What Proves You Are One Of Us, Versus Not One Of Us, Even If You Are Not A Prussian!?

No other Race on Earth except us Germans are as forward and frank about Matters in Life, down to the most intimate or trivial matters, and we even speak about the elimination of others as if it were just simply about choosing the next meal, or what we'd like to listen to for today's music.

For Barbarians, this is a "big deal" and they will at least present an element of finding it humorous, if not utterly outright horrifying and scary in our approach to such matters of life and death.

For us Germans, every single activity that we do, no matter how miniscule or grand, is always done with some sort of methodology applied, with numerous other facets that are put into consideration behind it, even if it means how and when we should shower for today or how something ought to be put together or made best use of.

Barbarians despise this about us, but the French and Russians historically have largely tried to take opportunistic measures to emulate our measures in this regard.

We recognize that the majority of the Human Species does not view the world the way we do, they do not share our values, and they do not possess a type of Hatred on the Level we do.

We appear as a cold, distant, callous and very stiff race of people who are unrelenting, and while this is true, we have very good reason for it.

German Morals and Sciences are superior to any other culture in the world, thousands of times over and thousands of years ahead, but our Vengeance and Love for Retributions is even stronger.

German Emotions are also much more complex than that of Barbarians, nevertheless, we do recognize a deficit that is taking place among the German populations today as many of our people have become relegated to "Robot Zombies".

When a German Hates, we hate with all of our soul, down to every single nerve and fiber of our being, to the core of our bones.

When a German Hates, our Hatred becomes multi-faced and takes on various dimensions of its own formation.

When other Races have Hatred, it is like a One-Dimensional Hatred, if even pervasive, it just goes in the one direction but constant.

People who hold grudges, tend to be more emotional and yet serious people.

I don't trust anyone who doesn't hold grudges, they are worthless trash.

There is much more in this world to Hate about it, including its people, than there is to Love about it and its people.

No other race on Earth such as the Germans have gone to the extents we have gone to research, understand and also express understanding about the Human Species and meaning for existence, in which there actually is not one on this earth, and that most people are essentially, not good people.

We are a type of people, that we if we cannot have the way things should be, we would prefer to see it all destroyed and brought to utter ruin in the most fanatical show of horror and flames.

Most of the people in the world are doddering fools, but a German Man does not bother himself with trying to seek to appease some God, because he knows himself to be a God.

The Barbarians of this world prefer to confide and comforts themselves to a delusional notion that they believe "most people are generally good".

The reason that Barbarian Races are so sheepish, hesitant, clumsy and dainty in comparison to the German approach to anything in life, is because by nature, most people approach this world with uncertainty and cowardice in their actions, and this is by and large a product of most Races on Earth, even in their better days of having stronger integrities.

Make no mistake about it, even fellow Nordic peoples of ours, are also extremely hesitant and very sluggish, behind the times, lost in the past and are not on their guard.

This Current World is undeserving of a future, because it essentially hates itself, thus it is committed to utter self-destruction while parading a circus freak show to make it seem like it is prospering and evolving while it brings itself down in the most torturous form of self-humiliation and shame.

The Emotions, Sentiments and Feelings, The Very Essence that drives within the spirit blood of Barbarians is completely second-grade or less, compared to Germans, and whereas no other Races on Earth has proven the type of rich vigor and character that Germans have, except for the Romans and the Greeks who came before them.

Other peoples from time to time may have some remarkable eras and figures, but none of them are as ever prominent or earth-shattering as to what has come from German Culture and Influences.

The people on this earth who despise us, cannot deny this fact about us, and at least we can say that as the world falls into total chaos and the Human Species destroys itself, the discussion of this topic cannot be addressed without understanding or acknowledging the Fate and Destruction committed towards Germany that had a role in it, including both World Wars, which were elemental wars in finalizing the fate for Humankind overall, because these Wars were decisive in permanently altering the landscape of Economy, Politics, Spiritual Paths, Philosophies and also what would create the general New Foundation "Neuordnung" for Most World's People, irrespective of the Land, Culture or Language that they grew up for.

Most people after the War, had been lied to and indoctrinated to believe we ourselves were setting up the Illuminati's "New World Order", but now they are faced with the true horror and misery of what they helped prevent Germany in trying to stop.

Essentially, the world owes us Germans condolences, but of course we will never see them or truly be appreciated for it, instead the world prefers this destructive path, and it is evident on every level of Society, from the Highest levels of leadership in countries, down to the most simpleton types in every country.

As a German, I realized very on in life that almost all people in this world, especially those who are not German, do not truly believe anything the way I do, they will just pretend to agree, but it's not just to me, they do this with everyone else and anything else, because it's how they get through life and this is why they prefer to acquiesce to the Institutions and Leaders who are in power today, no matter how much it may be to their detriment.

When we show the world the truth, when we show the path ahead of what true freedom looks like, when we show what it feels like to have honor and refinement in thought and feeling, all of this looks like slavery, horror, a frightening and disturbing worldview and reality to ever think of living or conducting themselves the way we do and envisioning a world such as we do.

Even from my earliest days in my youth, I cannot tell you how many times I have encountered Barbarians, who, while they had saw my point in anything, they expressed that they would absolutely not be able to live with themselves or even still function if they were totally accept or not have some sort of "external hope" out of these truths to keep them motivated, and expressed how much it would just depress them and want them to end their lives and want to give up everything in this life.

That always has stood out to me in a stark manner to demonstrate just how very much most Humans rely nearly exclusively on programming and delusional beliefs that govern and regulate what they are willing to do, and to take on what type of abuses and nonsense they will cope with just to get by in life, for the fact that they do not want to embrace any bitter truth about this reality, nevermind about themselves.

For me as a German, when I interact with Barbarians, I view them as if they are like a "Book" with pages that have been random torn out of them and are completely missing.

There is always missing fragments of something in them. They could have everything else all together, but are really a "failure" in something elemental to be truly remarkable.

Most Barbarians only think and process information in patterns and sequences.

Nevertheless, we should not pretend today that the richness and complexities of what has been ubiquitously a part of German Thought, Emotion, Passion and Character are still largely prevalent in our population as they were from the times of the 1800's and Earlier, because the fact that this has been eroding from Germany is even evident in the fact that we are no longer a land of Poets and Philosophers as we once were, having weathered massive destruction to our people, and being left with nothing but left-over mongrelized scrap-heaps who are destroying us and lay on our souls like large piles of dung.

This is our great tragedy and our great curse in this existence, for a Nation of People that has made Three Massive attempts to assert itself on the world like no other.

I am utterly proud of the fact that Germany remains the answer and key to Europe's Fate, because if Europe becomes an Entire Graveyard of its own, it will be one graveyard that has a Tombstone with the Iron Cross Insignia upon it, and in the End of its Last Chapter.


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