An Excellent Video Explanation About NPC's / Organic Portals

This is an Excellent Explanation about Organic Portals, and what I do like about some of her videos is she uses perfect cadence and illustration of frustration and dramatization to show the seriousness of the problem with Organic Portals, and just how much they are rapidly taking over.

She is really really good with her understanding and content. I really like a lot of her explanations, because they are extremely thorough and very easy for someone who may be new to this subject to understand, in a way much more so than other content I see given about this subject typically, because a lot of it can be overly contaminated either with New Age beliefs, or even have twisted or distorted agendas many times, that are not always apparent at first.

I actually prefer her own explanations, in some cases, about things I have difficulty or frustration sometimes in wording in my own way.

In the future, there will be so much Evil that further engulfs this planet, and yet no matter how extreme and normalized it becomes, you will see that "nothing" ever changes about it, and nobody resists it, and this is exactly because of the prominence of Organic Portals in our world.

Organic Portals are perpetually changing the Landscape of our reality, through multiple measures, but particularly from what they Harvest from the Human Energies and Thoughts, and in their process of replication of thought processes or thought forms.

This becomes a very destructive process, and it can be witnessed both in real life and online, because people will automatically have a "falsified faith" that there are many other people out there like them, but in reality it is just Organic Portals meeting the Pure Humans on an energetic level, but actually do not practice what they preach, and don't actually ever do anything in life except seek to gain money, status and reproduce, while feeding from the loosh from others.

The Male NPC's believe that it is their "God-given right" and "Role" to have as many wives or female partners as possible and to spread their seed everywhere and not remain loyal to any particular one, and the Female NPC's believe it is their right to be provided for and protected at all costs and only have interests for how a Male Provider will help benefit the children she has, but nothing mutual or beneficial for them as a couple, since there is no feeling or connection, just a biological role at play.

Male NPC's are obsessed with defending Prostitution and with suppressing the Natural Selection process whereby Men and Women find interest and attraction and the desire to mate based on physical appearance, because the Male NPC's feel they should have the right to monopolize Women for their pleasures and use simply by possessing wealth, and even if they are ugly, believe they should be able to hire a prostitute. You can see the existence of this NPC behavior throughout Corporate Life, College Life, at Businesses Levels, even within Government Circles and in Organized Gangs, and for them to not be able to have Access to Women on the basis of competing for wealth to obtain them, their whole world comes crashing down and they become irritable, and this is why generally very Handsome Men and also Very Attractive Women are constantly despised and gossiped about in society.

The Female NPC is extremely tactical when it comes to ensuring her survival at all costs, even double-dipping, triple-dipping and assuming all kinds of other unfair advantages to leverage herself in society, and especially above other females in her lair. She is always and exclusively only thinking in terms of Money, Endless Benefits and Survival. She almost lives as if Aging and Death are "not things that can ever happen to her", hence she never sees it coming until the day she wakes up and feels and looks different and realizes it's true.

Because the Organic Portals run on Low Energy Centers or Consciousness, this is why they have basically no interest or understanding in this world besides Making Money, Work, Paying Bills, Trying to become Rich and Famous and they are super obsessed with Gaining Social Currency and Acceptance in Society and to Reproduce with others, but their aims for Reproduction are not based around Pleasure or Connection as the main pursuit.

Organic Portals are always obsessed with Survival, but I am not talking about from the standpoint of just like satisfying Hunger or need for Shelter and other basics. They have a pathological belief that they have a right to survive even by willful and unscrupulous destruction of others, and they believe that survival is like the biggest priority to them.

Sex for them is all about Control, Manipulation, Power, Loosh Feeding at times and also for Procreation only, since the Organic Portals are obsessed with creating more of themselves and are programmed to be that way, whereas Pure Humans are not.

It is not to say a Pure Human may not want a child for any reason, but they are not obsessed on the biological level, since the Organic Portals are ALL ABOUT only their Biology and Bogus Evolutionary Ideas to justify their parasitic behaviors, including trying to believe or promote the idea that Humans are meant to be a predator just like any other animal.

Organic Portals feel empty and void inside if they never have a child, whereas a Pure Human is indifferent to the notion and more often questions this existence.

A long time ago in my early years, I had always suspecting something about "Fake Humans", long before I ever knew what an Organic Portal was, but I had many experiences and very bizarre occurrences along with synchronicity and also very inconsistent things that occurred from certain Humans that did not seem normal.

The big thing that I notice which is happening on the Earth now with these Organic Portals, is that they are reaching ever new heights in their mimicry which I speak about it, in the method of how they siphon energy and try to spiritually align with Pure Humans, so as to make allies and friendships with them, and imitate them and also can serve as "Routers" for Thought Form replication that can originate from a Pure Human, especially if the Thought Form is highly creative and unique in any kind of way, the Organic Portals will use a method in an egregoric manner with all the other Organic Portals in synchronicity, and they have the tendency to pervert and distort the thought or message, and pollute it.

Organic Portals, are major energetic polluters of everything.

One of the big trends I am seeing now, is that these NPC's are starting to believe themselves to be "Saved" or "Chosen Ones" or as if they are the "True Humans" while labeling everyone else as an NPC.

From what I see, both in Public and Online, THESE are the ones getting all the attention, validation and trust of both other NPC's and even Pure Humans sometimes, whereas Pure Humans generally get no attention or concern.

Basically, what they are is like AIDS, where the immune system can accidentally begin attacking its own cells, confusing them to be "bad" or "foreign cells", as this is the effect that NPC's have in society at large because they tend to get others to trust them or follow their lead, while a Pure Human will be systematically ignored and ridiculed always, almost without exception or relief.

Another example of Portalization of thought forms, is when the "Narcissist" craze began some years ago, whereby everyone is called a Narcissist, and it's mostly girls who started this, since they are strategically used, they began calling all Pure Human Men as Narcissists, when it was a projection of their own Narcissism.

For another example, the Tavistock words I mention that are repeatedly used like "Red Pilled (Or whatever color Pill), Chads, Tyrones, Based, I Get It, Leveling Up and so forth, all of these have become commonplace terms used by Organic Portals almost exclusively, because of this egregoric element whereby a Thought Form begins to expand and replicate and it can begin just by being "mirrored" with you by the Organic Portal, in your presence, even if you never brought anything up.

These Thought Forms are very complex, and they can be issued from various types of Entities, or even an Institution of some sort, but it is also a manner of how Witch Hunts are carried out against Innocent people, as I have talked about in times past, because they are able to perfectly orchestrate these Organic Portals to operate in total perfect Lockstep harmony and unison towards any agenda, whether it be a large Political Agenda, or even conspiring against a specific Individual.

Another example of these "Thought Form Replications" are the Jesus NPC's, who always talk about how you need to be saved by the "Grace Of God" or how they will pray for you, and other completely out of line but word for word messages and thoughts, such as "Jesus Loves You", so on and so forth.

Whenever you are told by someone that "Sex isn't all there is to life or not that big of a deal" or when you are told things like "Sometimes you have to give up something to get something" or "Be grateful for what you have" or "Things could be worse" or "Things Will Get Better Someday, I Promise"

The Female Obsession with the so-called "Only 6 Foot Tall Men" is another Portalized / Replicated Thought Form.

Whenever someone is told that "Looks Fade, Looks Aren't Everything, You Should Never Choose Someone For Their Appearance", this type of a portalized, replicated thought short-circuits the brain of a Human Listener, who also will not think in the moment that one's Money, Status, Profession or Career also doesn't last forever, even though liking or even loving someone for their Looks is the most Honest, Sincere and Least Superficial Thing, whereas liking someone for their Profession, Money, Status or Social Bearing in society is totally superficial and can change on a moment's notice.

All of these are exactly of highly replicated thought forms that have sinister / polluted intentions, and are intended to keep Pure Humans on a low vibrational level and suppressed, and to be insecure about themselves and "kept in line" according to the Matrix Script, as had been explained in the video.

There are thousands of thought forms, that you are being inundated with every day, that you may not even be aware of.

When the COVID Lockdowns happened, we kept being told "Stay Safe!" "We're All In This Together!"

The NPC's now parrot this term everywhere, because it has become portalized, and with a very sinister leaning.

All of these originate from Thought Forms, and they are designed to be used to manipulate Humans even on religious levels so that they do not understand this existence but still have this delusional hope in it, especially for some "savior" to return. That is why, for example, the Jesus Propaganda is so common and seemingly omnipresent, especially nowadays.

In fact, even my reference to "The Jesus NPC's" is also a thought form, however just because it is a thought form does not mean it will be replicated by the Organic Portals, but they usually would do so if some element among them found an advantageous way to use it for their own nefarious purposes.

As you can see, the Organic Portals serve a role in a way of legitimizing and endorsing what it seemingly accepted by the public, because if you speak about something or produce a Thought Process or Thought Form that is not endorsed by the systems in place, it will either be dealt with in a combination of being ignored, or outright vilified and censored, depending on the nature of it.

Because of this "Thought Replication" Process, it can become tricky at least in the early stages of interacting with someone to know if you are meeting them on a random circumstance or miracle of having something in common. Whereas that may have been more common in times past where there were less Organic Portals and more Pure Humans, it is almost about with 95% or so probability that most occurrences of this, will merely be a result of Organic Portals coming in tune with only things you know and extracting this information from you without you knowing what's going on.

The problem this also causes is that the more you interact with them, the more they will feed off your energies whether good or bad, and the resulting problem is that they do what they do to establish further comfort, trust and familiarity with them, even though it's all fake, and whatever you speak to them or tell them, is then processed and portalized by them, and the system becomes more in-tune with you and understanding of you.

If you have ever been approached by others, especially strangers in life, and have been recited your own thoughts, beliefs or something that interests you or that is often on your mind but you may have never expressed, written down or otherwise made known about, you may want to be very suspicious that the person could be an Organic Portal who psychically gleaned this information from you, especially if it seems like they know all kinds of strange things about you that nobody could ever ordinarily know.

The girl in the video also is correct in her understanding that both Demonic Forces and these Organic Portals have always been with us since the beginning of time, but never have they been as numerous as they are now, and whereby almost all Pure Humans are nearly extinct and totally suppressed.

In former times, even while these beings ruined life for Pure Humans consistently, Pure Humans had much more influence, control and sovereignty and personal rights in their own reality than they do now, as the attacks on Pure Humans have become excessive into the 20th century and especially even more so after World War II.

Pure Humans used to be able to participate on mostly all levels and arena of Human Society, but increasingly after World War II, they have been relegated to the life of a total prisoner, and it often takes them many years later in their life until they fully realize this, and grow up in a world to realize that everything they were told by everyone was a lie, and all of their friends and family were fake and con artists who never cared about them.

Today, Pure Humans have absolutely no rights, despite anything said contrary to it, and live under constant surveillance not only by Organic Portals but also by other systems in place and governments, and they have had everything taken from them and are made to live a very poor existence, for the most part. Some exceptions may exist, but usually when they do, it will only be in one category of their life, or by some abstract luck or chance, but their life still remains perpetually with a target on their back, as society will always be conspiring against them, even in ways they cannot see.

I personally liken this entire Universe System, not just the Earth, as one major Quarantine Camp or Station, because that is exactly what it is.

The Replacement Program for Humanity and the Increase of Organic Portals, Autistic People and other Entities that are hosted through Human Bodies, are all part of the Transhumanist Future / New World Order System.

A large part of the Introduction of Organic Portals into Human Society, and also as far as Thought Formations and Mirroring, along with Soul Harvesting and also even Cloning Processes, all of this is done with very concise programming and in a way that is concealed, because the whole idea is for most Pure Humans to constantly be at odds and frustration with this reality, which makes no sense to begin with anyways, but to also accept what they are told to be as "Human Nature" or "That's just the way things are".

This is why the Intelligence behind the design of these Organic Portals, have been very crafty in how they created these beings, and also in how they disabled certain frequency ranges in certain Humans, so that you cannot see what really goes on behind the curtains or smokescreens, because the last thing they want anybody knowing is that you actually know there are Fake Look-alike Humans living among us, but they will tell you the secret right under your nose with movies like "They Live" along with how many Zombie or Vampire movies out there, but knowing that you still "won't get it".

Part of the reason why Organic Portals so heavily identify with their trauma, is because they do not even know or understand their own origins, because they really have no origin or lineage, because they are just a random concoction that is portalized.

This is why they obsessively promote "Learning Through Struggle / Pain / Trauma" and find value in these things, while a Pure Human wants to avoid those things and that a Pure Human would always be at odds with there being no sense in establishing Learning or Value through those kinds of things.

If you are a Pure Human even in today's times, it is highly unlikely that the majority of your family are not mostly compromised of Organic Portals, with very few exceptions. If there are Pure Humans in an average family of 2 generations, there may only be 1 or 2 people in that family who are not Organic Portals. This also helps further entrap, alienate and isolate the Pure Human and set their lives up for a nightmare, and it is also the reason why Dysfunctional Families are so commonplace in our Modern Times, whereas in the past, Families always seemed so calm and full of harmony and without drama.

As the Pure Human is endlessly traumatized and tormented from this existence, the Jesus NPC's will come out of the woodworks to remind you that you need to "Get Right With God" and "Turn To Jesus" and "Pray to him", to "ask him for forgiveness and his mercy" and that only by an Eternal relationship with Jesus, will you be granted what you wish and to be "saved" from that misery, and that you need to put all your trust and faith in God and his "plan for you" along with Jesus's Return.

You see where all of this goes!? This is also why Religion is SUCH a big deal and is so heavily drilled into the Organic Portals, to be used against the Pure Humans.

Meanwhile in Palestine, all people ever say or do is "Pray for them", but they actually have little to no care whatsoever for them, it's just an act and virtue signaling.

The Same way a Social Justice Warrior who fights for BLM, would never actually live next to someone of that extraction. This is all Organic Portal Behavior and Thought Replication.


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