Most of the Damage To The West had been completed between the period of the 1940's and the 1970's-1980's.

Something many of you will come to understand, if not read about in future years of existence if you are still alive, if you will find yourself astonished and disturbed with how just how far gone the West has been in truth, for a very long time.

1945 really finished off the West entirely, even though by the time of 1918 with the loss of World War I, it ultimately disrupted the course of Europe and made it become terminally ill.

Both World Wars, are German Holy Wars, while these Wars are not Holy Wars to Barbarians, but merely just "World Wars" to the rest of the world, you will understand the nature of what a Holy War really is.

In the future, you will understand more about this as the West ultimately collapses.

But what you must understand is that the combination of destroying the West Politically, Economically and otherwise, and also along with the Kalergi Plan, had largely been fully in place and executed by that time, and it is why I also tell you that the majority of the population loss and "kill-off" for Europeans, not just Germans, but all Western people, took off between the changes that took place after 1945 and by the time of the 1970's.

I mean, just think of it. Even many of the Allied Institutions didn't last that long, they dismantled the Bretton Woods system which entirely changed Banking forever and how Money would function in the Monetary System, which was the agreed upon arrangement after World War II with displacing Germany as a world economy power.

So they only lasted a little over 26 years with that system before it was rendered obsolete and played out its course.

But the thing with the Kalergi Plan is that it was not ONLY about miscegenation to eliminate Europeans, but it was also about ensuring that only the undesirables among Europeans themselves, at best, would procreate, further weeding out desirable genetics from the populations.

This is why today, for example, most people are Narcissists or Psychopaths, and why there are nearly no good people left in the West.

This damage has been done, and is irreversible damage.

The course at best would have only ever rested in the hands of a united force of the Non-NPC's living in these countries, but nothing substantial has amounted with that.

Part of the Policy of NATO as well, as it that it also controls, regulates and punishes any opposition or coup that could take place in a country which is a Member State in its Organization, and this also has been another elemental reason why no meaningful revolts have taken place in Europe aside from the fact that there are very cowardly brainwashed people.

So the thing is, nothing has been great truly to the fullest extent it would otherwise be capable of for a very long time.

If you're a real Historian or Philosopher, you know that the French Revolution was the absolute start of the Decline for the West.

But in terms of anything left salvageable, it really has been nothing less of dealing with patients on their death beds since World War II completed, with its undesired outcome.

Many of you who are alive today will be disgruntled and angered to learn that, you would have never even sported the slightest chance of reversing these conditions because you were born long after they occurred and also while the machinations were long under way to get us where we are today in society.

With so much missing elements in society that really would make or break it to being something superior, it's hard to justify a life being all that worth living when none of those people represent much of anything left in the world today, and where you are being overrun by NPC's.

By the 1970's, Feminism was very well under way and making enormous inroads everywhere in the West.

This may be hard to really comprehend, but the 1970's was a time where Women's Hatred of Men actually began to really become normalized and common. The only difference between then and now, is that you could find a handful of exceptions in the mix, and that they were far less "damaged" than the ones are now today.

Today there absolutely near NO exceptions to be found whatsoever, and their demands have even increased multi-fold.

By the time of the 1980's, NPC replacement of Pure Humans, unbeknownst to the public, began to rapidly replace and outpace the birth of New Pure Humans, and as I have said, by the time of 1995, there are nearly no births of any Non-NPC or Non-Demonic types having been born, however this is true not just for the West, but also the entire world.

The Human Replacement is a worldwide phenomenon, so this also means that people in Russia, China, and also India and elsewhere, are also by and large, mostly NPC's.

Most of mankind has had absolutely no knowledge of this taking place, and would never understand or accept such a notion.


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