I Have Actually Been Starting To See Men In Public Who've Received Limb Lengthening Surgery

In the last year and even this year so far, I have been witnessing an unbelievable amount of Men in public who have been going through the surgical produced to have their Legs lengthened, especially all to fall in line with the "6 Foot Meme" that has been trending her in the States For about 14 Years now.

It is very easy to see that they've received the surgery, because there is something very off and unbalanced about their "gait" when they walk, and especially the improper proportions that inevitably result from their Torso size, along with their Arms and Arm Length.

They actually look quite clownish, to be honest.

I have noticed another thing too which is a dead giveaway about them, is that they walk with this newfound "audacity" and "arrogance" in their step, which even Naturally Tall Men almost never do.

The majority of Men I see getting this surgery, at least where I live, happen to be almost Exclusively Indians and Negroes, unless I am just not encountering Caucasians who get it, but I would assume that this practice would be much more numerous among Caucasians, if anything on the West Coast of the US.

The thing is too, they are all going "all-in" on these surgeries from what I can see. Not just bringing themselves to 6 Feet even. I cannot tell what their Native heights were to really size up how much they have, but it is drastic, as most of the Men doing this seem to be opting for heights over 6' 4" and closer to even 7 Feet Tall sometimes, no exaggeration, and they just absolutely look utterly ridiculous and disproportionate.

But this is just getting absolutely disturbing that Men are actually willing to go through these procedures, and especially taking with them the life-long risks and complications that can result from getting it.

Being over 6 Feet Tall, is in most cases a serious disadvantage especially as it goes over 6'2".

Life will become more difficult, infrastructure will be less accommodating, and your health will largely suffer in most cases being any taller than that.

The Taller a Man, the more he will need to consume more sustenance, be likely to have more heart issues and back issues and aging problems, and develop a "hunch back" as he ages early on in life, and he is less agile to be able to bend, squat or maneuver in situations that might demand it of him, and he becomes more at risk to be killed from the perspective of targetable body mass, which means he can be more likely to be hit by something or injured by objects around him.

The only advantage he would have is that a Taller person is likelier to be able to bring a wider gamut of Men down to the ground in a fight. But as you can see, anyone who seriously touts this as a thing to obsess over, truly lives on the most carnal, base level of existence where all they care about is one's fighting ability or things like survival, etc.

I see this obsession with height to be a serious Mental Illness, both on behalf of the Women who promote it, and the Men who are delusional enough to accept and endorse it by believing in it, and going all that much further by actually now getting height surgery operations to make them taller.


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  2. It's pretty fucking sad that guys choose to go down this route. I will admit that being taller can help, but none of that shit really matters if you have a ugly and deformed face (and I mean actually ugly not some 5/10 or 6/10 guy). Heightism is a big problem in the states, not gonna lie. But the thing is that all of these "isms" with the exception of lookism in our modern society are because we're sick and are being destroyed as humans beings. Perhaps the sickest in the history of humanity. I wouldn't mind my 5'5½"-5'6" height as a man if we didn't live in such a heightist world.

    It's funny how girls on camera say they'd pick some 6'3" guy with a fucked up looking face over a 5'8" guy that resembles Brad Pitt or a young Johnny Depp. Funny thing is that these girls are either ugly themselves or average looking at best. All that makeup, lighting, and filters make them look better than they actually are. Truly beautiful women are in no need of makeup. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those guys are obsessed with that Tails YouTuber because he's that one blackpill channel (although he seems to have some bluepilled beliefs on top of that) that's obsessed with height more than any other bp channel. He says that ideal height in males is like 6'5" or some shit like that, but what's the point of being this "ideal height" if you're sub 5 in the face? Tails must be mentally sick or something to be saying that a 6'5" truecel ugly guy is more desirable than a average height handsome guy.

    And don't even get me started on the Shortguys subreddit on Reddit. That sub is depression 101! Men there are whining and crying over their short height and such. They think that all 4'11" females would date a 6'8" guy and not them. No, motherfuckers! It's not that you don't get women because you're 5'6". The real reason is because you probably have an unattractive face on top of being 5'6". Or maybe if your face isn't bad, you're surrounding yourself with the wrong people which make up the vast majority in the Western world unfortunately. Yes, being abnormally short like 5'1" is problematic if you're a grown man as you'd be the height of a 12 yr old no matter what your face looks like. I'm not denying that! But to say your life fucking sucks or is over just because you're 5'7" or 5'8" is idiotic.

    At some point, short men need to accept the fact that they're short and don't need to do LLS unless they choose to though I don't know why they would want to torture themselves to add a few inches. Their bodies are gonna look weird because their torsos and arms would be disproportionate to their legs. Taller people have overall taller bodies, as Goatis says in one of his videos. And you're absolutely right in calling the 6ft thing a meme because that's what it is. I just can't with with the whole face vs height thing. Because at the end of the day, there is no height that will save you if you have a fucked up nose, bulging eyes, or very recessed maxilla.


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