The Brokenness (Or Brokeness) Of Americans

I've known that this day is coming for a very very long time for the Americans, even when it was such a thing to ever make such a notion that you would be thought of as clinically insane for ever suggesting.

But Americans are definitely going through some "very tough times" now with the Financial Crisis upon them, the Social fracturing of Society, along with an Identity Crisis.

The only Future for Americans who manage to "survive" along with the European Peoples, is to have a life full of guilt, self-reflection and especially self-loathing.

Becoming a defeated and also irrelevant people, is a very shameful thing to experience.

It's one thing to simply be ethnically cleansed, if you still had honor and valor within you, but this is nowhere to be found in Western People anywhere. They lost it all. They've essentially become a cowardly group of hypocrite losers who love the Big Security State, even though they claim on another hand that they are against Communism.

Western People, tend to not live in reality. Most of them don't, anyway.

They are very naïve, and it's only this type of people who subscribe to what I call "lofty notions" of so-called "Human Hospitality" or this generalized idea that most Humans are "good people".

Even your commoner in any third world country knows better than to be that naïve.

It's a coping mechanism for weak people, simply.

And do think, we barely have reached 1% of all the pain, torture, chaos and insanity that is yet to come.

I'm telling you, you will really see people lose it all, and will see the true depth of their emptiness, but this will be especially most apparent with Americans, British and Western Europeans the most.

These people will be sitting by bonfires someday which they will need to light with their own furniture to keep warm and will only then lament about "Democracy" and how much of losers they were to ever buy into it as a good thing.

Every Democracy-lover is a traitor and barbarian to his Homeland.

Democracy Lovers deserve nothing but eternal hatred, shaming, whipping and torment, thousands of times to be lashed and also have hot iron pressed against their flesh.

Make no mistake in hesitating for Mercy upon them, for they are Self-loathing trash these people who are our worst enemies and who have wished many ills upon us for a long time.

Most Democracy Lovers, are religiously and emotionally bound by their devotion and loyalty to the idea of Democracy, as they identify with it so strongly and even as far as the cultural order or way of life in their countries. Because they are totally hypnotized by it.

Americans are BY FAR, the DE-FACTO biggest losers on this Earth, and I'm quite sure this is very evident to all of you readers by now of this fact, along with the fact that their puny asses will never use their guns to rid of a Tyrannical Government.

Wasn't it also once said that "People get the government they deserve!?"

Think of that statement for a few, and you will understand all the more why Americans will not stage a revolution or even a revolt.

Some other idiot a few weeks ago tried telling me he's "waiting" for the November Election this year to see if Trump get's back in and that "You'll see how I take action if we lose this time around."

In fact, if Trump does get back in, I can promise you it will be the rapid finishing off of the US, and that they only plan to ramp up the Psyop against Americans to even greater heights, they will really pull out all the stops this time in whipping up the hysteria.

Every 4 Years we go through this nonsense, and as I am not a culturally assimilated American, I do not identify with American Politics or have any emotion or concern over it, or anything with American Affairs, but I find these times to be a constant Nuisance every time with how retarded people become, and how they make a big circus show out of their Decadent and Bogus Elections.


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