Expect At Least 2 Major False Flag Events Very Soon


Even the Mainstream Media Outlets, like the "Communist News Network" are even throwing a few cues as to what they are trying to stage next.

It appears at the moment they are trying to test the waters of the American Public to see how their emotions or reactions respond to these events, before they [Israel] really pull out all the stops.

Israel is already showing immense indifference towards the United States and even the UN which is basically just a mouthpiece for American International Policies, but basically Israel is showing what years upon years of building it up and financing and arming it to the teeth, have now made it feel invincible and to where they feel empowered enough to simply shrug their shoulders at anything that the US suggests.

It is a complex measure to explain how Israel controls the US Government, but basically the Politicians and other Figures in the US Government are "acting agents" so-to-speak, for Israel. The thing is, however, many of these acting agents are ideologically whitewashed and completely under a spell for Israel, while also naïve to Israel's true ambitions. There are some in the know, but a good handful of these leaders who are not, and so when they dictate a policy towards Israel, they fail to recognize that they cannot order them, because they do not understand the depth of control that comes from that country, and also how it organizes Proxy Control, including Proxy Warfare.

Make no mistake either, all the Middle-East destabilization over Oil, Water and other Minerals, is not as much whatsoever for America's Security, but it's basically Israel having America do all the dirty work for them, because Israel wants to expand the entire Middle Eastern region to become one big Jewish State, at least that is part of the Messianic Goal. They want ALL of those Arab States, the Land, Oil, Water, Minerals and Resources all to themselves, but they want America to sacrifice everything for securing all of it for them.

At the same time, Israel also has Russia in its back pocket.

Remember the whole thing about the 250 or so "Hostages" a months back, as a major distraction and false "hope" to end the conflict!?

Haha, that did not age well now, did it!?

Remember what we told you about that stupid distraction!? Never going to happen. It was a total distraction for the goyim, just like the "2 Weeks To Flatten The Curve", even though the intention for COVID was to be over 2 Years.

Here we are in 2024, and as soon as 2024 struck, we saw nothing but escalation of the Middle Eastern conflicts escalate. Also, many retailers in the US totally jacked up the prices after the "Holiday Sales" from everything to Food, Furniture and Electronics among other items.

People, however, are Short-sighted NPC's. So they went along with the stupid Hostage distraction situation, because they ate up every word of the Politicians.

When death numbers pile up in the Tens of Thousands, nobody will give a damn about a couple of hundred or so people, and that would be true even in the face of an honorable or legitimate war as well.

This war in Palestine is less of a War but is an Ethnic Cleansing Campaign of the Palestinian people.

Make no mistake, that they are searching desperately for how they can somehow get America involved in the conflict, and I am not certain how long it will take to stir something up because Americans right now are pretty desperate, broke and dealing with High Inflation, Joblessness, Poverty and Broken Families, Drug Issues, Obesity and all sorts of Health issues, along with young generations who would be unfit anyways for a Military Adventure.

But something is going to happen, I assure you of this. I know of it. And the thing is, the Israelis will resort to the Samson option if they cannot get their way through any other means by using the American public.

I even had learned a very long time ago that the Weapons that the Americans had built, would one day be used against them.

The type of False Flag Events that will need to be staged will have to be huge, I mean Massive Psyop Level Campaigns, like even the whole "COVID" Event.

It can't just be a few US Soldiers dying here and there, because another thing too, although one may not be keenly aware of it, most Citizens in the United States, including many Veterans, no longer believe in or have any "faith" in the United States, on any level, as an entity, or even as a so-called "Beacon of Freedom", because they are beginning to recognize what a farce it all is, and even many Veterans who have recently come back to the States even recognize that fact, and that they cannot even get a job, while Illegal Immigrants and Women are instead always favored.

All International Public Image that had previously esteemed the United States has already eroded, actually quite massively since Trump's Election in 2016. It is now far worse than most people in the West even realize.

So, all I am saying is be watchful and vigilant, because I believe they are intending to do something drastic really soon.

The Israelis also know that the expenses America is enduring will also soon cause such catastrophic inflation in America, that the feathers here about to get ruffled, all part of the plan, and they are trying to utilize their timing perfectly to bring the entire world down into their traps with them.


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