Another Warning About Women

It is going to become more glaringly obvious into the New Year, I strongly believe, just how over things are between Men and Women especially in the West, and I cannot stress enough how much you must watch out for your involvement or activities with Women.

Women are going to go absolutely apeshit, even more than they already are, because the thing is there is still a part in their mind where they are anticipating a "turnaround" or that eventually they will be able to manipulate Men back into slavery and destruction, as if they haven't committed enough decimation and destruction of Men.

But they are beginning to realize that something bigger is happening and that Men are not behaving or responding as they expected. I even see this out in public.

I've stated many times before, that the Public Trust and Contract even for civilized behavior between Men and Women is longer over and done with, and an inevitable Gender Civil War, is imminent.

The more this Civil War is put off or ignored, or if Men only simply walk away, it will only manifest in even more absurd imbalances, consequences and unexpected outcomes within the society.

Women are not your Friend, Not Your Ally, and Not Your Lover, and it's pretty much senseless at this point to talk about exceptions.

There is also now a major increase of AIDS and other Venereal Disease being discovered among most Western Women now, because they are all sleeping with the same Men and the diseases are getting swapped around with one another readily.

I expect in coming months, that Women will become a lot more aggressive with tactics, even with trying to utilize really twisted forms of charm to try to appeal to Men's "Masculinity" to get them to take the bait, but you must recognize what it is bait.

I know how they think, and in their minds, the ends justifies the means, they are so used to having power and are drunk on it, that they feel invincible and they feel that no matter, they must be catered too at all costs, even while they should be thrown in a dungeon of snakes.

Honestly, we live in unprecedented times, and if you are for a moment thinking you can help save or reeducate society or that this can all be fixed, you are totally living in LaLa Land and have refused to recognize the ship of fixing anything has long sailed away, a long time ago. Very long ago, in fact.

Christian Ideas permeate the minds of most Western people, and that's why they believe that the best strategy is to "do the right thing", but in fact, the only way to do the right thing is to only do wrong, especially when it comes to Women.

This is why Most Men only use Women for Sex, and close the doors to them for relationships and marriage now.

It's not because these Men are bad people. Men did not choose for things to be this way, the Women did.

Another thing I really do not like seeing, is the effects of the C19 jabs. Especially this winter, to say nothing about their personality or other health consequences you could have from having sex or close association with someone.

There are an enormous amounts of sudden illnesses going around here in the States, and it's all the jabbed people getting them, the thing is they are getting even more and severe versions of these illnesses, which are creating complications.

It really bothers me that we now live in this "New Normal" and Reality around us, and the NWO still hasn't been fully cemented into place, but it's nearly there.

Honestly, all this stuff and especially what we endured since 2020 and how Women are behaving, all of it really is sickening to the stomach and makes my stomach churn endlessly with a constant feeling of distress in the fact that we now inherit a reality like this.

This is why I say you must forget about the life you knew in the past or thinking you can plan for the future, or as if this world is any more worth investing yourself in, believing in, and giving all your life energies too it.

Mark my words, between 2025 - 2030, this critical period, you will see almost no reason to want to be a part of this world, society or anything of the planet and this life, if you don't feel that way already.

When I say there is nothing left, I mean it. Unless you count food, and entertainment distractions to keep you alive and coping with this existence.


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