
Chakra Systems are NOT Special, NOT Divine, nor MAGICAL

One of the biggest tropes and methods of many New Age belief systems, is their desire to make Humans believe, or at least have a perception of there to be something "Sacred" or "Spiritual" about certain things like whether it be Reincarnation, or the Chakra systems. When in fact, none of this is even the case, and it's completely FAR from it. From a truly correct perspective, the Chakras only service a Scientific basis, and also operate as a condition of "Enslavement" for the Human. The Chakras are no more special than the plumbing in your basement, or the copper pipes in your air conditioner condenser system, or any mechanical device that involves transporting electricity or fluid in some kind of way. And they are about as "special" and yet "significant" in the same way it is to obtain fuel to fill a tank, and the arduous work to get that fuel. The strongest of all the Chakra systems, is without a doubt the sexual organs, and this

The #1 Reason Humans don't Believe in Aliens & Insectoid or Reptile Species Above Them

Part of the reason is because Humans are genetically altered to dish aside such notions of a greater species than them, and there are Manmade religions (first codified by the Anunnaki) which convince them that they were destined "By God" to be the rightful rulers of the earth. To be certain that Humans also do not get to "keen" on learning other things, they are presented Movies, and Silly Propaganda about "Aliens" or to make them have a sort of juvenile perception on the subject of beings that are well beyond the Intelligence and Capabilities of Humans. Even Similarly, the "Devil" or "Lucifer" is also made to be this silly cartoonish character, like some Red-bodied Beast with a Fork who lives in the Firey Hell, when in fact, a "remotely" closer accuracy or evolutionary step to understanding who or what the Devil really is, is to think of it as a Computer instead. The Human, by nature in this system, is an Arrogant, Ego-center

In The Future, there will be Food, Air and Water, but all of it Toxic and Worthless

 As it is, we are pretty much already there. All the food, air and water is contaminated, and much of it is bereft of the essential micronutrients and cleanliness that it once possessed, which are vital to Human and Animal Life. Consider this fact alone... From the beginning of time, at least roughly to what we can record, 99% of Life Forms from this planet have disappeared and become extinct, with other Life Forms replacing them. Yet I hear so many Pagans talk about how "Earth Mother"still loves us. Most of the Life forms that still exist on this planet that have been Prehistoric, are often Scavengers. In the last 50 years alone, Human Activity and Overpopulation has contributed to at least 30% of decline of Bird populations and species, along with relatively similar levels with other common Animal Populations. I won't extend the argument here to Efilism, but let's just say that the quality of life already is also impeded that much more for these Life Forms. Just fro

There will be no "COURSE CORRECTION" in 1 - 2 Generations of Humans, As Commonly Believed

Just as the NPC's out there believe that somehow the real trouble will only start in 2040 and not between 2025 - 2030, there is also this major belief by false optimism that mankind believes in that they will somehow "correct" this world, that somehow things like Feminism or other wrong paths of Humanity will eventually "course correct" and that in 1-2 generations that the problems will be resolved or that things will go back to normalcy. I want to assure you of some things and put to rest these delusions. For one, I wish to remind my viewers, that I am part of Extended research of many German Intelligence groups that have been around even before both World Wars, and that we have first-hand knowledge about many events occurring on this planet but also within the universe, and including the Extraterrestrial forces that have connections with your governments on this planet, which aren't even true "governments" any longer. Much of what had been fought

Something I'm noticing that is MAJORLY Flawed with AI, which is majorly consequential...

It's no mystery to me or any thinking person for that matter that AI can NEVER be perfect, and it never shall be, it can only be a work in progress at best at it is utilized. However, I've noticed that Artificial Intelligence suffers from its own form of "cognitive dissonance". While you would think that due to algorithms, algorithms depend on mathematical precision, that the Artificial Intelligence would be "Black and White" so-to-speak, in terms of how it functions. I do not purposely use Artificial Intelligence, but it has been deployed into our lives, and I have been witnessing many times where it will not refuse to give an answer or reject a formula or data, but instead where it almost tries to emulate the learned behavior of Humans to engage in "Cognitive Dissonance". The consequences that can arise from that, are absolutely frightening when you think really deeply about that, as AI is learning more and more to become like Humans.

Why Men Lie To Other Men About The Gym & Getting Pussy

The whole culture about the Gym and Fitness Lifestyles is really getting so out of control. This "lifestyle" has become the cesspool where all the world's Narcissistic scum come to congregate and be a part of. Goading Men, especially younger Men to go to the gym, is one of the biggest past-time of Men who are Older Losers who want to manipulate and use these younger Men, or to distract them. The Old Men, or say, the Boot Camp Drill Sargeant, doesn't actually believe in, follow or practice anything which he preaches to the young blood which he looks down too. Many of these Men have a serious ego complex, a chip on their shoulder, but also many years of life dissatisfactions and setbacks, which makes them feel compelled to make sure that all younger Men not only experience the same, but if there were any chance that younger Men come around to "see the light" so-to-speak, or even have opportunities in their youth that they did not, they want to crush those circ

The only way to ensure a girl will not hurt you!? Make sure she does not lick her lips...

This applies in the reverse scenario case too of course, but I strongly recommend that if you want 100% surefire reassurance that a girl will not be someone to potentially destroy or harm you in any way, that you make sure that she does not lick her lips repeatedly. I need to bring it up as a reminder, because all "lip-lickers" are from a genetically altered variant of the Human Species, and so you can be assured that these "lip-lickers" are out there to feed off of your loosh energy. I would say that above all other traits, sometimes even above the eyes or vibrations in their voice, that this can be the most important sign to look out for. The problem is that, it can sometimes take a lot of time, even months and being able to spend sufficient time around someone to see if they have this trait, and the fact that it does not require training, it makes it easier to detect "entities". With understanding demonic energies in the eyes or from someone's voice

Alcohol DOES NOT Kill Brain Cells

It's amazing this rumor still floats around, but while it's commonly believed that Alcohol kills your brain cells, the real problems I cite with it are as follows: 1. Alcohol Disrupts the Microbiome. Alcohol, is essentially an anti-septic agent. While it's often thought that the destruction of the Microbiome allows bad pathogens to take over, it's not true in every case. There is a such thing as having a "desert" for a Microbiome. A lot of microbiologists try to tout the whole notion of the good bacteria fighting off the bad, but it's not always so simple as this. There is a such thing as having almost nothing, especially if by stress or antibiotics, or other issues that deplete ones Microbiome. One thing people do not realize about the guy microbiome is that once it's permanently altered, it can almost be impossible to restore to its native or full potential state, no matter how well you eat, unless you get a fecal transplant procedure, which is enoug

My Population Reduction Plans are more Ambitious than the Illuminati.

The Illuminati want to reduce the world population to some level between 500 Million to 2 Billion Tops... But I want to reduce it to less than 250 Million. I'm also a believer that, even if there is enough foodstuffs and resources for people to support more, that it doesn't necessarily mean we should maximize the populations...

While Women Reject THOUSANDS Of Men, They Then Marry This "Thing", in place Someday...

Apparently, this is the "POST-COVID" Style Wedding, and what it's all come down too. And "reading a script" is accepted / considered as "True Love" in a proposal. Totally epic! Two very ugly people pretending to "desire" one another... And an ugly pig that does their marriage ceremony. 3 Years Later... " @CarniBarbie 20 minutes ago (edited) Yes but some of us suffer more from other people’s sin. My husband is a porn addict and that causes me incredible suffering. This world is shit! I’m financially stuck with him. I don’t believe in any God. There is nothing good here. He doesn’t seem like he is suffering…just making me suffer. He is an NPC for sure."