To Be Quite Honest, It Is Even Surprising Men Are Still Working & As Competent & Giving As They Are

Most Men have absolutely no idea that they are Slaves, or at least, because their value has been diminished by perspectives and indoctrination granted by Religions and Society at large, they have no understanding about how their life is basically a pile of dog shit, especially in comparison to Women, and this has even been true long before Feminism to some degree or another, since Men put their lives at risk constantly and take on the brunt of labors.

But Men are absolutely foolish too, to not see it. It's not hard to see, if you pay attention, and also notice how you feel from struggle and stress, and also when you recognize how your life passes you by.

The problem is, Men are conditioned to ignore these things and even their own senses, and to believe that they are simply never working hard enough, and that a Man is not a "Real Man" until he is worked to the bone and with broken hips and failing knees and a bad back once he hits his 30's or 40's at latest.

But, to be clear, it's mostly Men NPC's who are perpetuating this behavior, because Pure Human Men would never allow so much dishonor and disrespect to the levels it has been reached today.

I saw it all at an early age, and quite frankly, all you need to do is see how your parents or "father" in this case particularly lives a life of Slavery by working 40 or more hours per week, and how they have no time for themselves, the family or any hobbies, and no energy but at best sit in front of the TV and crack open a beer before going to bed.

No Normal or Healthy Man would suddenly witness their father doing then and then just suddenly agree to follow the same path.

What is most notable about our Modern Era with how children are raised and especially in the process of schooling them, is how rapid their life progresses with all these current distractions and demands or expectations of society that are just tossed onto them and whereby many do not even have the time to give much thought to any of these decisions, including going to college, getting married, or having children.

In fact, the topic of having children, has many many more dark sides to it that you will never even imagine of what I have in store to reveal in upcoming articles, including biological changes in the body after having children, and that these changes are very disheartening and will discourage anyone from having children on any level whatsoever.

It is quite apparent that Secret Societies have always known this information and kept it concealed from the people they rule over, and have a way with ensuring that the topics be seen as "taboo" for discussion, in order that it never even gets discussed within families about what you will experience.

If this information was ever widespread to the public in any Era of history, even in much better and simpler times, and when things were abundant, this knowledge would be enough to entirely discourage whole swaths of the population, Men and Women alike, from never having children.

A very big issue is also that Pure Humans and NPC Humans do not understand one another. NPC's are specifically wired to have an unnatural biological breeding instinct that is basically mechanical in them, whereas a Pure Human may be content with just having sex with someone for pleasure. NPC's only live for their biology and since they can only justify and try to explain away their base level instincts which are on the level of animals, they despise anything or anyone that does not conform to the biological standards or impulses they operate on.

It absolutely irritates me and angers me how they are programmed to behave the way they do, because this programming is what exactly makes them have such a strong desire and inclination to keep breeding and replicating themselves, and becoming a menace for Pure Humans because they are replacing us and creating so many ridiculous numbers of themselves in our place.

They breed and breed and breed, and then they breed some more, then they expect their children to breed and feel "dishonored" if their children do not breed, and any circumstantial situation where their children do not breed, is never looked at or taken into consideration whatsoever.

When you think of these realities, it makes you really question the overall foundations of civilizations altogether, because much of how civilizations were established, at least to the way we know and understand them, were done on forceful grounds of indoctrinating the public to agree to a set of rules, or the Law of the Land, to be a part of society, and this meant agreeing to their form of an arrangement without question. And this is why civilizations are erected in decades, rather than centuries or thousands of years as it would actually take on a natural course.

Even families have basically operated in secret, whether segregating conversation of Women between Women and Men between Men or certain factions of the family, they have kept certain inner knowledge to themselves, so as to not disrupt family relations, and to put on an act and oversell things a lot better than what they really are, and far removed from the reality.

Parents will never inform their children of such particular things, for example the fact that Men are never told by their fathers that you will almost never have Sex with a Woman anywhere near as much, if ever after having the first child, and that there are both emotional and biological reasons for this of changes that occur in the female, and which have nothing to do with you being seen suddenly as less attractive or anything like that.

Over time, I have also come to realize as well why Married people almost never want to arbitrarily engage or maintain friendships with Unmarried people, especially Unmarried Men, because a lot of Marriages and Families are based on perpetuating certain lies, and they know that a Single Man or Person may potentially say something deemed inappropriate or reveal a certain inconvenient truth.

For example, parents even have no qualms about teaching their children that Santa Claus is real and comes to visit them every Christmas with gifts. As a Single Man, you may be inclined to slip out that "Santa isn't real" to these children, crushing their hopes, and you will receive scorn or a certain look or "corrective" statement from the parent trying to deny that you meant what you said and to continue to convince them that Santa is real!

Parents love to uphold these lies.

A Single person, may also be more likely to use curse language around children, not having any of their own and not feeling restrained, and this is another thing you will notice if you spend time around a lot of Married people if you happen to use any type of curse language, even mild curses around them, and this is another reason they prefer to not have Single people around them but only other Married people who relate to them on the basis of the reality of having children around them.

The Negatives of having children ABSOLUTELY outweigh the Positives, pretty much on a literal 99 to 1 basis. Which means that, say if you are to desire to build a Nation or to keep it propagating, you would absolutely need that 1 base reason to be ABSOLUTELY overwhelming in its promise and prestige to get them to deal with all the consequences and sacrifice that results in having the children, and these are things that no amount of Wealth, Health or Will can even change or overpower.

Many parents will never explain their true horror of what it was in raising their children, even in the better stocks of them who may love their children, but that is still very rare. Much of what people think is a parent expressing love or claiming to love their child, or their child becoming the "best thing that ever happened to them" is actually just an act and a lie. A lot of this is feel-good behavior to justify their choice, because these are usually words uttered from people who have a sketchy or empty past, and they decided to have a child to fill this empty void in themselves or to feel better about themselves, which naturally means they will live vicariously through the child and that child's accomplishments, and also that they may tend to become abusive towards the child if the child does not live up to the parental expectations.

What research our Society has conducted into this matter, has shown that the overwhelming families that are formed in our modern times, are by parents who think in these malevolent ways with Narcissistic and Selfish intentions behind the reasoning they chose to have their children, and it is primarily the reason why we live in a world where Quality in Human Beings is in such short supply, and that there is such an abundance of worthless assholes who are nothings.

These are some very dark things that most parents will never reveal, because they know it would bring such disappointment to either their spouse or even children or other family members and the society would probably look down upon them. But it does not bode well of course, for the Human Species, because it also explains all the much more that the Human Species is nothing more than an Experiment.

Nevertheless, there are Souled Beings that exist in many Human Bodies, and it is my belief that the Souled Beings would be absolutely disturbed and unable to contemplate or cope with these things, whereas the NPC's pretty much just tolerate and accept it all as just a "fact of life", and it is no mistake why these Secret Societies want NPC's to replace and weed out Humans, because they cannot have thinking populations, and NPC's are less willing to question or challenge anything, and will even work under more slavery-like conditions.

Humans with souls are much more emotional and volatile than NPC's. A Pure Human might not be able to go to work due to an emotional tragedy in their life, whereas an NPC is perfectly capable of functioning.

Men are told nothing but lies in this world about everything. Everything is oversold to him, on the basis that he will be a "take charge" Slave workhorse who will agree to work extra hard, and then work some more, but who will also be willing to Marry a useless drone of a Wife, an NPC who will just serve as a breeding machine, basically to continue pumping out Soldiers and Worker Slaves for the State, without any further ambition or interest.

Also, your parents who claim to you that they want you to have children so badly to "make them happy and proud" are also selling you a lie in most cases, and that there reasoning for this have nothing to do with any altruistic reasoning or desires, but that they instead are to fulfill Narcissistic desires and Financial Incentives.

Most parents will never admit that they have children to fulfill society expectations rather than an innate understanding or choice to have the children, and that the children are seen as a commodity and seen as Life Insurance only, for the most part.

One of the key caveats of getting Men willing to work so hard and even destroying their health and lives in the process, whereas Women are usually not willing to do the same, has mostly to do with the fact that Men are shamed and ridiculed about Masculinity from the wrong perspective at an early age and made to seem that they have no value if they do not produce, and understand nothing but a world of deprivation, unlike Women.

Most Men are completely blind to the Female Experience, in how it contrasts to his, because if he truly understood the difference, he would immediately resign from his job, and this remains as much true before Feminism and when Women were Housewives, and just as true today with Women now working and being involved in everything they are.

The other reason Men have largely been apt not to question the status quo about overworking, is also because of how fast life development and distractions caught them in the mix of it all, with the need to build up starter wealth to start there lives somehow, which may even begin as taking on summer jobs as a student or working as an apprentice.

But here we are in this year now, and Men in the West, are rapidly leaving the workforce in droves, and rightfully so.

The thing is, Men may think they can go without complaining or chalking up pain, misery and abuse in life, but this has only resulted in Alcoholism or other Escapes and unhealthy Habits that Men have engaged in, and it usually ends up ruining their health and they live shorter, miserable lives.

Men feel guilty about having recreation, because it has been shamed the hell out of them.

A Man in these days, should feel absolutely hatred towards his society and with nothing but ill intent and malice towards his bogus and fake malicious co-workers who are inevitably backstabbing him, along with his boss, and most of society around him, especially the Feminists who also despise him.

Truthfully it is so amazing that Men are even still largely compelled to work as much as they do, seeing with how much it makes no logical sense to work much, in fact, almost not to work at all these days! Given how much the fact that Women get everything for free and live an easy life and can sell their bodies on OnlyFans and other websites and makes thousands.

You are just insane and less of a Man to be willing to even work for $25 per hour. Even $50 per hour is junk in these times, for a US Salary anyway. That money is nothing, it wouldn't even be enough to feed the birds.

But the fact is that there still are Many Men leaving the workforce, and I believe many more who will leave when they realize just how much more senseless this life and working hard really is, only to support people who hate you and will punish you, and inevitably I'm pretty sure it will resort to Men resorting to any other kind of measure or risk to make ends meet and feed themselves, and who can blame them!?

The toxicity of society, especially in the West is absolutely unbearable, and you'd just have to be a total asshat not to see it, even if you are retired and not that active in the outside world, it's something you really cannot go without noticing, just like the C19 agenda.

I have no sympathy for the Women who are now being forced to take up Men's positions and view this as a positive development, because its a sign that the chickens are coming home to roost.

I think Women should be put in harm's way and allowed to do dangerous jobs, and learn what it feels like for a Man to encounter some of the most unfavorable situations on the job, especially situations where you are put under pressure by both sides, by your Employer, and also by a Client or Customer, especially when you might have a dogshit situation like some old infrastructure or an infestation or other really nasty problem you have to deal with that is unexpected, and which has no easy answer, but as the employee, you are expected to have the perfect solution and to get it done with an expected deadline.

These are very tough situations for Men, and they are More stressful than ever, especially in Construction Fields for example, and I see these Men every day sacrificing their health and fitness and everything for the sake of fulfilling these demands.

At the same time, Women have no sympathy for it or anything Men go through, so I say, let these Women have these jobs, and it's time that more and more Men should retire and start enjoying their lives, or seek out a "Lazy Life" where you work no more than 20 hours per week at something you love, and have the power to take on the jobs you want, when you want.

Governments and Society, especially Women, wholly underestimate how burnt out, tired, and also the cumulative effect of being overworked and abused by society has taken a toll for many years, and that this is not just some sudden "phenomenon" that occurred in some recent year or so, but has been an on-going effect and whereby most Men alive today have little to show for all their hard work.

Even if Men disagree to do this, sooner or later they will be forced to exist the workforce anyway and to also segregate themselves even further from Women for a whole host of reasons, even if they do not understand those reasons.

Just remember that every Full-Time Male Worker that you see today employed in any Western country especially, but maybe other countries too, is likely there out of more desperation than anything and because it's been programmed into him that he needs to work that hard, because there is no way without him being drilled at from a young age towards his insecurities or uncertainties, especially in a climate like we have today, that he would be working with such high morale, enthusiasm and lengthy hours.


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