Breaking Down What Happened To Brittany Pietsch Who Got Fired And Stormed Social Media

I am using this as the main feature video to break down what happened here, because the whole SPIN on this Propaganda Piece, is clearly designed to not show the whole story of what's going on, but to gain Public Sympathy, all because it's a "Wah Wah Wahman" who got laid off.

The thing is, there are a whole bunch of things here that are going on in this story, and it needs to be addressed, and I am mentioning these items with no Favoritism towards any party involved.

First and Foremost, let's be clear about "CloudFlare". It's a shitty service and company for starters, and they are known for putting people's data at risk and also creating a lot of complications on Web Server's / Hosting Pages, and I would recommend anyone to stay clear from ever using that company's Services, Let alone ever working for them.

Secondly, as it is a Greedy Corporation like Google, Facebook, Microsoft or any other, of course they will turn you into their Corporate Slave. But that would be true for both Males and Females.

This girl "Brittany" is no saint whatsoever. You can tell she is an NPC without a soul, just by those glazed zombie eyes from even her crying. When NPC girls cry, they always have a very demonic or glass / glazed look on their face which looks disturbing, rather than one you'd even be sympathetic for. Also notice how many times she licks her lips in the video.

At the beginning of the year when the Fourth Quarter numbers and data come in, it's actually a very common time of year when people get "Laid off" in the USA, especially more and more every new year as the sales numbers are always lower every Holiday Season, and Expenses go up every year, as companies look to lower their costs, cut any excesses, so on and so forth, but make no mistake, they still are taking on insane levels of profits, no matter how much their expectations are not met.

Corporate America actually IS prioritizing the layoff of Women nowadays, because they are proven to be highly incompetent, have low attention spans, easily distracted and obsess over their Phones and Social Media at work, and just make lazy, unreliable employees, and who especially cannot detail with critical details and care in the same way that Men do. This is true in almost any field, unless the field involves Nurturing or for example Caretaking or Hospital work at any time, granted the field is full of some horrible witches.

In any case, what PROBABLY did occur here is that either an Algorithm at Cloudflare, or input decisions that were made by the Administrative Board or Committee that does their Annual Reviews, had likely decided that the Axe needed to come around to her for one reason or another, and also Companies are increasingly now recognizing that Hiring Females is a huge liability and danger, along with their incompetence, which does not have their best interest at heart.

However, the Algorithm probably did find an issue on her performance, and it is likely based on the input that was placed for the Algorithm, that it Flagged her as an Employee in their system which was "not up to speed".

Her Manager who allegedly told her how well she was doing, so on and so forth, was probably just "softening the blow" or hoping to get in her pants or something, or maybe just another typical employee running in Auto-Pilot, as they are always used to always just lying and always telling Women what they want to hear, not even thinking to themselves consciously how they might be lying to her.

What's Ironic though is that the News Journalists in here, although this girl isn't a prize by any means or a competent worker, the Media is clearly trying to push a deceitful narrative by promoting this ideal notion that necessarily "EVERY SINGLE YOUNG PERSON" is a lazy worker and needs to work harder, as if working harder is the only solution.

The design of this type of propaganda is to uphold a seemingly ugly narrative against Younger Workers of any kind who might resist or rebel or demand extra rights or wages or something, and they want to label any such worker as a "Whiner" or "Entitled" person.

While that could technically be true with the girl, it cannot be true across the board for everyone in every case, and younger workers have absolutely been shafted by the system we live under the most.

So they are trying to hammer away while protecting the Baby Boomer Image, in a very covert and cruel kind of way, nevertheless we all know that Millenials and Gen Z are, as a collective, Inferior workers and lacking in skill. But it is also unfair to just not seek out or answer for the ones who actually are legitimately doing Hard or otherwise Legitimate work, as they are being used as "Slaves", and it is absolutely atrocious to suggest some absurd notion that the answer lies in them simply needing to "Work Harder".

The Cloudflare Employees on the Meeting App, you can tell are typical "NPC's" by their Robotic, Scripted Voices, and they have this way where they do not allow someone to get in words, so I will take note of that. As usual too, the Men who usually work at Corporations are Pansies, no matter what department they work in, always having that tender, weak voice, lacking any kind of assertive and authoritative manner.

I see this constantly myself, because even in many projects and contracts I work on, Increasingly over the years, and I would say well over 90% now of what I've noticed, the employees and management are this way almost everywhere now, and they always have Men who have lisps and whom are effeminate and also very cowardly. In the days when I remember Real Men in the workforce, those Men have all long now retired for the most part.

I do sometimes get some Men from Florida or an oddball Midwestern State where there are still Real Men, but by and large, the entire US Workforce is a cesspool of NPC's and the most undesirable toxic workers you could ever imagine to be around.

So this girl also got her taste of what it means to work for Corporate NPC's, when she could have more than well had chosen a Man in her life that she surrenders too.

She isn't even good-looking though and has a horrible mouth / lip protrusion because of her bad genetics.

What she doesn't understand though is she is not even doing Skilled Work of any kind, and while I am against Cloudflare, what Cloudflare has done is certainly not anything new in Corporate America, nor is it exclusive to the Tech Field, or even just her as a Woman.

This has always been the case with Corporate America, and she gets a taste of what it means to be employed into "Redundancy Work" where you aren't actually a true "segment" or "integral" part of a company, but whereby you serve some Auxiliary function, like a Tail End for dealing with basically menial, useless work where you have to always either organize projects or meet certain Data quotas to continue having a job.

Medical Billers, Debt Collectors, Insurance Agents, and Telemarketers and people who try selling you Driveway Paving Services or Windows Replacements Sales and other common positions like these, are ones that Women were like to take up on because they don't require any skill, and also have had to do this role for many years and meet the quota expectations constantly, or else they risk losing their jobs.

But all of these jobs are Redundancy Jobs in the most truest sense of the term, and are the least prioritized of all jobs, meaning it's always the first place where cuts are likely to take place by an Employer.

Only a Total Loser would invest their life and energies into a job like that, and something where you aren't even doing anything useful or skilled and not learning anything worthwhile in the process!

Learning how to manage customers or organize events and deal with "pressure" is not a Skill.

It's called monkey-brain work.

So this Media Piece, on one hand they are trying to garner more Sympathy for Females enduring Hardship, but on the other hand, to reinforce the notion of Baby Boomer Protection and Rights, at the expense of younger generations (as a whole or as a rule).

Really Messed Up, no matter how you look at it, or what your opinion is on all of this.


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