Something That Humans Do Not Understand About Why "Things Are Different This Time"

Since most Humans are programmed as I said, to think in patterns and certain sequences, this naturally also gives them tendency to view things, especially "cyclically", and therefore they naturally believe that things will just eventually go back to the way things were once before, and thus they feel something eventually has to "give" or they bank on the idea that eventually some group of Humans, in the case of "Feminism", that Women will somehow awaken to what they've done.

But, I can assure you that this "event" you are hoping for is not going to happen, not only not with the Feminists, but also that there will be no Global Awakening among Mankind, or any sort of scenario play out where eventually Mankind will "get it together", so-to-speak.

There are many reasons for this, but since we Germans are very far ahead in many things we know about that Much of Mankind has been kept in the dark about, you all also have no idea what kind of projects Germany was involved in, along with many other countries in the race against in the 1930's and 1940's, and also how these technologies were then taken and expanded upon a lot with many more that were discovered from that time onward, and just how much these technologies altered the landscape of Mankind's destiny.

You all really have been living in an extremely simulated and entirely rationed, "cookie cutter" life since 1945 that has been carved out for you entirely, with a selection of choices in life that you were given, but yet are programmed to call it as "Free Will".

There are many things that genetically has been altered in the Human Species as well, and these have been preparations made by the World Controllers.

Why do I often call the "World Controllers" as "World Controllers"?

Am I just referencing the Chosenites who wear their little caps on the head, or something more?

The Chosenites are not the only World Controllers, and there are many Non-Human Entities that are in charge of this world that are beings of existence you have absolutely no idea about.

The Chosenites are simply their highest level of order "Foot Soldiers" for carrying out the work of which they do, since they are an element which is composed in a Physical Human Body, but also that they are a "hybridized" as a Species, so they can appear to you as Human even while simultaneously are something else at the same time.

There are also beings that represent everything of the Chosenites but to an even greater and more extreme degree in their nefarious behavior, and it is why that in the presence of a Chosenite, you can sense the evil that radiates off of them, because their DNA has been adjusted with of the NHE's and Human DNA to create, what you know in our reality as a "Chosenite".

There is no such thing as a "Real Chosenite" versus "Fake Chosenites" that are supposedly killing off the "Real Chosenites", as this is simply a whole scam in and of itself being touted by these religions, but most notably coming from the Christians, because Christians believe in the Chosen People Myth to begin.

I am here to tell you that there is no such thing as a "Chosen People", I wouldn't even refer to us German People as a "Chosen People". We are not. Rather, we just a certain Mission.

It is extremely ignorant, and very limiting to believe that Humans are the highest level of order or highest on the food chain on this planet, and I do believe that the day will come when Humans will one way or another learn that the only reason they have that "appearance" is actually not only not from any course of Evolution nor anything "Special" about Humans at least in comparison to animals, but that this actually was decided by those who genetically created Humans.

You should be quite alarmed, for example, that Humans, unlike all other Primates, have 2 fused Chromosomes, so while Humans are a much more advanced species compared to other Primates, which all have a full set of their 48 Chromosomes.

This information should disturb you and prove all the more to you how genetically altered Human Beings are, to fulfill their specific role as well.

Everything the World Controllers have promoted through Educational institutions or Specific so-called "Experts" and "Lecturers to make you believe about your species and its origins are laughable at best, and a sick twisted joke that pretty much would validate your elimination, to believe that your species could be as naive to actually accept.

You all believe you evolved from monkeys and apes, or from people from Africa, that your skin suddenly "changed color".

You all believe that you once used to walk on all "fours" but then "stood up" and that your organs "shifted" along with your teeth and other features changing, and you call this "evolution".

You actually believe in a such thing as "evolution".

Little do many of you know, but that you, or people in your family lineage could very well actually have origins from Lab Experiments. While all of Mankind is part of a grand experiment, there are also isolated experiments where some Humanoids, for example with different types of Immune systems or Features that respond differently to environmental conditions are "genetically altered" and introduced into the population, and then someone breeds with them, and creates more of these "types" in the population, and Corporations, Governments and Militaries around the world monitor these experiments and specimens that exist everywhere, and how their progress or detriment carries on, and also documenting the outcomes of these experiments.

Almost all Soldiers in the Militaries are also under total mind control and also are genetically altered by the time they are out, which is why if you ever know someone who has enlisted in almost any Modern Army, that something seems "different" and "off" about them when they return [if they do return] and it's much more than just some Trauma or PTSD, but that something does not seem quite right, and in fact, very sinister about them.

I believe in these difficult times we are entering, as more and more philosophies and belief systems, especially religious belief systems (which can be even those of your own or another individual, not even just official religions as such), that most of Humans will become very much at odds with themselves and contemplating their existence or function in this world, because of inability to grasp how less and less it makes sense.

You will begin witnessing changes that seem unthinkable and that would otherwise be intolerable compared to how Humans used to live or what they would be willing to accept.

Genetic Changes to the Human Species have been an on-going project, yes, even long before the "C19 lineups".

These Genetic Changes along with the failures of correct specimens breeding, and others who have been deleting themselves from existence, have largely contributed to this fact for example, that there will be no "Worldwide Revolution" against Tyranny as such, and that there will be absolutely no future Human Societies or Cultures.

You may think the notion of Mankind existing where people are just merely vessels doddering around with no actual Societies or Cultures is possible, but that is exactly where things are going.

Most people, as is, are already empty vessels, they are not who you think they are, even many among you in your own families.

If someone today is a Pure Human, and they were born into a family, it is highly probable that at least 80% or more of your family members are NPC's, as it is rare to find many people left now on Earth who are not some form of an NPC, even within the family structures.

Most of the work [damage] has already been done in setting up this New World Order, and you will realize it much sooner than later. The thing is, even without a wire in people to the "machine", people are actually already much more connected to the AI systems well under way for a while already, so all of their thoughts and behaviors are totally controlled and synchronized to the desired manner or outcome.

The amount of Humans who are not under these control spells, are so very few in number now.

Almost all Humans are like "Little Radio Receivers" which have an Antenna that receives programming indoctrination and thought implants, to only respond to these signals and to not respond to anything else in their environment that is not validated by these signals.

And I am not saying this in a metaphorical manner either, because it actually exists in a real form where Electro-Magnetic induction and other types of Wavelength signals can and do produce this in certain breeds of Humanoids, and some with a different purpose.

So it is utterly foolish to believe that for example when they plunge this world system we are under now to introduce their new one, that there will be some lovely "reset" for everything to go back to normal or that things just "run in cycles".

Such a failed species as Humans are, they follow the mantras such as "It's always Darkest Before The Dawn", but this time the Sun will not rise again [metaphorically speaking].

They believe in "Light At The End Of The Tunnel", and in actuality that Light is an oncoming Freight Train!

On and another most cringe worthy one that the New Agers spread, which is some variation of trying to explain or justify someone going through a hardship or dark time that it's all just "preparing" them for what is going to be a HUGE event in their life that is going to be impressive and awesome for them to turn their life around that they won't know what to do with themselves!

Sometimes this nonsense is also sprinkled with tidings of "God having this as a part of the plan for your life because you are someone special, and God is testing you and preparing you for it"...

This is the worst type of Narcissistic and really Sick Bullshit, and yet the NPC's eat it right up!

All of this is the coping nonsense that Humans use, in a religious manner, to keep themselves hopeful and optimistic. So pathetic honestly.

What's worse, is that in a way, I find myself sickly empathizing with how the creators of Humans also view Humans, even though I am not one of them, because the ideas that Humans marvel over, make me cringe and become nauseous every time I hear it come from their lips.

Especially when Humans talk about being "empowered". Who thinks to use this word!? The Fact that Humans ever think to find something "empowering" is a direct admission of Failure from their own species that they are actually very weak and disadvantaged, and so much so, that they need to derive power from somewhere else, especially other people or forces.

We do need most of the population to "go", yes we do, and that is one of the best things that could happen, but the fact is that these moves and preparations are all carefully planned and executed in order to bring about the destiny that the World Controllers want, and it is ironic that so many Humans right now actually think they are "winning" against the World Controllers.

While the World Controllers will destroy themselves in the process eventually of their total end goal, they will not do it without totally bringing the rest of Mankind into the abyss with them, but the way they are doing this is through very clever known and unknown mechanisms, because they were able to convince Humans on so many levels to destroy themselves. So much so, that even if the World Controllers beg them not too, Mankind will insist they must try even harder and demand MORE RIGHTS for Self-destruction.

The majority of the Human Species is utterly disgusting, and that is a fact you will have to contemplate and recognize in the upcoming hard times.

The point is that, you are entering totally unchartered waters in terms of where things are heading and how inevitable they are at this point, and you all sit around like ducks waiting for and not taking it all that seriously. But you certainly shall.

When the economy falls, you will also see just how real that even the most powerful economies in the world can be made to fall, and that it doesn't matter that we live in the 21st century.

What's even better about it, is that they even convinced you all to sabotage your own economies.

Keep on pretending "Good Wishes And Blessings" for the New Year, it's just a sick joke honestly, and anyone who sees a future or keeps peddling as if there will be some sort of great future ahead.

The Ignorance of Human Species is just absolutely unbearable for me, and it's become much much more unbearable the more ignorant and dumb the species is getting lately.


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