A Forced Existence

It is considered culturally inappropriate and absolutely negative or outrageous to actually question this Existence for what it really is.

Even the way that Humankind had "Tamed the Wild", so to speak, even seemingly above all other animals, is actually another fairytale or more of a "forced condition" than something that is actually naturally ordained.

Mankind never actually conquered the Wilderness, but the creators of Mankind so engineered the Human Species and exalted it above others in a way to make it seemingly appear that way.

I want to make it clear that I am not against Civilization as such, at least the understanding of what a Civilization should be and not the Secret Societies that run what we know today as "Civilizations", but my belief is that a Civilization should cease to exist if it cannot meet every guideline we deem necessary for a Civilization, and would function MUCH better as a Village Community, such as the Amish people do.

As a Prussian, we are typically an "All or Nothing" type of people, and this even were true about the notion of securing the German Reich, because either Germany could become a Great Nation under the Reich and that this would be the highest of ambitions to have, or we are better off to not even exist whatsoever.

Every country on Earth, is ruled by a Secret Society, whether it is known about to the public or not, and as such, a Nation cannot exist without these Secret Societies. Some are ruled directly, but others may be ruled by proxy methods, but it's still all the same one way or another.

Without a Secret Society, a True Nation cannot be born or officially accepted / acknowledged among the Rest of Nations that exist.

These Secret Societies, have largely kept intact, everything Esoteric and Sacred, of all kinds of Knowledge which are essential for peoples to learn and know, especially as it relates to their role in this world or even their culture, but the problem is that it also shines a light on some very dark truths about our existence and also the creation of Human Beings, and that is why much of this information is concealed.

The Fact that even the Climate, especially Cold Climate, is unlivable for a Human who is not Clothed and Sheltered, especially like many animals.

Part of the Major Programming and Conditioning Campaigns in getting the Human Race to "cooperate", has largely been to use Reverse Programming Methods to get them to always see a "Negative" as a "Positive", or to even see Possibilities where Nothing Exists, or to view Challenge itself as "Possibility" and "Opportunity", even though these things actually have a directly negative correlation with Universal Forces, perpetually working against you.

Some of this programming is already encoded genetically into the framework of the Human Genetics and DNA to begin with, which is not actually "learned", but such programming makes Humans respond in the way they do from such things such as Fear, Guilt, or Insecurity and so forth, and by this means, the Alien controllers are able to perpetually control and manipulate Mankind.

All programming that is not genetic, is then influenced by either Environment, Education, Social or Media Influences as one grows up.

Even so-called "gravity", for starters, is an example of something very detrimental and burdensome to our existence.

But this programming has also led Humans to being willing to accept and acquiesce, more or less, to the conditions they grow up around without challenging or questioning them further.

Without this programming, it is doubtful that the Experiment of Human Beings, once seeded, would have ever successfully really taken off and propagated itself and engaged in nearly every other effort it does today, and this should tell you just how weak in truth, that our Species is.

Want to grow crops in the field!? You have Insects and other Animals who will also ruin your crops. Storms can desecrate your growing seasons and harvests, and you have a very limited time window to grow them depending on the climate, and they take ridiculous work and effort for such little nutrition and outcome, and you have to rotate your crops.

When it snows, Humans are pretty much "Totally Disabled" and would not be able to do anything if it were not for existence of Technologies to Build Houses and Vehicular Equipment to make Human Logistics and Travel possible in the midst of snow.

You may not know this, but even the most primitive form of Humans would never be able to build a Wooden buggy or most weapons. At best, Humans in their most primitive state could maybe build Mud huts, but it all ends there. Humans are in total denial about the amount of assistance that were given to them to even begin building things like the Wheel, which completely revolutionized their understanding to build a civilization and improve their living qualities.

Do you have ANY idea how impossible it would be for a Human to build a Wheel with his own hands and without any Machines? It's ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE.

It would require INSANE levels of Hand Labor and at best a Human could only build a wheel based on finding an ideal shape of a piece of Wood that he would grind arduously against a stone to form it accordingly, and at best, it would still be a very jagged and impractical creation.

He would have lost all his daily sustenance and be on the prowl for more food for even just creating one 12" Wheel made of wood.

Humankind's only other options really are to utilize Air, Wind or Fire to shape and form things to his will. Outside of this, there is not Much that Humans ever could make own their own without "help".

I understand this is an uncomfortable topic to think about, but Humans largely underestimate and are ignorant to the fact that almost all innovations and inventions that ever came about in history, all were made from "MACHINES" that you DO NOT KNOW ABOUT and which were kept hidden from the Human Eyes, that helped build Machines.

Even the Pyramids that exist, could have never been built by Human Hands.

Almost everything you have come to know or use today part of our civilization, are not Natively built alone or exclusively from Human handiwork, but had come from extraterrestrial Forces.

Since Humans are a largely ignorant species, they do not often take into consideration the Massive Machines that help build Much of the Machines, including Weapons, Tools or even Primitive Transport Devices that were used historically, even many many centuries ago.

In fact, Humans would not even be able to meet the personal energy needs of food consumption to labor in such tasking and detrimental types of labor that would be required to make such things, were it not for the assistance of technology, even primitive forms of technology.

Want to pave a road or driveway? Eventually the Elements and Nature itself will win over and break down the asphalt or cement, and also consume it back into the Earth.

Want to build a Skyscraper? The Skyscraper will diminish Sunlight, and Birds will crash into the Windows confusing the image of their reflection as another bird and try to attack or sometimes not seeing the Windows altogether.

The fact that we have to depend on life itself, all life forms for the most part, by consuming life from others, but whereas you cannot get the same nutrition from Plant food, and whereby the Plant food will also make you sick, should make you largely question this existence and as if there could never be a better form of one?

I am not saying you have a choice here, because clearly you do not. We have to meat and we need to build shelters and dwellings and cultivate resources, but what I am stating is that the processes behind all these end up having a negative and detrimental effect because of the limitations and restrictions that exist here.

Even more bizarre, is that the Human Species is so indoctrinated as to constantly believe in this notion of "Abundance" when truly nothing is Abundant here.

The Earth is more like a petri dish for experimentation, actually, than a true life force.

Most Nature-based religions or philosophies which hold a very lofty idea about our Universe, are completely whitewashed to not make you see the real reality for their existence.

Also, what is absolutely of note for our Species, is that if Women were born into a World where no such Notion of a Man being a so-called dedicated "Provider" or "Protector", Women would never adhere to such an idea, and the concept would even seem alien to them, even to NPC's, as the Women would have to exercise the part of their brain that is responsible for critical thinking and be forced to actually learn to deal with consequences and reality.

From a very young age, all Women across the world are trained and conditioning by their Mothers and Society that Men are providers and protectors, and that they were put here on Earth to somehow "do this" and that they need not worry about anything.

For example, the real reason why Men Provide so much and Fight ridiculously for Women, actually is really simple, and it only really comes down to a feeling of "Guilt". Men do what they do, based on the feeling of guilt and insecurity, since the notion of making Men seem strong but not always beautiful but where the Woman is given a child-like beauty and an appearance of being fragile, Men are artificially conditioned to believe that they "owe" something to have part in enjoying the Female. But it's just programming by reinforcing this guilt.

Were it not for this essence of "guilt", Men would have long thrown in the towel of ever doing what they do for Women and developing stark indifference towards them aside from what Women are willing to do to make a Man's life happier or more fulfilling.

A Man, for example, would not feel "compelled" to Impress a Woman or pay for her on a date and pay her bills and so forth. Only Insecure Men feel the need to do all that.

The fact that we need to perpetually consume food for energy and sustenance, and then expel it from the body, is also another detriment to this life, and it actually stems from the fact that we live under a Closed Energy System, which brings about Entropy. This law is specific to this Universe, but not the Creation that exists outside of our Universe.

In an existence where Entropy does not exist, you never need to consume age, things do not age or decay, and in fact you could have a True Evolution.

The fact that reproduction is directly tied into Sex, is also one of the biggest evils of this existence, and whereby through insane levels of conditioning, people believe the fact that Sex creates Life is actually beautiful, when this couldn't be further from the truth. It is actually a negative quality.

Sex is one of the highest bonding experiences there is that exists, and because our Biology is connected to it and has its own will to promote reproduction, this inevitably means that more unwanted births will come as a result, especially if not intended.

For example, if giving births or adjusting the "birth rate" were something as able to be controlled to the extent of like a "switch" to decide when one would want to give birth, do you ever think overpopulation or meeting the challenges of population needs would ever become a problem on this Earth?

But people, largely don't think about it his way. Reproduction is a curse, not a gift or beautiful thing as many people may wish it to be, and there are higher Intelligence Forces that programmed it into every being, not "God".

Another thing that the Anunnaki know very well about their "Human Creation", which most Humans even to this day will also reluctantly ever be willing to accept, is that if it were not for Technologies, Sciences, and other abilities provided by them or even other ruling forces on Earth, there is absolutely no way the Human Species which had become "seeded" would ever be able to successfully create Colonies, unlike how other animals naturally have such abilities on their own, and without the necessity of Alien Life.

This is because of specific limits and restrictions evident in our species and even our own physiology unlike these other animals, even though lower animals have a much more primitive and narrow existence.

Even much of the Technologies that Humans use today, along with Infrastructure, could never be made or invented with Human Hands, and even made with metals that are actually not Native to Planet Earth.

They were brought here by other Life Forms.

If living in this world could ever be designated as fair and meaningful, one should be able to maintain their physical and mental faculties throughout their entire life without any decline or impairment.

Even if food would be a requirement for survival, even a remarkably better existence would be one where it could be obtained easily without risks and punishment. Plants punish you for eating them by making you sick, and of course any animal will try to attack you or flee to present difficulty in capturing it for consumption.

Humans have been conditioned to view challenges and struggle in a positive light, and to determine value and reward from these systems, even though challenge and struggle actually have a Metaphysically negative quality for Humans and any Life Form, since they impose stress, waste time and energy, will age and stress you out and wear you out.

This obviously goes to show you how much this existence does not make any real sense at all, and you have to be clinically insane to think it's somehow positive or meaningful in any way, because the only reason that holds true if at all, is because this is the only form of existence or understanding you grew up in to see. But a thinking mind would question all of it.

The fact that nothing exists here in a state of permanence either, also means that nothing in this universe can have any real true or actual meaning other than what one wishes to attribute to it himself, but such notions are merely subjective in nature, only.

Humans are a Slave Species, in the most literal sense of the term, and the Earliest Human Forms were actually Direct Literal Slaves for their Alien Overlords, who forced them largely to work in mining capacities because these Overlords got sick of doing the mining themselves, in particular mining for Gold, Copper and Iron along with other substances.

But there are many other reasons they have been using Humans for as well, as I've said, which include for the Loosh feeding, plus they have created a symbiotic relationship to exist alongside Humans, which they do not want most Humans to ever come to know about.

You have to be really dead asleep to not see how the Human Species are just Slaves, and with a pathetic attempt to employ endless "Coping Mechanisms" or "Strategies" to try to accept and spin a positive light on all kinds of things in this world, which are actually negative or actually disgusting and not beautiful and positive.

You even have religions in this world which put a positive spin on "Reincarnation", even though Reincarnation is part of the evil system.

Religions largely exist to brainwash people and cultures into believing there is some sort of Divine Purpose here, and to conceal the Extraterrestrial connections to all activities or events which happen on earth so that Humans are perpetually kept in a diminished state of mind and never question anything.


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