2024 Will Not Be The Year Of The Boss Bitches

Tis the season of Lovely Layoffs :v

The Boss Bitch Lifestyle is slowly coming to a close... Enjoy their tears, as I sure have been!











This also should give you an insight as to what type of people most Millenials and Gen Z are, especially the ones who are part of the "Modern Workforce". The way they talk, their mannerisms, how they really live behind the scenes, all of it is so "fluffy" and lacking of substance like people once had in the early 1900's. Watch and Listen to how ugly their personalities and voices are. Nothing feminine or sweet about them. Super Aggressive. This is the reality of how the "Boss Babes" look while they are at work.

Unshowered Pajama wearing bums with their little doggies "at work". If that's what you call it...

Make no mistake, these so-called "Jobs" like a "Production Manager" or "Wedding Planners" or "Program / Event Coordinators" and "Team Supervisors" or what have you, are simply bogus jobs that a lot of these Women are employed under. They require no skill, and yet even if while many of them may "Work From Home" a lot, they are required to learn and use all these ridiculous Online Social Media Apps, such as "Teams", "Zoom" and what have you, to have useless virtual appointments with others.

A lot of these so-called "Tech" Employees, are also agents who work on YouTube, Facebook or what have you and play a role in Censoring Comments, especially anything that exposes the Little Hat Wearing Tribe along with anything that criticizes Women, etc. Look at the faces and personalities of these creatures who are the ones doing that work, and shutting down people's accounts.

In what I do for my own line of work, during the begin of the "COVID Era", I had numerous clients try to get me on these various "platforms" for various online meetings, and I refused all of them except for one because it was a particular situation and contract I was stuck in, and I cannot be bothered with learning each and every new app with enabling microphones, video and coordinating this nonsense with other "team members" of some organization. As soon as our contract was over, I took the app off my system immediately. It's unbelievable how many people have acquiesced to using these technologies, and multiple platforms.

You either call me directly or we get on a conference call, or I am not having any of this nonsense. You want something bad enough, you should know how to use a Telephone like a Normal Human Being.

Even just the fact that these girls have Time, Patience and Energy to use TikTok and what not. I only signed up through TikTok to be able to fully view videos, along with several other platforms which I do not even hardly use, and I can barely find my way or manage patience to use these platforms, yet the younger generations live off of these things 24/7!

Only a Full-on Media Junkie who is full of themselves and with anti-social tendencies could be bothered with all these new social media platforms, and I find the functionality of them, buttons, menus and lack of intuitive aspects to make these platforms seem very finicky and temperamental. I assure you, no normal and healthy person could possibly function on these apps and websites all day!

What's worse than actual Slave work is actual meaningless, non-productive "make-work" to be Slave work, since only some useless tool would have the time or patience to entertain that kind of stuff.

Imagine dedicating your entire energy, learning curve and focus in life towards all of these useless apps, along with the demand of your company which will always be changing in the future, and some day will "die out" anyway. Useless years of learning Useless Information without any skill.

But that is what Women do nowadays, and they call themselves the "Boss Bitches" and they are the same Women who go around insisting that Men need to have at least a 6 Figure Income and a whole host of other ridiculous requirements, all based around Money and Materialism.

As I've also stated too, Most Jobs these days are nothing involving production work, but are merely to fill "redundancies" in the system, such as meeting quotas or target "goals" or a certain amount of sales.

Now do not mistake what I am saying here. The numbers do matter when it comes to sales to one extent or another, a company needs to obviously derive a profit. But the fact that a "job" is artificially made in a company where someone's responsibility is based on the contingency of sale quotas specifically, and does not actually build something or have some sort of connection and true role at the company whereas the sales would be a portion of it, goes to show how bogus these "redundancy" jobs are.

Over 70% of the jobs in the world, are based on fulfilling Redundancy Measures, but the GLUT of these jobs and the most abuses are without a doubt the ones in the United States and China, since they are the biggest contenders and market players between Products and Services, with ratrace economies based upon sales and markets.

Europe is of course a big player too, but Europe does focus a little bit more on quality and family connections in companies than America does, however redundancy does exist there in some form or another.

Basically, working a job for the sake of redundancy is useless and pointless, and it's the worst kind of slavery.

For example, people even in Real Estate or who sell Cars, need to reach certain "targets", and their Slavemasters never want to hear bad news, even if there is a reality of people not having money to spend. In the minds of the Slavemaster, "That does not exist, WORK THE SLAVE HARDER!"

The Slavemaster couldn't care less what kind of Health or Working conditions that the Slave exists under, since most Slavemasters (usually CEO's) depend upon being completely blind and detached from the lower level operations of their company, simply focusing on Sales Numbers and Investor Portfolios.

Everything else to them is considered "water under the bridge", so-to-speak.

This is how most companies are run, especially in the United States, far more so. In Europe at least, workers do have more rights and protections to a much greater extent but it is possible that has worsened lately.

Even a Police Officer is just in his position as well, to fulfill redundancies, because he must meet a "Target Quota" for his department each and every month, and he can be let go if he does not meet a certain number of issuance of speeding tickets or arrests. But it matters not if the police officer actually helped to remove "dangerous criminals" off the street, and this would never be weighed in on his job to protect the public, so he would not be considered praiseworthy at the Police Department.

A Police Officer is an extremely great example of a True Redundancy Job, because for each month here in the United States, if he does not give out enough Traffic Tickets, he will begin to scout for "Piddly Diddly" things to ticket someone for, such as a loose headlight or something completely worthless, that he didn't ticket for in the earlier part of the month, all so he can meet his monthly "quota" so he will not get fired from his job. While they may not get fired right away, rookie cops most certainly will, but the Older ones with seniority, unless they rank high in the Freemasons, will lose their job relatively soon maybe after a few written warnings from not fulfilling their "duty" expectations by meeting the quota. The Police Department couldn't care less about how well the Officer may have benefited Public Safety or other Benefits by any of his service, because Policing in the US, is run like a business enterprise.

Hell, even if you work as a Production Worker, you still also work as a slave to fulfill Redundancies, whether in China or Pakistan, they are mandated to make cheaper quality clothing to fulfill the obligations of "overconsumption" by which Globalization is modeled upon.

For every Shirt or Pants let's say that they manufacture, they might manufacture 100 or 1000 times more than they would otherwise ever need to manufacture if it wasn't for a combination of Poor Quality Sweatshop clothing and the fact that the Fashion Industry will obsess on people needing to constantly buy.

Expect to see some very VERY Angry Wenches this year!


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