How The Drive To Promote Men To Wear Baggy & Unflattering Clothing Is Used To Lower His Standing In Society And Amongst Women

Too Many Men are very busy with work and other matters these days to give much thought to it, and then there are the Religious, especially Christianity specifically, however, along with other Social Taboos that revolve around Shaming Men for how they dress, and making improper associations.

The fact of the matter though, as I have discussed in the past, is that most of Men's Clothing or what is deemed "socially acceptable" for a Man to wear, correlates with his level of being a Conformist and a Slave, and also to make his look unflattering so that Women are less "enticed", even though in Nature, Women actually approach Men since they are the selectors.

A Man becomes more powerful based on being properly dressed and how he presents himself, rather than becoming some CEO or Top Official, whereby you have to prove yourself but actually have no control over your tenure or future.

There are Men even as Leaders, however, who are so powerful based on their appearance, or a legacy or reputation, that they don't even need their actual "position" of Power, so-to-speak, because just their Presence and Uniforms alone, speak for themselves when they enter the room.

A perfect example of this is the North Korean Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un. If it really interests you, I suggest you look up his uniforms and read up on his legacy and other things about him online to see what kind of controversial figure he is, and how powerful his uniforms and presence make him.

His title is actually literally the "Supreme Leader".

All unique Men of world history in leadership had a uniquely tailored titled just as Otto von Bismarck has been known as the "Iron Chancellor".

If Kim Jong-un finishes his tenure or for any reason steps down as a leader, he will still be as much of a revered figure among his own people, but also the globally controversial and imposing figure just by his presence and being seen, not even having to utter a word, and he can have other Men fall to their knees.

That is what kind Real Power is known as Hard Power.

It puts a Man in a weak position to value himself instead, or allow himself to be valued by society on the basis of what he can provide, how rich he is, how hard he works, or what he does for work or how high he is on that ladder.

Such Men, never live fulfilling or meaningful lives, and will always find themselves to be detached and distracted from true reality.

You may be a CEO today, but what if your company goes bankrupt!? It may no longer be true months or years from now.

You may be a High Profile Businessman, or a Celebrity or some big Mogul, but even all that can be taken away from you, and then what!? You are relegated as a nothing, and people will not remember you once you are off the Corporate Ladder or Hierarchy of the High Status / Famous people, regardless of how small or localized that status is.

Also do not forget that most people do not remain considerably wealthy, even Millionaires, for that long in their life. Most Life-long Millionaires or greater than that, are specially connected or involved in Schemes which allow them to retain and grow their wealth, and usually without even doing any work whatsoever.

So get this idea out of your head that even if you strike wealth in your life, that it will be enduring, because in most cases it is not. Generally, it may serve you only 10 - 30 years, if you are lucky.

Any change in life circumstances, even a divorce, or health conditions, moving or housing conditions and other economic factors can totally break you out of nowhere, especially in an ever-increasing turbulent world where you have no control over anything.

So why not instead seek for something instead that you CAN control!?

This is why chasing success will only make you more of a slave, because you will become encompassed in the servitude to please, impress and cater to others, ONLY, and it will encompass you, and it will also mean you will have to do this for TONS of people that you do not like.

It is much better that a Man crafts himself on the basis of his Looks, but obviously you can only go as far as what Genetics you were born with, so the second best thing is to create an Aesthetic and Style and various Silhouettes that you like, that fits you and feels best, which works for you and also can potentially advertise you to the opposite sex.

The large majority of Men do not this, because they are trained to only view their value on the basis of what they can provide, and this is a really bad thing to do, and especially in these times.

Plus, if you dress as a Non-conformist, you are also giving a clear signal or message to all society around you everyday, including people who know you, strangers, and Women, that you ARE NOT the Protector/Provider type.

Believe it or not, almost all of Men's clothing does not do a Man justice in trying to attract Women, even though your face matters the most, it is essential to have clothing that fits well and accentuates the Silhouette.

Get this whole Modern Notion of "Men" being the one to chase and pursue Woman as being "Natural for our species", out of your head. It is a total lie, and it's most ruthlessly defended by Religious People and Capitalists, or people who believe in Right-Wing / Traditional Ideas, generally.

As such, Men are relegated to generally 3 Categories of Clothing Styles:

1. Business / Professional Clothing: Suit & Tie, Blazer or Tuxedo

2. Casual Wear (T-Shirts, Sweaters, Jeans and Sweatpants)

3. Athletic Wear

The design of most Menswear is to remove Men from any Aesthetic Appeal, particularly for the opposite sex, and such Propaganda or even Social Ostracization is made based on a Man needing to "conform" to his role as a Provider/Protector (Slave Role), and so if a Man dresses in unusual attire, say, even something from a different century, or something typically that Females wear more often even if it had been Traditional Male Clothing at one point, he is accused of being "gay" or at least potentially so.

This is done to keep Men stuck in the Capitalist loop of only attracting partners based on his Wealth and Status, rather than his looks.

Stop worrying about buying Name Brand Clothing or Spending ridiculous amounts of clothing, and instead choose to look more put together and sharp. This is truly the way of the future for Men.

I am not an official "Fashion Expert", but I do know what works and what doesn't, and I think it is in the best interest of Real Men to dress their part but also to not wear the conformist crap that all other guys wear, because I assure you it is all garbage.

Men are plagued by clothing which is absolutely horrific, most clothing for Men is made excessively baggy and unflattering, where the clothing is made specifically flattering for Women only for the most part.

Although this has been slowly changing, in fact, Men have more advantages now to get much more Refined, Flattering, and Unique clothing styles than I have ever seen in a long time. The options are out there, but you usually have to shop online in most cases, as you will not find exotic clothing in regular retail stores, except for specialty shops.

If you are looking to attract a female, think about it. You are the "Man", and a Man cannot be bothered or distracted with trying to pursue a female.

Men are typically busy with their own line of work or craft in general, and irrespective of the situation, we are also linear thinkers, and we prefer straightforward and direct communication whereas Women mostly do not.

A Man does not have time to be bothered for chasing Women, something which only makes you weaker anyway, but also to be "second guessing" or wondering and pondering over whether a girl likes you or not.

That's what Women do, haven't you heard all the stories of girls when they pick flowers and debate back and forth "He Loves Me!, He Loves Me not!"

That's for girls, not Men. As a Man, you are too important and beneficial to be bothered with such noise, so why not do what is the proper solution!? Advertise your part in what you are "Selling".

And the way you do that is with the correct clothing.

Once you begin to really think and reflect on all this stuff, and especially if you take a look at what choices and selections Women have with clothing, you will really begin to understand more and more what I am talking about when you think deeply.

I believe Men are often too busy to think of these things, because we typically have a lot of things going on, on our plates of life. But that's exactly how this system wants things for us.

They want you to be "shamed", "lowered", "ridiculed" and to be a perfectly functioning, obedient slave, who doesn't know they are a slave, so that you embrace your slavery and believe yet that you need to work even harder!

Do your part by rejecting the Modern World Order, and stop wearing these Suits & Ties, and other ridiculous clothing choices that do not help you attract the opposite sex.

Let your clothing "do the talking for you" for you when it comes to Women, and then you can forget all the Pick-up Artist nonsense about having game or swag, or approaching females, and all that.

Men need to recognize this truth.

Think about how bad you have it. Men are shamed for wearing certain "fabric materials" which have been relegated nearly ALL for Women nowadays, because a Man is shamed, or not taken seriously, or thought to be "gay".

Yet, Professional Men are expected to Wear "Ties". An invention of the French. A device to remind you that you are a "Slave" with a noose around your neck, While Women go to work in professional positions and rarely need to wear a tie. Think about it! You are being played for a fool, Men!

Not only are many Modern Professionals expected to wear ties, but also the lanyard badges with the ID's, two very quintessential articles to demonstrate that they are both a Slave, and owned property by their Corporate Masters.

In a lot of companies, these Lanyard Badges which also can just have clips that attach to the Slave's clothing, often have RFID or biometric chips inside, which control you even more in your ability to access the company, and you can be "locked out" at any time if they deem necessary and don't even have to bother to ask you to surrender your keys.

They can also redistribute access privileges within a building on a whim. In the future NWO, this will be expanded greatly, but also as these devices get implanted into people.

Real Men do not wear sneakers. Look at all the Women around you in society, what they are wearing, are Boots, often even Knee-high or Thigh-high boots, representing their power and domination in society.

Sneakers are for children and are far too casual for Powerful and Masculine Men.

When you think of how much Men have given up, all from being shamed or weakened, it is absolutely disgusting, between Head and Facial Hair, to Clothing, Boots, Fabrics, and all kinds of other things, all because a Man is expected to become a "conformist" to what Society wants and demands.

This is the best time in history, in fact, not only to start regaining and wearing clothing that has long existed and been worn by Men for Many centuries, even in Medieval Europe, but it is slowly becoming more accepted and encouraged, which is probably one of the "few" positive developments that is occurring at this time in the world.

Start somewhere, try it out.

You are living in a world as a slave with the Boss Babe (Boss Bitches) who are ruling over you. The best thing to do is not try to work on yourself and become more successful, but instead to compete with the Boss Babe and beat her to her own appearance.

I am the worst nightmare and competition in my area for the Boss Bitches, and what's worse, is their own friends will talk about me and take notice to me. It makes them jealous, resentful and intimidated. There is nothing more that a Woman despises than not only having to compete with her own gender but also with the opposite sex!

I have better boots, coats, uniforms and everything compared to what they have, and they hate it.

Women get very insecure and intimidated around a sharply dressed Man who is full of finesse and vigor. But a sharply dressed suit will not do that, it will make you look like a weak clown.

On the other hand, if it's in the cards for a Woman who truly does respect and love a Man and finds herself naturally attracted to him and his style, then the clothing will do its job to the best of its ability based on what you have.

But you see, if you wear name brand clothing and designer clothing that shows wealth or success, Women will not be jealous or intimidated by that because they see Men who dress that way as status symbols and rate his ability to provide or how well off he is on that clothing, but it does not threaten her in any way. They want Men to dress like that because those type of Men can remain slaves, especially Men who wear Gucci or Armani or what have you.

Expensive or Name Brand Clothing does not correlate with making you look sharp or appealing or powerful. If any power is ever associated it's only on the basis of you appearing to have money. Money which can be taken from you or that you don't really have anyway.

A unique uniform completely diverts from all of that nonsense.

Every Day in this life should be seen as an opportunity to promote Resistance and Rebellion to the Modern World, and this one of the simplest tasks that can be done, among the many others we ask for that nobody these days has the gall to even do it, which is why the West is so done for.


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