Helping Men To Understand The Female NPC's

I do believe that Many Men are coming to recognize how real and true the existence of NPC's are, and that this is not just some metaphoric reference.

Human NPC's are basically cyborgs or robots.

They have no original thoughts or thought processes, no imagination, no ability to self-reflect or to use autonomous thought processes like a Pure Human.

Their thoughts are genetically programmed and also electro-magnetically induced into their brains through magnetic an frequency waves that issue thought implants that control them.

Technology devices including Satellites are capable to broadcast signals or instructions that will be "received" by NPC's to respond in the way they do.

This is why for example you are even seeing that Women NPC's (98%+) are absolutely not capable to adjust their behavior whatsoever or recognize how they are wrong or entitled but think they are in the right but that Men are in the wrong.

The looks in their eyes, their cognitive response or lack thereof and their overall lack of sentient awareness is the absolute Hallmark of an NPC.

It is becoming more and more difficult for even the most reluctant Men to not notice that something is up, but these Men are realizing this something far more sinister than simply being indoctrinated into feminism or how they were raised.

All NPC behaviors are entirely regulated and follow specific algorithm rules, because they are almost like a computer.

All NPC's essentially think the same and follow the same patterns and are easily herded or become part of the hive collective.

They are also trained to look at anyone who is not part of their hive collective as suspicious and an outsider who should not be trusted and also will be gossiped about to all others, since they do not like others who are not like them and are hellbent on destroying those who do not toe the line.

This also falls in line with their lower dimensional obsessions with survival.

Of course, NPC Men will also gossip about other Men and Women to permanently isolate.and castrate them within society to everyone they know or whom associates with the Pure Human who is their victim.

When you begin looking for the lip licking reflex you will understand how to identify them more in public and especially because they love licking their lips just before or after they are about to tell a lie or when they are nervous.

Pure Humans don't randomly lick their lips, it is a Non-Human trait that only Demonic-Human Hybrids and NPC's repeatedly do.

When you also begin to better understand the thought processes in NPC's as well, you will be able to sharpen your skill at identifying them quicker even in opportunities where you cannot see or tell if they licked their lips.


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