also known as a digestive, so it does help with issues relating to digestive issues or with nausea, indigestion, etc. It's quite interesting, especially considering all the controversial claims about the beverage.

      If one struggles to sleep, yeah I'd say it's probably better to head for the coca cola, because the lack of sleep has long-term devasting and dangerous health consequences for the body and even shortens life-span.

      Personally, I enjoy Coca Cola after a long day of hard, tiring activity, but especially along-side a perfectly prepared Steak! It just seems to compliment it so well, and I sometimes even prefer it over a fruit after my Steak meals.

    17. @PSA great, I look forward to the future article on Coca Cola.

      I wish you the best of luck with this Coca Cola bottle you will be trying later this year. I never drink water with meals but I'll drink a Coke with my meal as the acidity content must be great for digestion, whilst I have heard water is bad for digestion as it neutralises the stomach acid.

      So odds are, I am more likely to fall asleep after a Coca Cola rather than not if I am having insomnia?

      It's become a habit for me now where after a day's work, I grab a very chilled glass bottle of Coca Cola. I finish work at 10am so it's a great way to start the actual day after the morning slavery has finished.

  4. I'm wondering what are your views on women who are into esotericism, more specifically, Hitlerism?
    Do you think that despite some of them out there still possessing certain traits typical for modern-age women, in a way, they might have been "struck" with the lightning of ancestral heritage that gave them the impulse to stand and speak openly in public about the most controversial topics?
    For example, do you think that this woman here in the video is legit in her expression and knowledgeable regarding Aryan myth/heritage and that
    she cares about something which, in the first place, represents the
    Solar-Masculine energy of our great forefathers and Gods who we once were?!

    1. @Someone88, That's a great question actually.

      We do not have a problem with Women being involved in Esotericism or Hitlerism, in fact it would be a requirement for German Women of course.

      There is one caveat, however...

      The issue tends to be with how Women process and absorb information, and the on-going war we are involved in, to Debunk New Age Ideas and Philosophies.

      Many Women tend to graviate to New Age Ideas, which is why you constantly hear things about Energy, Vibrations, Frequencies and Manifesting, coming from their mouths.

      The problem is, what they speak and what they believe or even practice, is the chaff of the wheat, and in essence this is why you'll notice that none of what Women talk about is anything of their essence. They are not even "Divinely Feminine" either.

      So we are involved in an informational war over these matters, because while things like Energy and so forth do have some sort of truth to it, the New Age Movement has hi-jacked everything to do with Esotericism because the aims of the New Age Movement are to promote Narcissism, Entitlement, Greed and to perpetuate the sickness in this world that we see everyday in the public.

      In the real world of Esotericism, not everything is a happy ending or a positive story. There are many inconvenient matters and consequences, and because of this, Women want no part in the truth, for the most part, almost without exception.

      I also highly dislike and cringe upon the methods by which New Age idealists speak or profess their knowledge. They also pollute and poison words they use, sometimes which are also words in our vocabulary that do have legitimacy, are perverted for their own twisted and cringey interpretations. They really do not have much knowledge, only one grain of truth ever comes through, and they have an overly lofty / positive attitude that they promote, along with the nonsense of "raising your vibration" and ignoring the negativity, and the suggestion of prostituting love for everyone. They are energy prostitutes, essentially.

      Most Women, do not gravitate to truth whatsoever, even when it touches upon subjects dealing with Energy or Frequencies, because the Women are not interested about those things themselves, but only as to what something or those things can do for them, or what benefits there are for them.

      I can give you a concrete example of a girl who does run a channel and you can even see that she has almost no followers, and especially not Women, even though she describes mostly everything we can see, from a mostly unbiased perspective.

      We have not analyzed 100% of her works and beliefs, however I have listened to a good segment of her videos and there is minimal to no subversive content that specifically appears to support the New Age agenda, at least from the content we've looked into.

      Even while she summarizes so much information which is extremely informative, it tells you all you need to know with how disinterested people are in truth. In addition, I have noticed that her channel has also recently been downgraded by YouTube as well, and it's very difficult to find her channel whereas it used to be easier in the past, and I no longer get notifications or her new videos.

      By that measure I should also say too that the general population of Men, or especially all NPC Men of course, are not interested in truth of anything either.

    2. @PSA
      Despite the right thing said, I still feel that the organic portals tend to confuse laity to the point that one might come to ignore the aspect of blood - hence Race in it, and start to view it as a universal matter for all "human beings".
      It's that intertwined when you look at it!

      Even though the AI-cyborg future is generally a problem for humanity,
      to our doctrine, it would be contradictory to accept the phantom of matter that
      organic portals reflect each Race the same.

      "Humanity", foremost, to our memory, means the Aryan world - lost throughout the ages in the ocean of colours.

      That's why I am of the firm attitude that not individuals alone but races on earth possess different vibrations according to which they form or manage the world around them in specific ways, for better or worse.

      Hence, our "vibration" is lowered through miscegenation/hybridization, whether directly through mechanical reproduction with other animal-men or through 4D engineering, such as implantation, combined with the other ethereal beings that influence our energy field.

      Generally, all forms of the mechanical universe seperates Aryan Man from the centre of his consciousness, eventually bastardizing him reversely & making him become a stranger to himself.

      Nowadays, we can notice how seemingly German or Nordic Men are detached from
      the primordial/primal core of their being.
      Seemingly, there exists potential, but the conscious is automatized - hijacked.
      The Nordic Man is, in its essence, castrated. Neutrulized. Alienated.

      But this does not mean that they are immediately organic portals.

      Moreover, it goes to show us how merely programmed, in one way or another, we are to alien intelligence that further operates us towards genetical bastardization, which alters the pattern of metaphysical experience that enables us to possess memory from afar - within the blood, of the old world; that we once were Gods!
      To block us from restoring 'the dream not dreamt by the greatest nostalgics', Minnesänger.

      That is why, in my opinion, the organic portals conduct paranormal experiences globally through altered consciousness or DNA to impose the code or cipher into the world according to its counter initiative against the Aryan universe.

      Therefore, the more the person is exposed to Abrahamism, cultural Marxism, or other subversive-informational fields, whether new age or something else, or the more mixed-race person is, the more they are prone to a malignant field, which is an organic portal.
      They are, after all, the food of Demiurge, just as Jews are its children.

      Interestingly enough, there among us might exist half-breeds, Arabs, negroes etc.
      Who might have come to understand a bit of this matter regarding spirituality and extraterrestrial influences, but they almost - NEVER get further from the starting impulse!
      Despite some of them maybe being genuine, honest or "based" in contrast to some other corrupted White people who might be the carrier of a malignant field, still, a White person, once when introduced to the process of deimplantation, can achieve a greater degree of consciousness than other races.

      In the depths of the mystery of the substances behind the alchemical colours of races, the White race generally possesses the compound that enables stronger will & spirituality- especially for the Germanics.

      The problem with the "people of colour", as already discussed in esoteric themes, is the weak wills that suffer from "deconformation" due to hereditary miscegenation.

      So I think that's the "ugly" side of esoteric truths and the "awakening of humanity".
      There is no destiny for all, not at this stage.
      Not even for all White people, let alone "people of colour", who make up 95%
      of "humanity".

    3. On the other hand, while it is safe to say that the White race at this point is the most implanted or the most genetically engineered Race on the planet, it is even safer to say that this effect is due to the potential taken into account by an extraterrestrial entity that, thanks to its technology, manages manipulation over our Astral bodies, as well as suction of multidimensional supstance - monoatomic gold, stored in our DNA, etc.
      Of course, animals, other races even natural resources in this ominous exploitation of the world do not enjoy isolation - but there exists a reason for "delicacy" amongst the predators when it comes to vampirizing over specific blood.

      There is no guarantee that the organic portal can't be the White person. Far from that.
      However, almost exclusively, each White person that is a potential carrier of the organic portal has this specific mannerism and character of negro, Christian, of this or that or other bastardized being on this planet which in essence implies involution, aka Jewy-predatory syndrome of animal-men. I call that reverse mongrelization.

      Therefore, I think one cannot talk about the organic field if one does not consider the aspect of Race and what energy sprouts from it.

      When you walk the streets of downtown Stockholm, Berlin, London or Paris, all these highly "culturally diverse" cities, you can notice that the entire area is contained in the form of an organic portal or energy drainage due to what has been altered in the collective Aryan consciousness and brought to the alienation of our world or being.
      I would even dare to say due to the debasement of the Archetype as well, ever since 1945. and the loss of Fatherland.

    4. @Someone88, Yes but that's because NPC's are basically always following a script by the basis of the way they are programmed. So when they see or witness Pure Humans, they find them to be "weird", "strange" or "crazy". NPC's prefer being conformists, and demand security and acceptance at any price in society.

      Different Races indeed do produce different vibrations, since there is a different soul origin in different races. New Age philosophies try to divert from this notion by constantly inundating people with repetitive phrases like "We Are All One".

      But we are not "all one". There are distinct differences in the various races.

      It's a thorn in our side to see how low the Nordic Race has become, because overall, we are SO much better than that, or than "this" as we currently see day to day how low, confused and brainwashed many have become. It is an embarassment to our ancestors.

      The attack on the White Race has been very consistent, and while these plans have been shaping up for many centuries, the real attacks had definitely started by 1914 with the entry of World War I, even though few perceive that or would agree with it. At least, the Nordic Element was in particular gravely threatened by this time.

      In the United States, the Nordic Element had been threatened by the arrival of the Civil War, and that wasn't too far off either since that was in 1861, but it was a decisive case because it forever meant to make or break the Nordic Dominances over the United States, and also the attempt to thwart and dismantle Jewish Capitalism, and especially the Mercantile Culture / Corporatism that was becoming a major threat, and at the same time they did not want the Northerners to see through on that and ever share views of the Southerners in that regard.

  5. I believe this is an intriguing case to study in the future regarding the nature of women out there who are, whether or not, onto something genuine or totally off the charts in the bizarreness of a matter provided by something we could call the unsurpassed aspect of capricious nature that rules over them and, in that respect, must be tamed.


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